
我初三刚毕业,想读一些英语小说提高英语水平。 1.我学的仁爱教材,学得算不错,中考150考144。我平时没课外背什么单词,请问床头灯系列3000词适合我吗?如果不适合,那请大家推荐一些,谢谢了!! 2.应该怎么读英语小说才有效呢?需要读出声来吗? 3.遇到不会的词需要查词典吗,还是看一看汉语对照部分就行了呢?


J.K Rowlings - Harrry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (哈利波特 7)

Harry is waiting in Privet Drive. The Order of the Phoenix is coming to escort him safely away without Voldemort and his supporters knowing if they can. But what will Harry do then? How can he fulfil the momentous and seemingly impossible task that Professor Dumbledore has left him with.

In this final, seventh installment of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling unveils in spectactular fashion the answers to the many questions that have been so eagerly awaited. The spellbinding, richly woven narrative, which plunges, twists and turns at a breathtaking pace, confirms the author as a mistress of storytelling, whose books will be read, reread and read again



The Clever Horse

Once a lion saw a fine young horse and wanted to eat her.But the horse was very careful and he could not catch her.Then the lion had an idea.He told the animals that he was a good doctor and could do something for them.The horse was clever.She understood what the lion wanted to do.

So one day when the lion was near the horse,she told him that there was something wrong with one of her feet and asked him to look it over.Of course,the lion was very glad to do so.Then the horse raised one of her legs from the ground.When the lion looked at her foot,she kicked him on the head.The lion fell to the ground.The horse laughed and ran away. (138 words)









It was the day before Easter and Peter Cottontail was very busy.As the Chief Easter Bunny,it was his job to hide all the eggs for all the Easter egg hunts around the world.


Peter wanted to be sure that he had enough of the beautifully colored eggs for everyone.So he was counting them all.But he kept getting distracted and losing count.


First,Peter thought he heard the meow of one little kitten.But he didn't see a kitten.Next he thought he heard two meows from two kittens,but he still didn't see anything.

Then Peter thought he heard three meows from three little kittens.

"Maybe they're outside,"thought Peter.So,he opened the door and sure engough...




There sat three unhappy,little kittens.Peter asked them what was wrong.

"We were playing hide-and-seek with our mitten*,"**plained the kittens."We are very good at hiding,but we are not very good at seeking.And now our mittens are lost."

"If you help me count my eggs,then I can help you find your mittens,"Peter told them.

The three little kittens were so happy that they began to dance and sing.





Everyone went into the house and,one-two-three,they counted all the eggs.There were enough eggs for everyone and even three too many.

"Great!"said Peter."It's good to have extra eggs,just in case any break.Now let's find your mittens."

Off went Peter Cottontail and the three little kittens,with Peter Cottontail hopping big-bunny hops and the kittens racing along to keep up.




First,they passed a house made of straw-but no one was there.

Next they passed a house made of sticks.No one was home there either.

Finally,they came to a very nice house made of bricks.

Peter and the three kittens knocked on the door of the pretty brick brick.Soon,three little pigs came out to meet them.

"Welcome!Welcome!"said the three little pigs."We are so glad to have visitors.The Big Bad Wolf chased all our friends away and no one visit us anymore.Won't you come in for a while?"






Peter and the kitten* **plained that they were looking for the kittens' lost mittens.This made the kittens so sad that they began to cry.

"Don't cry,little kittens,"said the three pigs."We haven't see any mittens,but you are welcome to look around."

So everyone looked,but they didn't find the kitten's mittens.




"You should ask Humpty Dumpty,"suggested the three little pigs."He sits so high up on his wall that he sees everything.Maybe he has seen your mittens."

Peter and the three kittens thanked the pigs and said good-bye.Then off they went.


Before long,they came to a very high wall with a strange,little man sitting on top.

"Excuse me,"said Peter Cottontail,"Are you Humpty Dumpty?"

"Yes,I am,"said the man,"How can I help you?"




Once again,the three little kitten* **plained how they lost their mittens.And they became so sad that again they began to cry.

"Do not cry,little kittens,"said Humpty Dumpty."This morning I saw three little kittens hide their mittens in the tall grass next to the Babbling Brook."

The three litten kittens began to dance and sing.

"Now we remember!Thank you,thank you!"they cheered.





Peter was very happy to have helped the kittens.But suddenly he remembered about Easter.

"Oh no!"he cried."It is almost Easter and I haven't hidden any eggs yet!What will I do?"



"Don't worry."said the three little kittens."You have seen that we are good at hiding things.We will help you hide the eggs."

Peter accepted their help and off everyone rushed,with Peter hopping big-bunny hops and the kittens racing along to keep up.



