






1。把哈利送到德思礼家Albus Dumbledore: I should’ve known that you would be here, Professor McGonagall。  阿不思·邓不利多:我早该猜到你也在这里,麦教授。McGonagall: Good evening, Professor Dumbledore。  麦格:晚安,邓不利多教授。  McGonagall: Are the rumours true, Albus?麦格:那些谣言是真的吗?阿不思?Albus Dumbledore: I’m afraid so, professor。   The good and the bad。  阿不思·邓不利多:是真的,麦教授。有好消息,也有坏消息。McGonagall: And the boy?麦格:那个男孩呢?Albus Dumbledore: Hagrid is bringing him。  阿不思·邓不利多:海格会把他带来。McGonagall: Is it wise to trust Hagrid with something so important?麦格:你觉得这样办好吗?这样重要的是能交付给海格吗?Albus Dumbledore: Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life。    阿不思·邓不利多:教授,我能把我的性命交付给海格。Rubeus Hagrid: Professor Dumbledore, sir。 Professor McGonagall。  海格:邓不利多教授,麦教授。Albus Dumbledore: No problems, I trust, Hagrid?阿不思·邓不利多:没遇到什么麻烦吧,海格?Rubeus Hagrid: No, sir。    海格:没有,先生。Rubeus Hagrid: Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol。 Try not to wake him。   There you go。海格:小家伙一飞到布里斯托就睡着了。  小心别吵醒他。你看。McGonagall: Albus, do you really think it’s safe, leaving him with there people? I’ve watched them all day。   They’re the worst sort of Muggles。   They really are…麦格:阿不思,你觉得把他交给这些人好吗?我在这里观察了一整天。真是一群无可救药的麻瓜。  他们是……Albus Dumbledore: The only family he has。阿不思·邓不利多:他在世上唯一的亲人。McGonagall: He’ll be famous。   Every child in our world will know his name。  麦格:这个孩子将来会很出名。我们世界中的每个孩子都会知道他的名字。Albus Dumbledore: Exactly。 He’s far better off growing up away from all of that。     Until he’s ready。阿不思·邓不利多:完全正确。所以他成长是最好远离这一切。等到他能接受时再告诉他。Albus Dumbledore: There, there, Hagrid。   It’s not really goodbyd, after all。  阿不思·邓不利多:好了,海格,又不是再也见不到面。Albus Dumbledore: Good luck Harry Potter。  阿不思·邓不利多:祝你好运哈利波特。2。糟糕的星期天Vernon Dersley: Fine day, Sunday。 In my opinion, best day of the week。     Why is that, Dudley?弗农·德思礼:星期天真是个好日子。我认为是一星期中最棒的一天。这是什么原因,达力?Harry Potter: Because there’re no post on Sundays?哈利·波特:因为星期天不送信?Vernon Dersley: Right you are, Harry! No post on Sunday。     No blasted letters today! No sir。 Not one single bloody letter, Not one! No sir, not one blasted, miserable…弗农·德思礼:答对了,哈利!星期天不送信。  今天没有讨厌的信!没有!没有一封该死的信!完全没有!没有,没有一封讨厌、可恶……Dudley Dersley: Make it stop, please!达力·德思礼:叫它停下来,拜托,妈咪!Vernon Dersley: Stop it!弗农·德思礼:停!快停!Dudley Dersley: Mummy, what’s happening?达力·德思礼:妈,告诉我,这是怎么回事?Vernon Dersley: Give me that! Give me that letter!弗农·德思礼:把它给我!把信给我!放手!Harry Potter: Get off! They’re my letters! Let’s go of me!哈利·波特:这是我的信,放开我!Venon Dersley: That’s it! We’re going away! Far away, where they can’t find us!弗农·德思礼:够了,我们走吧!走得远远的,让他们找不到!Dudley Dersley: Daddy’s gone mad, hasn’t he?达力·德思礼:爸爸是不是发疯了?Harry Potter: Make a wish, Harry。    哈利·波特:许个愿吧,哈利。Vernon Dersley: Who’s there?弗农·德思礼:什么人?Rubeus Hagrid: Sorry about that。  鲁伯·海格:抱歉。Vernon Dersley: I demand that you leave at once。   You are breaking and entering。  弗农·德思礼:我要你立刻离开,先生。你这是非法侵入民宅。Rubeus Hagrid: Dry up, Dersley, you great prune。鲁伯·海格:少罗嗦,德思礼,你这个大苯伯。  Rubeus Hagrid: I haven’t seen you since you was a baby, Harry。   You’re bit more along than I expected。   Particularly in the middle。 鲁伯·海格:上回我看到你的时候,你还是个婴儿,哈利,可是你的块头比我想象的大多了。而且肚子还这么凸。Dudley Dersley: I’m not Harry。    达力·德思礼:我又不是哈利。Harry Potter: I am。哈利·波特:我才是。Rubeus Hagrid: Well, of course you are。 Got somethink for you。   Afraid I sat on it, but I imagine it’ll taste fine just the same。   Baked it myself, words and all。  鲁伯·海格:嗯,这才对嘛。我这儿有个东西要送给你。好像不小心被我压倒了。不过味道是不会变的。全都是我自己烤做的哟。