Prisoner of the Philistines who gouged out his eyes, Samson, whose strength came back with his hair pushed back, knocks down the pillars of the house and will die with his enemies when the roof will fall (Judges XVI, 28-30)
作品名称:Prisoner of the Philistines who gouged out his eyes, Samson, whose strength came back with his hair pushed back, knocks down the pillars of the house and will die with his enemies when the roof will fall (Judges XVI, 28-30)
马克·夏加尔(Marc Chagall,1887-1985)生于俄国,早年的犹太人习俗是他根深蒂固的想象之源。马克·夏加尔是现代绘画史上的伟人,游离于印象派、立体派、抽象表现主义等一切流派的牧歌作者。巴黎派画家之一。“超现实主义派”一词据说是阿波利奈尔为形容夏卡尔的作品而创造出来的。 代表作品《我和村庄》、《生日》、《七个手指头的自画像》。