By Easter morning,everything was finished.Best of all,none of the eggs had broken.So Peter gave the three extra eggs to the three little kittens as thanks for all their help.





Langford, Dec.

MY DEAR BROTHER,--I can no longer refuse myself the pleasure of

profiting by your kind invitation when we last parted of spending some

weeks with you at Churchhill, and, therefore, if quite convenient to you

and Mrs. Vernon to receive me at present, I shall hope within a few days to

be introduced to a sister whom I have so long desired to be acquainted

with. My kind friends here are most affectionately urgent with me to

prolong my stay, but their hospitable and cheerful dispositions lead them

too much into society for my present situation and state of mind; and I

impatiently look forward to the hour when I shall be admitted into Your

delightful retirement.

I long to be made known to your dear little children, in whose hearts I

shall be very eager to secure an interest I shall soon have need for all my

fortitude, as I am on the point of separation from my own daughter. The

long illness of her dear father prevented my paying her that attention

which duty and affection equally dictated, and I have too much reason to

fear that the governess to whose care I consigned her was unequal to the

charge. I have therefore resolved on placing her at one of the best

private schools in town, where I shall have an opportunity of leaving her

myself in my way to you. I am determined, you see, not to be denied

admittance at Churchhill. It would indeed give me most painful sensations

to know that it were not in your power to receive me.

Your most obliged and affectionate sister,





You were mistaken, my dear Alicia, in supposing me fixed at this place

for the rest of the winter: it grieves me to say how greatly you were

mistaken, for I have seldom spent three months more agreeably than those

which have just flown away. At present, nothing goes smoothly; the females

of the family are united against me. You foretold how it would be when I

first came to Langford, and Mainwaring is so uncommonly pleasing that I was

not without apprehensions for myself. I remember saying to myself, as I

drove to the house, "I like this man, pray Heaven no harm come of it!" But

I was determined to be discreet, to bear in mind my being only four months

a widow, and to be as quiet as possible: and I have been so, my dear

creature; I have admitted no one's attentions but Mainwaring's. I have

avoided all general flirtation whatever; I have distinguished no creature

besides, of all the numbers resorting hither, except Sir James Martin, on

whom I bestowed a little notice, in order to detach him from Miss

Mainwaring; but, if the world could know my motive THERE they would honour

me. I have been called an unkind mother, but it was the sacred impulse of

maternal affection, it was the advantage of my daughter that led me on; and

if that daughter were not the greatest simpleton on earth, I might have

been rewarded for my exertions as I ought.

Sir James did make proposals to me for Frederica; but Frederica, who was

born to be the torment of my life, chose to set herself so violently

against the match that I thought it better to lay aside the scheme for the

present. I have more than once repented that I did not marry him myself;

and were he but one degree less contemptibly weak I certainly should: but I

must own myself rather romantic in that respect, and that riches only will

not satisfy me. The event of all this is very provoking: Sir James is gone,

Maria highly incensed, and Mrs. Mainwaring insupportably jealous; so

jealous, in short, and so enraged against me, that, in the fury of her

temper, I should not be surprized at her appealing to her guardian, if she

had the liberty of addressing him: but there your husband stands my friend;

and the kindest, most amiable action of his life was his throwing her off

for ever on her marriage. Keep up his resentment, therefore, I charge you.

We are now in a sad state; no house was ever more altered; the whole party

are at war, and Mainwaring scarcely dares speak to me. It is time for me to

be gone; I have therefore determined on leaving them, and shall spend, I

hope, a comfortable day with you in town within this week. If I am as

little in favour with Mr. Johnson as ever, you must come to me at 10

Wigmore street; but I hope this may not be the case, for as Mr. Johnson,

with all his faults, is a man to whom that great word "respectable" is

always given, and I am known to be so intimate with his wife, his slighting

me has an awkward look.

I take London in my way to that insupportable spot, a country village;

for I am really going to Churchhill. Forgive me, my dear friend, it is my









……马上上高中的话,说实话,四级词汇已经可以开始背了……其实我觉得英语学习没有什么等级之分,不像理科,高中的会看不懂大学的题。就单背英语单词来说,幼儿园的小朋友也可以记住四级里的词汇,只不过四级词汇比较多,幼儿园不会全用到而已。但是马上是高中生的话就不一样,现在高考英语词汇量越来越大了,但是怎么也不可能超过四级词汇……虽然辛苦,但是你有三年时间可以用,反正都要努力何不一次到位,把高考和四级考一次搞定~虽然需要毅力…… 关于英语小说,我觉得如果没有磁带做语音范例的话,不需要读出声来,因为自己读的语音语调不一定正确,很容易走入误区。还有看英语小说,我觉得最主要的目的就是学习更地道的英语运用方式,要
Wling Chan

Wling Chan

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