这次谁当小队长? 儿童剧 人物:赵宣(男,10岁);周洁(女,10岁);于行(男,10岁)。 时间:傍晚,放学后。 地点:中原路小学三(五)班教室里。 幕启: [轻轻响起“我们是共产主义接班人……”的旋律; [赵宣、周洁和于行正在打扫教室; [这时,有人喊,“周洁,沈老师在办公室等恪��薄? 周洁:“赵宣,把课桌椅拉拉齐!于行,黑板要擦干净!我先出去一次。” [周洁边讲边向教室外走…… 于行:“赵宣,你看周洁一当上小队长,马上就指手画脚。” 赵宣:“女生指手画脚有什么稀奇的,前两天,我老妈都把我老爸指挥到床底下去了。” 于行:“为啥?” 赵宣:“我跟老妈下跳棋,棋子弹到床底下,老爸不捡,难
村长说:“兔子们,不要酱瓜,咸菜请乡长拣个狗屎给我们舔舔。”(同志们,不要讲话,现在请乡长讲个故事给我们听听) 一个口音很重的县长到村里作报告:兔子们,虾米们,猪尾巴!不要酱瓜,咸菜太贵啦! 翻译:同志们,乡民们,注意吧!不要讲话,现在开会啦! 县长讲完以后,主持人说:咸菜请香肠酱瓜! 翻译:现在请乡长讲话! 乡长说:兔子们,今天的饭狗吃了,大家都是大王八! 翻译:同志们,今天的饭够吃了,大家都是大碗吧! 不要酱瓜,我捡个狗屎给你们舔舔. 翻译:不要讲话,我讲个故事给你们听听
偷盗大学 车站 有几个小偷趁人群拥挤而偷钱包,正巧让一位正在执勤的警察见到。 警察: 站住,站住(抓住小偷)在这么多人的面前居然敢偷东西 小偷: 这么多人,怎偏偏是追我 警察: 我打不过其他的,而且你也跑得慢 小偷: 阿SIR,饶了我吧,我这次没偷到东西,等下次偷到了再抓啊 警察: 少废话,走,回差馆去 小偷: 先吃点东西再走,我几天没吃东西了 警察: 还想吃东西,为了抓你们我可几天没得休息 小偷: 就饶我一次,最多下次偷到我分点给你 警察: 少罗嗦,给我闭上嘴 小偷: 分一半给你,要不你七我三,怎样? 警察: 少来这招,我们警察不会徇私枉法,贪收钱财,走.回差馆去 (差馆) 警察: 坐下,老
一天,老师走进课堂,学生们一齐起立喊:“老师早上好!” 老师愤愤地说:“只叫早上好?那我下午呢?难道就不好了吗?” 于是学生们又一齐喊:“老师下午好!” 老师又愤愤地说:“那我晚上呢?” 学生们又一齐喊:“老师晚上也好!” 老师点点头说道:“这样才行,现在重新喊一遍!” 学生们一齐喊:“老师早上好,下午好,晚上也好!” 老师说道:“坐下!今天我们要复习反义词,我们这样练习,我说一句,你们大声说出反义词。现在开始。” 老师:“今天天气很好。” 学生:“今天天气很坏。” 老师:“到处阳光明媚。” 学生:“到处阴云密布。” 老师:“马路上人山人海。” 学生:“马路上空无一人。” 老师:“年轻。” 学
一老太婆上场,二狗子!快开电视啦! 孙女跑出来:人家在忙啦!今天有什么看嘛! 奶奶:这还用问?当然是看奥运啦! 孙女:哇!真的吗?人家好开心哦,我这就去开电视! 两人下场,奶奶上场,彩电已经开了,不过都是水花,奶奶好失望,踢了一脚电视,嘴嘟哝着走开了。 过了一会儿,“水花”被推开了,一个刷着牙的A把头露了出来,望了望:怎么那么吵?(又看了看下面,一把拉起B出来):喂,到时候起来做节目啦! B:(正经地)电视机前的观众,大家晚上好,您现在所收看的是湛江师范学院电视台体育频道(剔了剔牙) A:TWO! B:(望了望B,面无表情,竖起两根手指)二台! B:期盼已久的雅典奥运会昨晚已经正式揭开,现在为
小王子[ Chapter 3 ]- the narrator learns more about from where the little prince came。It took me a long time to learn where he came from。 The little prince who asked me so many questions never seemed to hear the ones I asked him。 It was from words dropped by chance that little by little。 everything was revealed to me。 The first time he saw my airplanefor instance (I shall not draw my airplane; that would be much too complicated for me)he asked me:[What is that object?][That is not an object。 It flies。 It is an airplane。 It is my airplane。And I was proud to have him learn that I could fly。 ]He cried out:[What! You dropped down from the sky?][Yes。 ]I answered modestly。[Oh! That is funny!]And the little prince broke into a lovely peal of laughter,which irritated me very much。 I like my misfortunes to be taken seriously。 Then he added:[So you,too,come from the sky! Which is your planet?]At that moment I caught a gleam of light in the impenetrable mystery of his presence; and demanded abruptly:[Do you come from another planet?]But he did not reply。 He tossed his head gently,without taking his eyes from my plane:[It is true that on that you can't have come from very far away。 。。 ]And he sank into a reverie which lasted a long time。 