我想握着你的手 梗概: 大学生钱杨是个被自己亲生父母遗弃的孩子,他的内心充满了对世界的不满,他不信任任何人,就连最爱自己的养母也不例外,自暴自弃的他重来没有珍惜自己的想法,甚至于曾经放弃自己的生命;或许上帝喜欢捉弄人,钱杨是先天性心脏病者,当他得知这则消息时,自暴自弃的他几乎快疯了,他不想自己再被上帝抛弃…… 在经过同学和父母的帮助下,他找到了自己真是的想法通过他在昏迷的三天中内心反复的挣扎,最后,钱杨醒悟过来了,在他醒来后他真真正正地体会到了生命的意义,理解了珍惜生命的重要,他或许在这之前失去了很多快乐,但是,生命可贵的意义让他的心灵有了重生的可能,让他的心灵充满阳光…… 心理剧剧
对中学生心理障碍的思考 一、中学生心理障碍的常见症状及简析 典型个案1:1、某女,高一,学习成绩优秀。因面部烫伤较丑,进入青春期后产生嫉妒貌美女生的心态,经常抑郁苦闷。曾几次想轻生、认为自己是世界上多余的,怨父母对她照顾不周,认为做人没有意思,不如趁学习成绩好给人留下一个好印象而告别人生,求得解脱。 这类学生不知人无十全,过份看重自己的弱点,容易产生心理不平衡。人的心理状态应该相对平衡,具有一定的稳定性。然而,这种平衡常会被争吵,歧视、侮辱、压抑等突发事件所破坏。这种心理尚未完全成熟的中学生很容易产生自卑、羞耻、怨恨、不满、甚至低下;重者,会变得呆(思维迟钝,记忆衰退)懒(四肢乏力,懒于读书做
人物:团支书,小艾,小琦,小悦 场景:教室 小艾:小悦,快看,我升级了,快看啦~~ 小悦:别吵我再找新开的那家商店位置呢!你找小琦去。 小琦:真烦人,还让不让人睡觉啦! (团支书上场) 三人:团支书,你好。 团支书:同学们,同窗们,同志们,同胞们,同。。。同。。。同什么们!请大家听我说一句! 三人:说吧。 团支书:你们听不听啊? 三人:听着呢! 团支书:真的听? 三人:真的! 团支书:确定? 三人:确定。 团支书:不反悔? 三人:不反悔。 团支书:你们是认真的?没骗我? 三人:你说不说啊? 团支书:噢,我开始说了!----我要说什么来的? 三人晕倒。 团支书:啊!!!!对了! 三人坐起。 团支
长安县令原创合作小品招聘骗局 ,帮你识破形形色色招聘骗局! 直面2010严峻就业形势,讽刺企业招聘中的欺骗现状! 赵本山、范伟合演的最后一部小品,也是赵本山、小沈阳合演的第一部小品! 赵本山、小沈阳、范伟、蔡明爆棚合作小品招聘骗局 ,帮你识破形形色色招聘骗局! 直面2010严峻就业形势,讽刺企业招聘中的欺骗现状! 本山大叔摆脱农民形象,马老板重装上阵;范伟化身职场精英,被忽悠防不胜防。 老板桌旁大幅宣传画,画面背景是华南虎照,上写:马氏美白素 专业只为女人。你有“野心”吗?您想当“主人”吗?您想当“老板”吗?马氏国际就是您走向人生顶峰的“平台”、“空间”、“江南”!国际著名美容科技集团
皇帝的新衣我们演过,挺简单的。白雪公主,就是有点长。 旁白:白雪公主还没有长大,她的王后妈妈就死去了不久,国王爸爸又娶了一个妻子。这个王后长得非常漂亮,但她很骄傲自负,嫉妒心极强,只要听说有人比她漂亮,她都不能忍受。她有一块魔镜,她经常走到镜子面前自我欣赏,并问道 王后:镜子,镜子,谁是世界上最美丽的人? 镜子:王后,你就是这里最美丽的人! 旁白:听到这样的话,她就会满意地笑起来。但白雪公主慢慢地长大,并出落得越来越标致漂亮了。到了七岁时,她长得比明媚的春光还要艳丽夺目,比王后更美丽动人。直到有一天,王后像往常一样地去问那面魔镜时…… 王后:镜子,镜子,谁是世界上最美丽的人? 镜子:王后,你是
A Play: Buying Medicine By Liu Qinglin Characters: X ------ Xiao Fei S ------- Shopkeeper D- ---- Doctor Li O- -----Others ( O1, O2 O3 -----) Ws ------ Wounded soldiers ( W1, W2,W3 -----) H -----He zhenwu, a Japanese spy W- ---- Woman J ------ Japanese Scene1 ( At an old temple lie some wounded sold
剧本的简介: 剧本描述一位来自贫困家庭的大学生,受到同学们的影响,不能坚定自己的立场,心里矛盾且经受不住诱惑而浮躁的心,在舍友们的吹嘘诱惑下,开始盲目的追求利益下的爱情,不断地以各种借口向家里要钱,其母亲因家庭负担压力大而为孩子的不懂事忧虑重重,最后病倒,男主角知道其原因后悔不已,于是醒悟过来并重拾奋斗自强的信心。 剧本感悟: 通过这个故事,我们都深深的认识到,其实大学生谈恋爱并非不可,但绝不是建立在金钱上的买卖爱情,我们应该理智的看待事情的发展,保持单纯的爱,在大学里留下美好的奋斗励志故事,看清自己的缺点,坚定自己的立场。 题目:所谓爱情 注:【】旁白;( )动作、神情 场景一:【大学门口,
校园心理情景剧 谋杀生命 人 物:张伟(大三学生),时空县令,县令师爷,衙役若干,一年前的张伟和他的朋友若干 师 爷:升堂! 众衙役:威武! 师 爷:将罪犯张伟带上堂来! 众衙役:威武! 张 伟:大人!小人冤枉啊!大人!小人可是比窦娥还要冤一百倍啊!大人… 县 令:(拍惊堂木)肃静肃静!堂下所跪何人? 张 伟:小人张伟. 县 令:那你有何冤情?且速速道来. 张 伟:我…诶不对呀!是你们把我抓来的,我怎么知道你们要干嘛呢? 县 令:(怒拍惊堂木)罪民张伟!公堂之上,岂容你狡辩?不过本官本着秉公执法的态度,念尔等所犯之过错浑然不知,本太爷就替你一一道来,师爷! 师 爷:
Narration: Carrie, Cici and Wing are co-worker of a company。 This day they are talking in the office。 Ca: Bingo! I finally finish this case。 It is really tough! I have not slept well for almost a week。 Wing: Me too 。I always get so busy in this season。 I have drunk three cups of coffee in order to keep awake。 Ci: Our boss must be enjoying his holiday in Fiji very much。 What do you think he will feel when he comes back to see our case?Ca:Of course he will feel surprised and give each of us a promotion。 Wing: Come on, he is a devil, how could he do this to us? Anyway, we should award ourselves for these days hard work!Ca: You are right。 