Appealing to God for help. Character:Fottis,Leyn,Sorina,Adam Scene I Aside:A unhappy man—Fottis are praying that he will become a rich man.Then a angel appears before him. Angel:Fottis,why are you so unhappy? F:Ah?Who are you? A:I’m a angel from the paradise.May I help you? F:Thank you very much!I’m
三个探险者 有三个探险者意外找到‘希望之谷’。传说喊三声你想要的东西,然后跳下‘希望之谷’就能得到你想要的东西。其中有一个探险者喜欢美女,就大喊‘美女!美女!美女!’再跳下‘希望之谷’,就得到了很多美女。其中另一个探险者喜欢读书就大喊‘书!书!书!’再跳下‘希望之谷’,就得到了很多书。最后一个探险家是一个优柔寡断的人,但现在却不知道要什么东西好。他想了好几个小时,终于知道要什么东西好了:还是钞票最管用。但是他刚走到悬崖边,就被悬崖边的小石子绊倒了,摔下谷底,尸骨无存。。。。。。
甲:您说的不错啊。 乙:哎,这回是我说相声啦。 甲:好啊。 乙:您客气。 甲:会喝酒吗? 乙:你问我这干吗呀? 甲:我请客。 乙:是啊? 甲:哎,我请您喝酒。 乙:这位倒是好意。 甲:您一顿能喝多少酒? 乙:我只能喝四两。 甲:四两?我请您一斤。 乙:我干吗喝那么些个呀? 甲:多喝点儿。 乙:哎,喝多啦就醉啦。 甲:好啊。 乙:醉了还好? 甲:我最爱瞧醉鬼。 乙:啊?你这叫什么话呀? 甲:为了体验生活。 乙:噢,瞧着醉鬼体验生活? 甲:您看人喝醉了有意思。 乙:是啊? 甲:哎。什么样的都有。 乙:对了,什么模样的都有。 甲:有的人喝醉了,睡觉。 乙:哎,睡觉这是比较好的。 甲:这是最好的。喝醉
考试疯云(校园小品) 人物:小艾,小伍,小玲,老师 场景:教室 内容: 小玲趴在桌上睡觉。 小艾丢了本书在旁边,出去。 小伍进来,坐在小艾的位置上。 小艾(进来):唉,哥们儿,真是莫名其妙,是不是在搞笑,难道你没看到,这个座我已经占了! 小伍:丁是丁,卯是卯,其实我占的比你早! 小艾:我一大早就来了,咋没看见你呢? 小伍:我昨天晚上占的。 小艾:最后一排是我的专利!为了它,我每天早早地起了床,抢破了头,血直流,这个位置不能丢! 小伍:最后一排是我的骄傲,风水宝地这边独好。要想把我从这赶跑(小艾:——咋地?)劝你趁早拉倒! 小玲醒来:吵什么吵什么吵? 一大早就在这么神圣的教室里吵架,浪费大好青春
荣辱对白 甲:我们共产党八路军的哲学是:为了人民的利益 乙:我们汉奸的哲学是:好死不如癞活着 甲:我们八路是大血的人 乙:我是打个的狗 甲:为了人民的利益,人民让我干啥我干啥 乙:只要小鬼子高兴,让我咬谁我咬谁 甲:打鬼子的时候我们冲锋向前 乙:遇到八路我是能窜就窜 甲:遇到老百姓我们笑脸相迎:“大娘,您喝口水吧” 乙:遇到太军我是低头哈腰:西瓜的密西 甲:我们八路军平时吃什么呀吃的是红米饭、南瓜汤 乙:我们平时吃什么呀吃的是肯德基、麦当劳、王八汤 甲:我们在老百姓家吃碗饭,我们照样付钱 乙:大酒楼里从不买单 甲:吃完了饭我们在宝塔山下唱着歌:“西边的太阳就要落山了 乙:吃了我的你给我吐出来,
小王子[ Chapter 3 ]- the narrator learns more about from where the little prince came。It took me a long time to learn where he came from。 The little prince who asked me so many questions never seemed to hear the ones I asked him。 It was from words dropped by chance that little by little。 everything was revealed to me。 The first time he saw my airplanefor instance (I shall not draw my airplane; that would be much too complicated for me)he asked me:[What is that object?][That is not an object。 It flies。 It is an airplane。 It is my airplane。And I was proud to have him learn that I could fly。 ]He cried out:[What! You dropped down from the sky?][Yes。 ]I answered modestly。[Oh! That is funny!]And the little prince broke into a lovely peal of laughter,which irritated me very much。 I like my misfortunes to be taken seriously。 Then he added:[So you,too,come from the sky! Which is your planet?]At that moment I caught a gleam of light in the impenetrable mystery of his presence; and demanded abruptly:[Do you come from another planet?]But he did not reply。 He tossed his head gently,without taking his eyes from my plane:[It is true that on that you can't have come from very far away。 。。 ]And he sank into a reverie which lasted a long time。 