AlongtimeagoandfarawaytherelivedaKingandQueen。Theywasveryhappy,fortheirfirstchild,agirl,hadbeenborn。 "Wemusthaveagrandchristeningforher,"saidtheKing,whowasdelightedtohaveadaughter。 "Wemustinviteallthefairiesofthekingdomtoblessher,"saidtheQueen。 "Howmanyaretherenow?"askedtheKing。"Twelveorthirteen,"saidhiswife。"Sendtheinvitations。 We’llsoonfindout。 "Thereweretwelvefairies,andtheywereallsentinvitations。Athirteenfairyhadnotbeenheardofforsolongthatitwaspresumedthatshewasdead。 Noinvitationwassent。Thedayofthechristeningwassunnyandbright。ThePrinceswasnamedBriarRose,andthefairiesbegantogivetheirgifts。 "Sheshallbebeautiful,"saidthefirst。 "Sheshallbewise,"saidthesecond。"Sheshallbegood,”saidthethird。 "Sheshallbekind,"saidthefourth。Thegiftscontinuedinthisway,wishingallthatwasgoodforBriarRose。 Elevenofthetwelvefairieshadgiventheirgiftswhentheroomsuddenlywentdark。 AfteragreatflashoflightasmalldarkfigurestoodinfrontoftheKingandQueen。 Itwasthethirteenthfairy。 "Whywasn’tIinvitedtothechristening?"shescreamed。Shewasfuriousatbeingleftout。"Allthefairiesofthekingdomhavegiventheirblessings。 Well,here’smineforthePrincess。Onhersixteenthbirthdayshewillprickherfingeronaspinningwheelanddie。 "Anotherflashoflightandthefairywasgone。 "Butwethoughtshewasdead,"saidtheKing。"Whatcanwedo?"TheQueenwasintears。 Thetwelfthfairysteppedforward。ThereisstillmygiftforBriarRose,"shesaid。 "Thefairy’scursecannotbeundone,butIcanchangeitalittle。 Shewillfallintoadeepsleepthatwilllastonehundredyears,"Therewasagreathubbubinthehallaseveryonediscussedtheevents。 ThefollowingdaytheKingissuedaproclamation,orderingthatallspinningwheelsandspindlesweretobedestroyed。 Throughoutthelandthereweregreatfiresasthespinningwheelswereburned。 Overtheyears,thePrincessgrewintoalovelygirl。 Allwhometherwereenchantedbyher。Eventually,thebadfairy’swishwasforgotten。Allspinningwheelsandspindleshadbeendestroyed,sotherewasnoreminder。 Andthefairywasnotheardofagain。Andso,onBriarRose’ssixteenthbirthday,theKingandQueenwereduetoarrivebackfromafarawayvisit。 TherewastobealargebirthdaypartyforthePrincess。 BriarRosewaswanderingaroundthepalace。Everyonewaspreparingfortheparty,soshecouldpleaseherselfwhereshewent。 Ashadneversetfootin,shefootin,shedecidedtogoexploring。 "IwonderwhatisinthegreatSouthTower,"shesaid。 Alltheservantsandcourtierswishedherahappybirthdayasshemadeherwayacrossthepalace。Thatpartofthepalacewasveryold,andtherewereveryfewpeoplethere。 Thebaseofthetowerwasinacorridor。Theentrancewasasmall,verysolidlookingdoor。Thekeywasontheoutside。 "It’sverystiff,"saidthePrincess,assheturnedthekey。 "There!It’sopen!"Stairsledupthetowerinfrontofher。 Shebegantoclimbthem。Meanwhile,herparentshadarrivedbackatthepalace。"HasanyoneseenthePrincess?"askedtheKing。 "Todayishersixteenthbirthday-thedaywhenthecursemayfall。Somebodymustknowwheresheis。"Nearlyeveryonehadseenher,butnobodyknewwhereshehadbeengoing。 "Shemustbefound,"saidtheQueen。"Iftheprophecyistocometrue,todayistheday。"Asearchofthepalaceandthegroundsbegan。 Meanwhile,thePrincesshadreachedthetopofthetowerwheretherewasanotherdoor。 Thistimetherewasnokeyandthedoorwasslightlyopen。 "Theremustbeawonderfulviewoftherestofthepalaceandgroundsfromthewindow,"saidthePrincess。 Thensheheardastrangewhirringsound。 Itwasunlikeanythingthatshehadeverheardbefore。Shepushedthedooropenandwentintotheroom。There,inthemiddle,satanoldwomanworkingataspinningwheel。 Behindherwasanenormousbed。Thewheelwasmakingthenoise。"Whatareyoudoing?"askedBriarRose。 "Ihaveneverseenoneofthosebefore,whatisit?""Itisaspinningwheel,"saidtheoldwomen,"Wouldyouliketotryitmydear?""Oh。 MayI?"askedBriarRose。Shesatonthestoolinfrontofthewheelandthewheelwhirredround。Assoonasshetouchedthespindlesheprickedherfinger。 Shefelltothefloorinadeepsleep。 Theoldwoman,whowasreallythethirteenthfairyindisguise,pickedherupandlaidheronthebed。 Atthatmoment,allovertheplace,peoplebegantoasleep。 Thecookswhowerepreparingforthepartyfellasleepoverthestirringandtasting。 Thescullerymaidsfellasleepoverthewashingup。Thelaundrymaidfellasleepwhiletheydusted,polishedandpreparedfortheparty。 TheKingandQueen,thecourtiersandtheguestsfellasleepintheGreatHall。Theguardsfellasleepattheirposts。 ThesearchpartieslookingforthePrincessfellasleepwhiletheysearched-inthegardens,inthecorridors,inthesparerooms,andsomeintheoldestpartofthepalace。 Eventhefliesfellasleeponthestablewalls。Thebirdsandthebutterfliesfellasleepinthepalacethepalacevegetablegardens。 Thegardenersandtheirhelpers,whowerebusychasingofftherabbit,fellasleepinmid-chase。 Inthehearthsthefiresdieddownandthemeatstoppedcooking。 Thekitchenmaidstoppedpluckingthechicken。Theentirepalacefellasleep,alongwiththePrincess。 Ahedgeofbriarrosesspranguparoundthepalace,protectingitfromtheoutsideworld。 Yearspassed,andfromtimetotimeaKing’ssonwouldcometothefamousbriarhedgetotryandfindthemysterioussleepingPrincessthatthelegendspokeof。 Butnonegotthrough。ThehedgewastoostrongandthePrinceswerecuttobits。AhundredyearspassedandthetaleoftheSleepingBeauty,asthePrincesswasknown,becomesagreatlegend。 Veryfewpeoplebelievedsheexisted。OnedayaKing’ssoncametothenearbyvillage。"Legendsays,"anoldmanwasspeakinginthevillagesquare。 "LegendsaysthatthePrincessliesasleepbehindthatgreatbriarhedgejustoutsidethevillageinmygrandfather’sday,youcouldseethetopmostturretofhertower,sotheysay。 "ThePrincestoppedtolisten。"WherecanIfindthishedge?”Heasked。"Justbeyondthevillage,youngsir,"saidtheoldman。 ”Ifyou’regoingtotry,you’llneedmoreluckthantheotheryoungmenwhohavehadago。 ""Ishalltry,"saidthePrince。 "WehaveheardofSleepingBeautyinmykingdom。"ThePrincewenttothehedgeandhelduphissword。Hewenttostrikeatthehedge,butwherehisswordmetthethorns,greatrosesbloomedinstead。 Apathopenedforhim,fortheonehundredyearswereup。Thecursewaslifting。Thehedgeseemedtodisappearbeforehim。 Hewentthroughintothepalacegrounds,walkingpastthesleepingrabbits,birdsandbutterflies,andthegardenersattheirwork。 Thekitchenswerefullofcooksandmaidswhohadn’tmovedforahundredyears--Theywereallfastasleep。 EventheKingandQueenwhowereseatedatthetableintheGreatHallweresleepingsoundly!ThePrincewalkedonthroughthepalace,makinghiswaytothetallesttowerwhereheclimbedthestairsandenteredthetowerroom。 ThereonthebedhesawBriarRosefastasleep。"Sheissolovely,"hesaid,Hehadfallencompletelyinlovewithher。 "HowcanIwakeher?"Heleantoverandgentlykissedher。 BriarRose’seyelidsflickeredandshewokeup。 ThefirstpersonshesawwasthePrinceandshefellinlovewithhim。TogethertheywalkeddowntotheGreatHall。 TheKingandQueenwerejustwakingup,whenthePrinceandBriarRoseentered。 Thecooksinthekitchenwokeuptocarryonpreparingthefoodandthechambermaidscarriedonwiththeirwork。 Thepartywasstilltobeheld,butitwasanengagementpartyinsteadofabirthdayparty。 ThePrinceandBriarRoseweretobemarried。Thehedgedisappearedandthevillagesawthepalaceagainandrealizedthelegendhadbeentrue。 Thebadfairywasneverheardofagain。
Prologue: the picture upper half divides into red (presents writing to use), the lower part divides into leading lady small A to put on the skidding of the wheels shoes to drink the sucker drink to brush the street, from time to time stops down throws trash and puts out the camera photograph from the package。 Last lens, small A took the pen to write several characters on the wall to leave the picture。 The lens alignment character pulls closer, presents movie "To stand in Ground Soaring"。 (black and white) first: followed the offscreen voice, on the actor small B portable pair of skidding of the wheels shoes the over-bridge, crossed the underground walk, passed through a rural fair alley, arrived at the square, by now was small A very fast to slide from him, and has hit him, small A turned head hints sorry, but has not stopped down, the lens followed small A, presented a crowd in the square skidding of the wheels youth, and show a succession of splendid movement。 Side small B puts the skidding of the wheels shoes sits on the stair。 Small A asked why he doesn't exchange the shoes and everybody plays together。 Small B does not speak, small A in the past and everybody played together, the very quick day has gotten down darkly, everybody preparation has dispersed, small B looked that everybody walked, exchanged the shoes, displayed the pile, a person practiced。 