Let’s pig out on junk food!Wing: I have stayed in China for a whole year and I miss my hometown。 I miss German food!Ca: so do I 。how much I love French food!Ci: I have not eaten German or French food before。 Do you have any recommendation?Ca: If you visit France or go to a French restaurant, snails, cheese, and goose liver and red wine are the best choices。 Wing: You also can’t miss the famous German sausage, ham and blue checseCi: They all sound yummy。 But do you know what Chinese eat when they miss their families?Wing&Ca: NoCi: The answer is dumplings!Ca:Well ,I heard that before though I haven’t tasted 。 Wing: Can you make dumplings, CiCi? Would you make some for us? I have been longing for dumplings for a long time。 Ci: Aha, it is as easy as a pie for me 。 what about coming to my house tonight? We can make dumplings together。 I will teach you how to cook it。Ca: Great! That is fantastic。 Then it will be the first time to make and eat dumplingsWing: Very good idea! We could busy some basic ingredient at the supper market after work。 Ci: Sure。We need flour, yeast, pork, cabbages, vinegar, sauce and ginger。(The three colleagues had their shopping and now they are in CiCi’s house)CiCiours some pour on the table and said:”Carrie, can you fetch some water here?”Ca: sure, here you are 。 what s next?Ci:Ci:we have to mix the flour yeast and water together 。be careful ,don’t add too much water。 Ca: Okay, I’m kneeing the dough repentedly。 it is becoming and softerWing: Yeah, I am cutting the pork into many small pieces, and then I will add several spoons of oil in it 。 shall I blend them?CiCi: Yes, make sure they blend well。 A bit salt and a spoon of vinegar are needed, too。 (an hour later)Ca: Yes, the dumplings are prepared 。 lets start!CiCi: Wait! I remember well that you all miss the food from your hometown。 Look, what are these?Ca: Wow! Cheese! Where did you get it? And my favorite red wine。 Wing: God。 Those are sausage and ham, I can’t believe it!CiCi: Haha, it is a big surprise, isn’t it? Now ,we are got all three countries’ food ready。 Ca: So it is a complete big meal。Wing: An unforgettable banquet in my life。 Let’s cheers!Ca, Ci, Wing: Cheers!。
Narration: Carrie, Cici and Wing are co-worker of a company。 This day they are talking in the office。 Ca: Bingo! I finally finish this case。 It is really tough! I have not slept well for almost a week。 Wing: Me too 。I always get so busy in this season。 I have drunk three cups of coffee in order to keep awake。 Ci: Our boss must be enjoying his holiday in Fiji very much。 What do you think he will feel when he comes back to see our case?Ca:Of course he will feel surprised and give each of us a promotion。 Wing: Come on, he is a devil, how could he do this to us? Anyway, we should award ourselves for these days hard work!Ca: You are right。 Let’s pig out on junk food!Wing: I have stayed in China for a whole year and I miss my hometown。 I miss German food!Ca: so do I 。