Then taking my sheep out of his pocket。 he buried himself in the contemplation of his treasure。 You can imagine how my curiosity was aroused by this half-confidence about the "other planets。 " I made a great effort therefore to find out more on this subject。 [My little man,where do you come from? What is this 'where I live' of which you speak? Where do you want to take your sheep?]After a reflective silence he answered:[The thing that is so good about the box you have given me is that at night he can use it as his house。 ][That is so。 And if you are good I will give you a string,too。so that you can tie him during the day and a post to tie him to。 ]But the little prince seemed shocked by this offer:[Tie him! What a queer idea!][But if you don't tie him],I said,[he will wander off somewhereand get lost。 ]My friend broke into another peal of laughter:[But where do you think he would go?][anywhere。 Straight ahead of him。]Then the little prince said earnestly:[That doesn't matter。 Where I live everything is so small!]And with perhaps a hint of sadness,he added:[Straight ahead of himnobody can go very far。 。。]。 。
小品剧本,看看有你要的吗: http://www.coffbar.com/Article/Index.html http://www.xsxpw.com/xiaopin/List/List_14.html
甲:某某某,你好啊。 乙:轻点,轻点。别这么大声。 甲:怎么啦? 乙:(东张西望)我怕被熟人发现。 甲:为什么? 乙:我在找地方搬家呢。 甲:哦,要买了新房了。那我恭喜你啊。 乙:千万别说恭喜。 甲:为什么? 乙:不瞒你说,我最近被恭喜了好几回了。一恭喜我就哆嗦。一哆嗦我就得搬家。 甲:这是什么逻辑。 乙:向你打听个人你知道吗? 甲:谁? 乙:孙悟空。 甲:孙悟空? 乙:你熟吗? 甲:不熟。 乙:哪谁熟? 甲:谁也不熟啊。那是神话中的人物。 乙:拜托你老兄,谁跟他熟言语一声。我有事情托他。 甲:什么事? 乙:我想托他走走后门,把家搬到东海龙宫去住。
Little Duck: Hello, this is Little Duck speaking. Who’s that? Oh, dear Grandma. Yes, I’m fine. I miss you very much. I’ll come to visit you this morning. Good bye. Little Duck:: Wow! What a sunny day! I’m going to visit my grandma. (猫先生正在河边捉鱼。但是他总是抓不到。) Little Duck: Good morning, Mr. Cat. How are yo
校园相声——校园 这是一段校园相声,里面有很多现代的元素,如搞笑幽默的新词汇和短信等。 甲:亲爱的同学们,我想死你们了。 乙:先向大家作一下介绍。 甲:我叫郭亮亮。 乙:我叫赵胖胖。 甲:胖胖,你是大一新生吧,以后有什么需要我帮忙的尽管说,学长我一定会尽力而为的。 乙:哦,一定一定。老大,你成绩好吗? 甲:马马乎乎。 乙:那你成绩为什么这么好呢? 甲:因为我是从“竹板炒肉丝”的惨痛经历中磨练出来的,我已经深刻体会到:落后就要挨打。 乙:哎,英雄所历略同呀。 甲:能具体点吗? 乙:80分以下女子单打,70分以下男子单打,60分以下男女混合双打。 甲:这怎么说? 乙:80分以下老妈揍我,70分
这个是我找到的,你看看吧~~~~~ Appealing to God for help. Character:Fottis,Leyn,Sorina,Adam Scene I Aside:A unhappy man—Fottis are praying that he will become a rich man.Then a angel appears before him. Angel:Fottis,why are you so unhappy? F:Ah?Who are you? A:I’m a angel from the paradise.May I help you? F:Thank
Soldiers: Yes, your highnesss! 第四场: (士兵敲门) Stepmother: What’s the matter, soldiers? Soldier1: Are there any young girls in your family, madam? Soldier2: The pretty princess lost her shoe in the palace. Soldier3: The prince wants to find her and marry her. Helen: Let me try.The shoe is mine. Soldier1