By now behind broadcast the small A sound, small B see you later small A sits on a high stair is eating the ice cream, is shaking two legs, how small does A jump down teaches small B to slide, small B a little does not prefer, but is also pressing making which small A said that small A tells small B her is not this city, he is comes here to travel, square these person of she was also just knew, she will tell small B should only then to progress with everybody contact exchange very quickly, small B still earnestly practiced, did finally has been successful, excited turned head tells small A, small A already walked。 Second: small B is awakened by the alarm clock, sets out to put on clothes, to wash busily rinses, eats the bread (to wolf down, this section of lens fast, rock, frame, for human tense feeling), the mother in the kitchen hot milk asked that his early reason, small B finished eating trades the shoes, took his skidding of the wheels shoes to fly goes out, the mother yelled him in behind to drink the milk。 third: the music resounds, small B brushes is going, saw small A to the square, music stops, small B went forward to tell the small A movement already to practice, small A will tell him should only then to progress with everybody contact exchange very quickly, square old size C came on own initiative and he loudly greets, and led him and everybody plays, everybody was very friendly, small B to relaxed gradually from the anxiety, everybody taught him very on own initiative, music。 fourth: in KTV, everybody happy, small C announced that small B joins their collective officially, simultaneously half a month later has the competition, everybody cheers。 During small B cannot bear peeps small A。 fifth: small B at home, evening, on the table the handset sound, small B joins, originally is small C, small C tells him them the website, he opens excitedly, discovered that small The picture, is very enchanting, he gets down picture down, hits screens, pastes on the wall, appreciates carefully depending on the wall, (to pastes on a series of lens from discovery picture to be fast, frames) side steals Le Bian to send the short note to be called her to small A to come out to play the skidding of the wheels, small A just and small C in the quick dining room, replied that small B said that has the matter not to be able to come。 Small B reads the short note, looks that the picture is in a daze。 