钢铁是怎样炼成的 作者简介 中英文对照

如题,钢铁是怎样炼成的 作者简介 中英文对照


长篇小说《牛虻》是英国女作家埃·莉·伏尼契的代表作,小说出版以来,已被译成多种文字,在世界各国广为流传,在人口最多的中国和土地最宽的前苏联,《牛虻》拥有无数的读者,影响了几代青年。 《牛虻》以十九世纪...







保尔。柯察金,出生于贫困的铁路工人家庭,早年丧父,全凭母亲替人洗衣做饭维持生计。12岁时,母亲把他送到车站食堂当杂役,在那儿他受尽了凌辱。他憎恨那些欺压究人的店老板,厌恶那些花天酒地的有钱人。  “十月革命”爆发后,帝国主义和反动派妄图扼杀新生的苏维埃政权。保尔的家乡乌克兰谢别托卡镇也经历了外国武装干涉和内战的岁月。  红军解放了谢别托夫卡镇,但很快就撤走了,只留下老布什维克朱赫来在镇上做地下工作。  他在保尔家住了几天,给保尔讲了关于革命、工人阶级和阶级斗争的许多道理,朱赫来是保尔走上革命道路的最初领导人。 在一次钓鱼的时候,保尔结识了林务官的女儿冬妮娅。 保尔参军后当过侦察兵,后来又当了骑兵。    他在战场上是个敢于冲锋陷阵的能干而且还是一名优秀的政治宣传员。他特别喜欢读《牛虻》、《斯巴达克斯》等作品,经常给战友们朗读或讲故事。在一次激战中,他的头部受了重伤,但他用顽强的毅力战胜了死神。  他的身体状况使他不能再回前线,于是他立即投入了恢复和建设国家的工作。他做团的工作、肃反工作,并忘我地投入到艰苦的体力劳动中去。  特别是修建铁路的工作 尤为艰苦;秋雨、泥泞、大雪、冻土,大家缺吃少穿,露天住宿,而且还有武装匪徒的袭拢和疾病的威胁。   在这一段时间里,他和冬妮娅的爱情产生了危机,冬妮娅那庸俗的个人主义令他反感。等到在修筑铁路时又见到她的时候,她已和一个有钱的工程师结了婚。保尔在铁路工厂任团委书记时,与团委委员丽达在工作上经常接触,俩人逐渐产生了感情。    但他又错把丽达的哥哥当成了她的恋人,因而失去了与她相爱的机会。 在筑路工作要结束时,保尔得了伤寒并引发了肺炎,组织上不得不把保尔送回家乡去休养。半路上误传出保尔已经死去的消息,但保氏尔第四次战胜死亡回到了人间。  病愈后,他又回到了工作岗位,并且入了党。由于种种伤病及忘我的工作和劳动,保尔的体质越来越坏,丧失了工作能力,党组织不得不解除他的工作,让他长期住院治疗。  在海滨疗养时,他认识了达雅并相爱。  保尔一边不断地帮助达雅进步,一边开始顽强地学习,增强写作的本领。1927年,保尔已全身瘫痪,接着又双目失明,肆虐的病魔终于把这个充满战斗激情的战士束缚在床榻上了。保尔也曾一度产生过自杀的念头,但他很快从低谷中走了出来。  这个全身瘫痪、双目失明并且没有丝毫写作经验的人,开始了他充满英雄主义的事业——文学创作。  保尔忍受着肉体和精神上的巨大痛苦,先是用硬纸板做成框子写,后来是自己口述,请人代录。  在母亲和妻子的帮助下,他用生命写成的小说《暴风雨所诞生的》终于出版了!保尔拿起新的武器,开始了新的生活。 Paul was born in poverty, ke of railway workers, family, or by mother early Chinese cooking bacon。     Wash 12 years old, she took him to the dining room when the drudgery, where he was a reproach。   He hated those who oppressed in the shopkeeper, dislike those of rich。  After the October revolution, imperialism and reactionaries tried to kill the new-born soviets regime。   Paul's home town of Ukraine TuoKa xie don't also experienced foreign armed intervention and civil war。     The reds liberated x don't's card town, but soon withdrew, leaving only bush ZhuHe vick to do work underground in the town。   He lives in a few days, Paul was about to speak, Paul revolution, the working class and the class struggle, the many ZhuHe to Paul on the revolutionary road is initially leaders。     In a fishing, Paul made forestry official daughter dounia。When Paul had joined the army, and then when the scouts cavalry。   On the battlefield, he was able to the van and or a good political lunches。   He liked to read the gadfly ", "spartacus", often give comrades-in-arms read or story。   In a battle, he suffered severe head injuries, but he indomitable perseverance over death。   He will not return to front, so he immediately into a state of recovery and construction work。   He did the work, SuFan group work, and devote themselves to the input to the hard physical labor。     Especially the railroad in the work Particularly hard, Rain, snow, frozen, muddy, we are short of food and clothes, open-air accommodation, but also of the armed gang incoming approach and the threat of disease。     At this time, he and dounia love produces crisis, dounia that vulgar individualism makes him。   Wait until the railroads and see her, she has a rich engineers are married。   Paul in railway factory as youth corps committee secretary, and youth corps committee members on work often contact leda, two people have feelings。     But again he regards leda brother as her lover, she lost her love。In the end, the construction work to Paul and pneumonia typhoid, organizational to Paul sent back home to rest。     Halfway out by Paul dead, but the surname's fourth win in the world to death。 He recovered, he returned to work, and into the party。     Due to a variety of injuries and selfless work and Labour, Paul's physique and bad, lose working ability, the party had to terminate his work, let his long-term hospitalization。     On the seashore, when he met recuperate of elegant and love。 Paul side to help achieve progress continuously, and began to study, strengthen tenaciously writing skills。     In 1927, Paul has paralyzed, then the blind, the disease of the battle at the passion in bed on the soldiers。   Paul also once had a suicidal thoughts, but he soon came out from the bottom。   The paralysis, blindness and no writing experience, started his career with heroism -- literary creation。   Paul suffer physical and emotional pain with the huge, first, then make cardboard case is recorded and oral, please。     In the mother and wife's help, he lives in the novel "the birth of the storm was finally published! Paul took new weapons, start a new life。    。


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