Harry Potter: Thank you。哈利·波特:谢谢你。Rubeus Hagrid: It’s not every day your young man turns 11, is it?鲁伯·海格:一辈子只有这一次,你现在满十一岁了。    Harry Potter: Excuse me, but who are you?哈利·波特:对不起,可是你到底是谁呀?Rubeus Hagrid: Rubeus Hagrid, keeper of keys and Grounds at Hogwarts。   Of course, you know about Hogwarts。  鲁伯·海格:鲁伯·海格,在霍格沃茨担任要是管理员和狩猎场看守人。你总该晓得霍格沃茨吧。Harry Potter: Sorry no。  哈利·波特:抱歉,不晓得。Rubeus Hagrid: No? Didn’t you ever wonder where your mum and dad learned it all?鲁伯·海格:不晓得?我的天哪!哈利,没想过你爸妈是怎么学会的?Harry Potter: Learned what?哈利·波特:学会什么?Rubeus Hagrid: You’re a wizard, Harry。    鲁伯·海格:你是个巫师,哈利。Harry Potter: I’m a what?哈利·波特:我是一个什么?Rubeus Hagrid: A wizard。 A good one, I’d wager, once you’re trained up。  鲁伯·海格:一个巫师。  这要再受点训练你一定会成为非常厉害的巫师。Harry Potter: No, you’ve made a mistake。 I mean… I can’t be a wizard。   I mean, I’m just Harry。 Just Harry。哈利·波特:不,我想你弄错了。  我是是说……我不可能是巫师啊。我是说,我只是哈利,我只是哈利。Rubeus Hagrid: Well, just Harry, did you even make anything happen? Anything you couldn’t explain, when you were angry or scared?鲁伯·海格:好吧,哈利,你从来没发生过任何怪事吗?在你生气害怕的时候,没出现什么搞不懂的怪事吗?Harry Potter(mail): Dear Mr。     Potter, we are pleased to accept you at Hogwarts school of Witchcarft and Wizardry。  哈利·波特(信):亲爱的波特先生,我们很荣欣能在此通知你,你已经获准进入霍格沃茨魔法与巫术学校就读。  Vernon Dersley: He will not be going! We swore we’d put a stop to all this rubbish。  弗农·德思礼:我告诉你,我不准他去。我们在收容他那天就发誓要禁止这类荒唐怪事。Harry Potter: You knew? You knew all along and you never told me?哈利·波特:你早就知道了?你们知道却不告诉我?Petnuia Dersley: Of course we knew, How could you not to be? My perfect sister being who she was。     My mother and father were so proud the day she got her letter。 “We have a witch in the family, isn’t it wonderful?” I was the only one to see her for what she was。     A freak! Then she met that Potter, and then she had you and I knew you would be the same。   Just as strange, just as abnormal。 And then she got herself blown up, and we got landed with you。    佩妮·德思礼:当然晓得。你怎么会不是呢?看看我那完美的好妹妹,当她收到信时,爸妈简直乐歪了。家里出了个女巫好棒哟!就只有我能看清她的真面目。她是一个怪胎,然后她就嫁给了那个波特,生了你。  我就知道你会和他们一样奇怪,一样不正常。然后呢,她就让自己给炸了。所以我们就只好收留了你。  Harry Potter: Blown up? You told me my parents died in a car crash。  哈利·波特:炸死?你说他们是出车祸死的。Rubeus Hagrid: A car crash? A car crash killed Lily and James Potter?鲁伯·海格:车祸?车祸哪能伤得了莉莉和詹姆波特?Petnuia Dersley: We had to say something。    佩妮·德思礼:我们总得说个理由。Rubeus Hagrid: It’s an outrage。 A scandal!鲁伯·海格:这是一种侮辱,一种毁谤!Vernon Dersley: He’ll not be going。  弗农·德思礼:他不能去。Rubeus Hagrid: A great Muggle like you is going to stop him?鲁伯·海格:你以为想你这种超级大麻瓜能阻止得了他吗?Harry Potter: Muggle?哈利·波特:麻瓜?Rubeus Hagrid: Non-magic folk。     This boy’s had his name down since he were born。 He going to the finest school of Witchcraft and Wizardry。   He’ll be under the finest headmaster Hogwarts has seen, Albus Dumbledore。  鲁伯·海格:就是不会魔法的家伙。  他一出生就列入学生名册了。他去的是世界上最棒的魔法巫术学校,而且还有有史以来最棒的校长,阿不思·邓不利多。Vernon Dersley: I will not pay to have a crackpot old fool teach him magic tricks。    弗农·德思礼:休想花我一分钱,让个疯癫老傻瓜来教他变魔术。Rubeus Hagrid: Never insult Albus Dumbledore in front of me。   I’d appreciate if it you didn’t tell anyone at Hogwarts about that。   I’m not allowed to do magic。  鲁伯·海格:不准在我面前侮辱邓不利多。你可千万别告诉霍格沃茨的人,我会感激你的。照规定我是不能使用魔法的。Harry Potter: Okay。哈利·波特:好。Rubeus Hagrid: We’re bit behind schedule。     Best be off。 Unless you’d rather stay, of course。鲁伯·海格:进度有点落后了,我们该走了。难道你还想待在这儿?。


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