sixth: small C tells everybody in the square the time not to be many, everybody practices as soon as possible, (each kind of practice lens, have time, correction and so on, small B progresses amazingly quick, everybody is startled music also to have) seventh: before the competition, the third day, under the street light, the people call small B to walk, small B does not walk, small A also stays behind, two people played while said that small B has not said the words which throughout oneself wanted to say。 Small A saw small B to progress said very quickly he might certainly win the position。 Eighth: before the competition, the second day, everybody is noisy in the friend house, chooses the competition song and so on, small C and small A quarrel in the downstairs, (lens saw for small B before the window long shot photo) small C comes up first, tells everybody the competition thing, simultaneously said specially small B progresses very quickly, lets him prepare positively。 Small A comes up does not speak, small B looks at small A, small A smiles reluctantly to small B, small B also squeezes out a smiling face。 ninth: small B is very excited in the home, one will flatter, one in the house simulation movement, the anticipation competition。 tenth: the competition starts, entire piece most attractive even colored lens show。 Result small C second, other two people take fifth, sixth。 Without small B, small B is disappointed, this was the best new person prize has given small B。 The people cheer, recommend small B to eject。 11th: small A takes the baggage to go out, small C puts out a hand to pull, is cast off, small A walked several steps, stopped, turns head said that thanked 12th: small B takes the awarding cup to look at carefully carefully in the home, the short note comes, to look, small A said that he must walk, here does not belong to her originally, she knew that small B has the favorable impression to her, but small B will be very also small has the very good future, perhaps will let small B diligently, the next time conference… (at the same time lens alternate small A in vehicles and so on station, will enter the station, boards and so on), small B reads the short note, as soon as will reveal lightly nonchalant smiles。 13th: the square, small B with the friend, spurts the hand to greet, fires into the pile to go。 ending: picture half red above demonstrate the writing, half the pile make the movement for small B on, only puts the foot (black and white)。 The screen nigrescence, the white ending captions come out。
原贴:一千零一夜 英语剧本
