研究生和本科生 Difference 区 别 "I can always tell a graduate class from an undergraduate class," observed the instructor in one of my graduate engineering courses at California State University in Los Angeles。 "When I say, 'Good afternoon,' the undergraduates respond, 'Good afternoon。" But the graduate students just write it down。 " “研究生班和本科生很容易就能区别开来,”在洛杉矶加利福利亚州立大学给我们研究生上工程学课的老师如此说。 “我说‘下午好’,本科生们回答说‘下午好’。研究生们则把我说的话记在笔记本上。 ” Ill See to the Rest 其余的事由我负责 A guard was about to signal his train to start when he saw an attractive girl standing on the platform by an open door, talking to another pretty girl inside the carriage。 一位车上的列车员刚发出信号让火车启动,这时他看见一位很漂亮的姑娘站在站台上一节打开的车厢门旁边,跟车厢里另一位漂亮姑娘在说话。 "Come on, miss!" he shouted。 "Shut the door, please!" “快点,小姐!”他喊道:“请把门关上。 ” "Oh, I just want to kiss my sister goodbye," she called back。 “噢,我还没有和妹妹吻别呢。”她回答道。 "You just shut that door, please," called the guard, "and I'll see to the rest。 " “请把门关上好了,”列车员说:“其余的事由我负责。” Beware of Dog! 小心有狗! As a stranger entered a little country store, he noticed a sign warning, "Danger! Beware of dog!" posted on the glass door。 Inside, he noticed a harmless old hound dog asleep on the floor beside the cash register。 "Is that the dog folks are supposed to beware of?" he asked the owner。 "Yep, that's him," came the reply。 The stranger couldn't help but be amused。 "That certainly doesn't look like a dangerous dog to me。 Why in the world would you post that sign?" "Because," the owner explained, "Before I posted that sign, people kept tripping over him!" 一名陌生人走进一家乡间小商店,看到玻璃门上帖着的一个告示牌上写着,“危险! 小心有狗!” 进去后,他看到一条样子一点都不凶的老狗趴在收款机旁边的地板上睡觉。 “这就是大伙都得留神的那只狗啊?” 陌生人问店主。“是,就是他”,店主回答。 听到这个回答, 陌生人觉得很好笑。“我觉得那条狗一点都不可怕。 你帖那个告示做什么?” “因为,” 店主解释说,“在我帖告示之前, 大伙老被他绊倒。 ” Itworked真的有效 Tom had this problem of getting up late in the morning and was always late for work。 His boss was mad at him and threatened to fire him if he didn't do something about it。 So Tom went to his doctor, the doctor gave him a pill and told him to take it before he went to bed。 Tom slept well, and in fact, beat the alarm in the morning。 He had a leisurely breakfast and drove cheerfully to work。 "Boss", he said, "The pill actually worked!" "That's all fine" said the boss, "But where were you yesterday?" Tom早上老起不来,所以上班总是迟到。 他的老板非常生气,警告他如果他不能有所改善的话就炒他的鱿鱼。于是,Tom去看医生,医生给了他一颗药丸并告诉他要在睡觉前服下这颗药。Tom照医生的话做了,睡得非常之好,事实上,他在早上闹钟响之前就起来了。 Tom从容不迫地吃完早餐,然后兴高采烈地开车上班去了。 “老板”,Tom说,“那药真管用,我的睡眠好极了!” “是够管用的,”老板说,“问题是,昨天你人哪去了”?。 。