Then taking my sheep out of his pocket。 he buried himself in the contemplation of his treasure。 You can imagine how my curiosity was aroused by this half-confidence about the "other planets。 " I made a great effort therefore to find out more on this subject。 [My little man,where do you come from? What is this 'where I live' of which you speak? Where do you want to take your sheep?]After a reflective silence he answered:[The thing that is so good about the box you have given me is that at night he can use it as his house。 ][That is so。 And if you are good I will give you a string,too。so that you can tie him during the day and a post to tie him to。 ]But the little prince seemed shocked by this offer:[Tie him! What a queer idea!][But if you don't tie him],I said,[he will wander off somewhereand get lost。 ]My friend broke into another peal of laughter:[But where do you think he would go?][anywhere。 Straight ahead of him。]Then the little prince said earnestly:[That doesn't matter。 Where I live everything is so small!]And with perhaps a hint of sadness,he added:[Straight ahead of himnobody can go very far。 。。]。 。
校园 甲:亲爱的同学们,我想死你们了。 乙:先向大家作一下介绍。 甲:我叫郭亮亮。 乙:我叫赵胖胖。 甲:胖胖,你是大一新生吧,以后有什么需要我帮忙的尽管说,学长我一定会尽力而为的。 乙:哦,一定一定。老大,你成绩好吗? 甲:马马乎乎。 乙:那你成绩为什么这么好呢? 甲:因为我是从“竹板炒肉丝”的惨痛经历中磨练出来的,我已经深刻体会到:落后就要挨打。 乙:哎,英雄所历略同呀。 甲:能具体点吗? 乙:80分以下女子单打,70分以下男子单打,60分以下男女混合双打。 甲:这怎么说? 乙:80分以下老妈揍我,70分以下老爸揍我,60分以下老爸老妈一起揍我。 甲:你就是在这种环境下成长起来的吗? 乙:
美女与野兽 相识 他名为???,网上的Nickname 为“美兽”。美兽暑假里决定去打工,竟然被某大网络公司录用了,当上一挡栏目的主管。他倒不是瞄准这笔丰厚的薪水,重要的是有一台电脑能让他白天免费上网,操“星际”。但这份悠闲的工作也有令人头痛的地方——回复网友的e-mail。刚开始,每天收到e-mail 20 多封,他回信也不乏长篇大论。自从他在这个栏目里发表了几篇歪论后,“美兽是个‘兽名人心’的大才子”这个消息不胫而走,成了全国皆知的秘密。每天几百封e-mail 飘然而至,他倒有高招应付,写好一封 e-mail,然后 same draft。内容大致是这样的: “_______,你好!谢谢你的
人物:牧童、狼、小伙伴若干、父亲 地点:山上 (牧童拿着赶羊的小棍子上场) 牧童:我是一个小牧童,家里只有我和爷爷,爸爸妈妈都进城去打工了。我没有钱上学。爷爷只好买了几只小羊让我养,说等小羊长大了就卖了拿钱给我上学。
原贴:求儿童剧剧本 《狼来了》
(At Salesman’s home) N: In a dark dirty house, there lived a small, dirty salesman。 He always makes unhealthy candies and sells them to the students。 He has a lot of money now。 But how does he make the candies? Oh, xu …… He is coming! S: Hello, do you know me? No? Oh, let me tell you 。 I’m the famous candy salesman at the school gate。 My candies are very popular,(展示),I don’t know why。 The foolish students always come here。 I’ll be a boss soon! Candy, money, candy, money…… Oops! It’s time to make candies now。 (看表) First, put the flour on the table。 Then, water, sugar, flour。 (边说边做) Now press, press…… Oh, my dirty hands! Never mind! Just do it!(满不在意的神情) Press, press…… Oh, my god!Never mind! Just do it! Press, press, the children will not know it , it’s OK,hehehe…… Now let me cut it into pieces!。 。