Mon。:TomorrowwillbeChristmas。ButDellafeelsverysad。Becauseshehasnomoneytobuyapresentforherhusband,Jim。 Shehasonlyonedollarandeighty-sevencents。 Theyhaveonly20dollarsaweek,itdoesn’tleavemuchforsaving。 Infact,DellaandJimhavetwopossessionsinwhichtheybothtakeverygreatpride。OneisJim’sgoldwatch,whichhasbeenhisfather’sandhisgrandfather’s。 TheotherisDella’slongbeautifulhair。D:Lifeissohardforme。ThoughIsavedthemoneyformanymonths,Istillhaveonlyonedollarandeightysevencents。 D:I----I----Ihavetohavemyhaircutandsoldit。InthatwayIcangetsomemoneyandIcanbuyabeautifulpresentforJim。 (Attheshop—“MadameSofronie。WeBuyHairGoodsofAllKinds”)D:Willyoubuymyhair?M:Yes,Ibuyallkindsofhair。 Sitdown,please。Takeyourhatoffandletmehavealook。Oh,verybeautiful。Verygood!Twentydollars,OK?D:Allright。 Butpleasegiveittomequickly。M:Hereyouare。 Twentydollars。D:Thankyou。Bye。M:Bye。Mon。:Dellaspenttwohoursinthestreets。 ThenshestoppedataGoldShopandboughtagoldwatchchain。Now,Dellaisathome。 D:Oh,whatabeautifulgoldwatchchain。 IthinkitmustmatchJim'swatch。Whenheseesithemustbeveryhappy。(SuddenlythedooropenedandincameJim。)J:You-----?D:Jim。 Don’tlookatmethatway。IhadmyhaircutoffandsolditbecauseIcouldn’thavelivedthroughChristmaswithoutgivingyouapresent。 Jim,itwillgrowquickly。 Youdon’tmind,doyou?Ijusthadtodoit。Myhairgrowsveryfast,youknow。 Say“MerryChristmas!”Jim,andlet’sbehappy。J:You’vecutoffyourhair?D:I’vecutitoffandsoldit。 It’ssold。 Itellyou-soldandgone,too。It’sChristmasEve,Jim。Begoodtome,foritwentforyou。J:Well,Della。Don’tmakeanymistakeaboutme。 Idon’tthinkthere’sanythingaboutahaircutthatcouldmakemeloveyouanyless。 Iknow,itwentforme。 Lookatthispackage。D:What?J:Lookatityourself。You'llsee。D:Ah!Thecombs。Theywereintheshopwindowsformanymonths!J:Yes,thebeautifulcombs,puretortoiseshell,withjewelryrims--justthecolortowearinyourbeautiful,hair。 D:But,Jim。Theyareexpensivecombs。Iknow,myhearthadlongedforthemwithouttheleasthopeofpossession。 Nowtheyaremine。ThankyouJim。J;Now,youwillseewhyIwasupsetatfirst。 D:Jim,youdon’tknowwhatanice–whatabeautiful,nicegiftI’vegotforyou。 Canyouguess?J:I'msorry。Iwon'tguess。D:Look。Agoldwatchchain。Isn’titlovely,Jim?Ihuntedalloverthetowntofindit。 You’llhavetolookatthetimeahundredtimesadaynow。Givemeyourwatch。Iwanttoseehowitlooksonit。 J:Della,Let’sputourChristmasgiftsawayandkeepthemawhile。 They’retoonicetousejustatpresent。 Isoldthewatchtogetthemoney。AndIboughtthecombs。Now,Let’shaveoursupper。礼物旁白:明天是圣诞节,但是德拉觉得很难过,因为她无钱为她丈夫吉姆买一圣诞礼物,她只有1。 87美元,他们一个月只有20美元的收入,那很难再从中省钱了。事实上,德拉和吉姆有两件让他们引以为豪的宝贝,一件是吉姆的金表,那是从他祖父和父亲那里留传下来的,还有一件是德拉那一头棕发,又长又美丽。 德拉:生活对我来说很困难,虽然我很多个月以前就开始存钱了,我仍然只有1。 87美元。德拉:我……我……我不得不剪了头发去卖掉,那样我就能得到一些钱去买礼物给吉姆了。(在店门口,写着“夫人:我们买各种各样的头发”)德拉:你买我的头发吗?夫人:是的,我们买各式的头发,把你的帽子脱下来,让我看一下你的头发。 哦,很美的头发,很好的发质,20美元,行不行?德拉:好的,但是请你快点把钱给我。 夫人:给你,20美元。德拉:谢谢你,再见。夫人:再见。旁白:德拉在街上逛了2个小时,然后她在一家金店止步,进去买了一条金表链。 现在德拉正在家里。德拉:哦,多么漂亮的金链子,我想那一定跟吉姆的手表很配,当他看到它的时候,一定会很高兴的。(突然门打开了,吉姆走了进来)吉姆:你……?德拉:吉姆,不要那样看着我,我剪了我的头发并卖了,因为我无法度过一个我不送你圣诞节礼物的圣诞节,吉姆,它会长得很快的,你不会介意的,是不是?我必须这么做,我的头发长得很快的,这你是知道的,说:“圣诞快乐!”,吉姆,让我们高兴起来。 吉姆:你剪了你的头发?德拉:我剪了头发并卖了,它被卖掉了,我跟你说它被卖掉了,没有了!现在是圣诞节前夜,对我好一点,吉姆,那都是为了你。吉姆:哦,德拉,别误会我,我想我不会因为你剪了头发而对你的爱就减少了,我知道,那是为了我,看看这个包裹。 德拉:什么?吉姆:你自己看吧!你会明白的。 德拉:啊,是梳子!它们就是几个月前陈列在橱窗里的那套。吉姆:是的,那套漂亮的梳子,镶珠宝的,那颜色正好配你的发色。德拉:但是,吉姆,那些都是很贵的,我知道,我一直渴望但却没有丝毫的奢望拥有它。 现在,它们是我的了,谢谢你,吉姆。吉姆:现在,你知道我为什么一开始就那么悲伤了吧。 德拉:吉姆,我给你买了一件又美丽又好的礼物,你能猜出来吗?吉姆:对不起,我不想猜。德拉:看,一条金表链,吉姆,它是不是很可爱?我找遍了整个城才找的,你从现在起可得一天要看一百次时间了。 把你的表给我,我想看一下表链装在表上的样子。吉姆:德拉,让我们把圣诞礼物收起来珍藏一段时间,它们太好了,但我们现在用不着,我把表卖了。 得到了钱才买了这梳子。现在让我们吃晚饭吧!。