how much I love French food!Ci: I have not eaten German or French food before。 Do you have any recommendation?Ca: If you visit France or go to a French restaurant, snails, cheese, and goose liver and red wine are the best choices。 Wing: You also can’t miss the famous German sausage, ham and blue checseCi: They all sound yummy。 But do you know what Chinese eat when they miss their families?Wing&Ca: NoCi: The answer is dumplings!Ca:Well ,I heard that before though I haven’t tasted 。 Wing: Can you make dumplings, CiCi? Would you make some for us? I have been longing for dumplings for a long time。 Ci: Aha, it is as easy as a pie for me 。 what about coming to my house tonight? We can make dumplings together。 I will teach you how to cook it。Ca: Great! That is fantastic。 Then it will be the first time to make and eat dumplingsWing: Very good idea! We could busy some basic ingredient at the supper market after work。 Ci: Sure。We need flour, yeast, pork, cabbages, vinegar, sauce and ginger。(The three colleagues had their shopping and now they are in CiCi’s house)CiCiours some pour on the table and said:”Carrie, can you fetch some water here?”Ca: sure, here you are 。 what s next?Ci:Ci:we have to mix the flour yeast and water together 。be careful ,don’t add too much water。 Ca: Okay, I’m kneeing the dough repentedly。 it is becoming and softerWing: Yeah, I am cutting the pork into many small pieces, and then I will add several spoons of oil in it 。 shall I blend them?CiCi: Yes, make sure they blend well。 A bit salt and a spoon of vinegar are needed, too。 (an hour later)Ca: Yes, the dumplings are prepared 。 lets start!CiCi: Wait! I remember well that you all miss the food from your hometown。 Look, what are these?Ca: Wow! Cheese! Where did you get it? And my favorite red wine。 Wing: God。 Those are sausage and ham, I can’t believe it!CiCi: Haha, it is a big surprise, isn’t it? Now ,we are got all three countries’ food ready。 Ca: So it is a complete big meal。Wing: An unforgettable banquet in my life。 Let’s cheers!Ca, Ci, Wing: Cheers!。
任何一部好的佳做电影都是心理剧,只要能引发人思考,都算是心理剧 所以,找出适合的片断改编即可。 关键你要提出一个方向来。 感冒可以吃感冒药,吃胃药是不解决问题的
相声 冒牌师哥 乙:大家好,先自我介绍一下,我叫XXX,家是山西大同的,我也是个新生.但我长帅,就是外表看不出来(动作).(甲上) 甲:呦呦呦,新生?不象 不象. 乙:你瞧有会看的,那你看我像...... 甲:我看你像花生. 乙:花生象话吗.你见过戴眼镜饿花生吗?你这个热望内不会说话,你是谁呀? 甲:您看,新生就是新生,连我都看不出来,告诉你我是大四的,论辈分你得叫我师哥. 乙:师哥是啥东西? 甲:真是新生呀?连师哥都不知道.告诉你,记住了,师哥他不是东西.啊呸,师哥是你的长辈,尤其像你这样的新生,初来乍到,对这个学校和城市都不熟悉,容易受骗上当,是不是,要是认了我这个师哥,就没人骗你了. 乙
The Fox and the Tiger(狐假虎威) T---Tiger F---Fox R---Rabbit B---Bird Fr---Frog B----Bear Tiger: I’m a great tiger. I’m very strong. I’m very brave. I’m the king of the forest.But now I’m very hungry. I must find sth. to eat at once, or I’ll die immediately. Oh, there’s nothing here. And here is nothing
甲:唷,这不是小X吗? 乙:唷,是小X啊,最近忙什么哪? 甲:嗨,没啥事,下下象棋,老没见你们老爷子了,他还好吗? 乙:托您福,还硬朗着呢。 甲:你爸爸也喜欢下象棋。 乙:是啊 甲:可不,以前我老和你爸爸下棋。 乙:没错 甲:有一回我们俩下棋,我还剩一士,你爸爸还剩一象。。。 乙:那不和棋了吗? 甲:是啊,依着我也是和棋,可你爸爸不干,非得接着下不可? 乙:啊??那怎么下呀? 甲:呵呵,你爸爸有主意。 乙:什么主意? 甲:你爸爸说了“要不咱们士象都过河吧。” 乙:没听说过! 甲:然后呢你爸爸的象就过河了,我的士也过河了,你爸爸就拿他的象象我,我 就拿我的士士你爸爸。。。你爸爸再象我,我再士你爸