There are many short classic suspensive stories in the book.
The book contains a lot of classic suspensive short stories.
CREEPY STORY...few years ago,a mother and father decided they needed a break,so they wanted to head out for a night on the town.
So they called their most trusted babysitter.
When the babysitter arrived,the two children were already fast asleep in bed.
So the babysitter just got to sit around and make sure everything was okay with the children.
Later at night,the babysitter got bored and went to watch tv
but she couldn't watch it downstairs because they didnt have cable downstairs
(the parents didn't want the children watching too much garbage).
So she called them and asked them if she could watch cable in the parents' room.
Of course the parents said it was ok,
but the babysitter had one final request.
She asked if she could cover up the clown satue in their bedroom
with a blanket or cloth,because it made her nervous.
The phoneline was silent for a moment,
(and the father who was talking to the babysitter at the time)
said....take the children and get out of the house....
we'll call the police...we don't have a clown statue...
the children and the babysitter got murdered by the clown.
It turned out to be that the clown was a killer that escaped from jail.
If u don't repost this within 5 minutes
the clown will be standing next to your bed at 3:00 am
with a knife in his hand. There i said it so the evil clown won't kill me.I hate chain letters!!!
蠕动的故事... 少量岁月前, 母亲和父亲决定他们需要断裂, 因此他们想朝向夜在镇。 如此他们告诉他们的被信任的保姆。 当保姆到达了, 二个孩子已经是熟睡在床。 如此保姆得到无所事事并且确定一切是好与孩子。 以后在晚上, 保姆得到了乏味和去看电视 但她couldn't 手表它楼下因为他们didnt 有缆绳楼下 (父母didn't 想要孩子观看许多垃圾) 。 如此她叫他们和问他们如果她能观看缆绳在parents' 室。 当然父母说它是好, 但保姆有一个最后的请求。 她问如果她能盖小丑satue 在他们的卧室 与毯子或布料, 因为它使她紧张。 phoneline 一会儿是沈默的, (和与保姆当时谈话) 的父亲 前述....take 孩子和离开房子.... we'll 电话警察... 我们don't 有一个小丑雕像... 孩子和保姆得到了由小丑谋杀。 它结果是, 小丑是从监狱逃脱的凶手。 如果u don't repost 这在5 分钟内 小丑站立在您的床旁边在上午3:00 与一把刀子在他的手里。我在那边说它因此邪恶的小丑won't 杀害me.I 怨恨链信件!!!
Sanjiang College definitely has a very negative aura. So the construction of the school is based on the Eight Diagrams. Students there all wear stuff for protection like talismans. Each floor has bathrooms on the southwest end of the Eight-Diagram-shaped building. Men’s Room has three stalls seperated from one another by wood-board walls. Students are only allowed to use bathrooms on the first floor when they study by themselves at night. One night, a boy got a sudden urge to go to the bathroom during his study. But all stalls of the men’s room on the first floor were occupied. For fear of losing it, he raced to the bathroom on the second floor. Opening the door, he saw a woman with long hair dressed in white. (I never get it why all ghosts dress this way.) She sat on the wall of the middle stall and seemed like she was dangling on the ceiling. The woman gave him a glance and was like: “What are you doing here?” The boy first thought he went to the Lady’s Room and hurried out. But then he found he didn’t and suddenly realized what he witnessed. Scared to death, he ran for his life
经典英文短篇小说集:爱情故事精选的20余篇以爱情为主题的英语短篇小说,融合当代最新佳作和文坛巨匠的短篇精华,以优美动人的笔触,深情描绘“执子之手,与子偕老” 的恒久誓言,“一饭一蔬,地久天长”的温馨甜蜜,“蓦然回首,此情已远 ”的无限感伤,也有“沧桑融尽,痴情不悔”的缠绵悱恻,让读者徜徉于浪漫绝美的爱情海之中。
(1)莫泊桑 十九世纪法国著名的批判现实主义小说家。1880年发表第一个短篇小说《羊脂球》,此后陆续写了一大批思想性和艺术性完美结合的短篇小说,博得世界短篇小说巨匠的赞誉。他的创作广泛而深刻地反映了十九世纪后半期的法国社会现实,无情地揭露了资产阶级道德风尚的丑恶,对下层社会的“小人物”寄予同情。小说构思新颖,描写生动,人物语言个性化,布局谋篇别具匠心。代表作有短篇小说《羊脂球》、《项链》等,长篇小说《一生》、《俊友》(又译做《漂亮的朋友》等。 (2)契可夫 十世世纪俄国批判现实主义作家、戏剧家和短篇小说艺术大师。他的早期合作讽刺和揭露了俄国社会官场人物媚上欺下的丑恶面目,写得谐趣横生,发人深思。八十年代中期,他创作了既幽默又富于悲剧的短篇小说,反映了社会底层人民的被侮辱被损害的不幸生活,具有深刻的思想意义。代表作有短篇小说《变色龙》、苦恼、《万卡》、第六病室、《套中人》等。 (3)欧.亨利 十九世纪末二十世纪初美国现实主义著名作家。曾被诬告罪入狱三年。后迁居纽约,专事写作,他几乎每周写一篇短篇小说,供报刊发表。他一生创作了近三百篇短篇小说和一部长篇小说,对腐朽的资本主义制度、反人道的法律、虚伪的道德给予揭露和讽刺。代表作有长篇小说《白菜与皇帝》,短篇小说《麦琪的礼物》、《警察与赞美诗》等。
1.《生火》杰克.伦敦 To Build a Fire (Jack LondonP
2.厄谢尔府的倒塌 爱伦.坡
The Fall of the House of Usher (Edgar Allan Poe)
3.《项链》莫泊桑 The Necklace (Guy de Maupassant)
4.《警察与赞美诗》欧.亨利 The Cop and the Anthem
(O Henry)
5.《麦琪的礼物》欧.亨利 Magi's gift (O Henry)
6.《最后一片藤叶》欧.亨利 The Last Leaf (O Henry)
7.加利维拉县有名的跳蛙马克.吐温 The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County
(Mark Twain)
The Five Boons of Life (Mark Twain)
9.三生客 托马斯.哈代 The Three Strangers
(Thomas Hardy)
10.敞开的落地窗萨基 The Open Window (Saki)
11.末代佳人菲茨杰拉德 The Last of the Belles
12.《手》舍伍德.安德森 Hands
13.伊芙琳詹姆斯.乔伊斯 Eveline
原贴:短篇英文故事 50字