新生:“(从台边走出,像是在闲逛)我是##级新生,方年16,未婚。本人才高八斗,气宇轩昂,上知天文下知地理,是无所不知无所不晓无所不能!今天忽闻我学学生会要招收新生做干部,本来对做官是毫无兴趣,但听说做个学生会干部还挺威风的?就去看看吧!” (摇晃到学生会) 新生: “哗! 一进门就是就是学习部,我们学校果然还是以学习为主啊!” 学干部:(新生刚一进门就碰到了学习部部长,只见她手捧诗集在那边充满感情的朗诵)“床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡!”(汗!!!!!) 新生:(鼓掌走向他,当然是用拍马屁的语气说了)“想必这位一定就是学习部部长吧!小生拜见!!”(两手作揖) 学干部:“哦,
历史短剧——文成公主入藏 (投影)第一幕 吐蕃使者求婚(音乐起,大唐音乐) 小太监:吐蕃使者到。 禄东赞:尊敬的天可汗,祝您永远安康!天可汗仁慈爱民,大唐人杰地灵,赞普久仰中土文明。 我们奉赞普之命,特来大唐求婚。这里有黄金5000两,珍宝数百件,作为聘礼,请天可汗收下。 (太监收下) 唐太宗:自古皆贵中华,贱夷狄,朕爱之如一。赞普千里迢迢派使臣向唐朝求婚,朕深感欣慰。 不过目前已有回纥,突厥等族的使臣前来求婚。众多使臣都来求婚,令朕左右为难。还需找出一个择婿的万全之策。 小太监:宣众使臣进见。(众使臣上) 唐太宗:(眉头一皱,计上心头)现在朕出三个考题,如有哪国使臣能答出、答好,朕就把公主嫁给谁的君主。 出题! 宫女:请听题。第一题:御马苑里有100匹小马驹关在左边的马圈里,有100匹母马关在右边的马圈里,请你们找出一个好的方法为100匹小马驹找到自己的母亲。开始答题。 (回纥使臣和吐蕃使臣举手) 回纥使臣:尊敬的天可汗,回纥使臣已有答案。把100匹小马驹一一宰杀,母马听到自己的孩子哀鸣,定会痛苦嘶鸣。 用此法,可一一辨出小马驹和母马。 禄东赞:起奏天可汗,吐蕃使臣另有更好的方法解决此难题。 唐太宗:说来听听。 禄东赞:此法是:把小马驹饿一整天,然后放他们出来,小马驹定会跑到母马处吃奶。这样既不伤害小马驹性命,又能让其和母马团聚,还能体现天可汗的宽厚仁慈,何乐而不为呢?唐太宗:此法甚妙。 出下一题。 宫女:这里有一颗九曲明珠,几束丝线。请你们想出办法把丝线穿过明珠中间的孔。 小太监:这颗明珠中间的空弯弯曲曲,所以叫九曲明珠。要想用一根软软的丝线穿过去,谈何容易。 (几位使臣拿着丝线直发愁) 禄东赞:起奏天可汗,吐蕃使者有一办法。我可以找来一只蚂蚁,用一条马尾鬃毛拴在蚂蚁的腰上。 然后,把蚂蚁放在九曲明珠的孔内,然后不断的向孔里吹气。 蚂蚁不久就会从另一端的孔中钻出来。我再把丝线接到马尾鬃毛上,轻轻一拉,丝线就穿过了九曲明珠。 唐太宗:(哈哈大笑)此法甚好。还有最后一题。请看!(众宫女如仙女般走出来,装束打扮相似)这里有30位美女,其中一位是文成公主)你们要在一刻钟时间内从中找出文成公主。 禄东赞:(哈哈大笑)赞普久闻文成公主芳名,倾慕公主良久。文成公主出生于皇宫,自然气度不凡,风华绝代,与众不同。臣已经辨认出来。 唐太宗:(诧异)哦,指出来,给朕瞧瞧。 禄东赞:公主知喜事而来,额头上有红痣乍现,且祥瑞出现,身后有彩蝶飞来。 (太宗、众宫女纷纷望着文成公主,文成公主摸摸额头,不仅嫣然一笑) 唐太宗:(哈哈大笑)吐蕃使臣果然机智非凡,想必赞普更是聪明绝伦。 既然吐蕃使者一一破解难题,那文成公主就嫁于吐赞普。 禄东赞等:多谢天可汗!祝天可汗万岁,万岁,万万岁!!! (过渡)唐太宗已决定把文成公主许配于松藏干布,那么文成公主又是如何嫁到吐蕃去的呢? (投影)第二幕 西行入吐蕃 旁白:公元641年,文成公主将要起程去吐蕃 唐太宗:女儿呀,路途漫漫,远嫁千里,你一定要好好保重呀。 朕怕你思乡心切,特地命人铸造了两面黄金宝镜给你。这两面宝镜名叫日月镜。宝镜能照见中原河山,让你思乡时使用。 文成公主:父皇陛下,请放心。女儿会好好保重的,你们也要多保重身体。 我走了。(悲戚状) 江夏王:(跪下)陛下,臣就此告辞。(众人起程) 旁白:文成公主一行人来到唐朝和吐蕃的交界地。 文成公主:(拿出宝镜东照西照,不禁潸然泪下)离别家乡已经千里,举目四望,茫茫苍苍,宝镜使人儿女情长,肝肠寸断,留此物何用呢?(扔掉日月宝镜,继续西行) 禄东赞:公主殿下,前面有一条河,渡过此河,我们就进入到了吐蕃地界,。 文成公主:(回首故土,失声痛哭)天下河水尽向东,惟我一人向西行。 禄东赞:公主殿下,你看,你看,河水改变方向了,掉头向西流淌了。 文成公主:(擦干眼泪)河水是引领我们西行呀,快过河吧!! 旁白:经过一个多月的艰苦跋涉,在春暖花开的时候终于来到了逻些城。 男女老少奏乐欢舞,欢呼“赞蒙来了”。 (唱民谣)今天文成公主来西藏, 狮子进了大森林, 孔雀落在了大平原, 不落的太阳高高升起, 西藏从此幸福太平…… 松赞干布:欢迎大唐使臣送公主前来,请江夏王明日按照唐朝仪式主持婚礼。 江夏王:好!好!婚礼明日举行。 江夏王:(婚礼音乐起)一拜天地,二拜高堂,三入洞房。(百姓高呼“扎西得勒”三声)(投影)第三幕 文成公主在吐蕃 (过渡)文成公主和松赞干布喜结良缘,有情人终成眷属,两人婚后生活怎样,看了第三幕我们就知道了。 旁白:文成公主嫁到吐蕃后与松赞干布相亲相爱。 松赞干布:(对禄东赞)我族我父,从未有通婚大唐皇朝的先例,我今天能得到大唐公主为妻,实为有幸。我要为赞蒙筑一座城池作为纪念,让子孙后代都知道。 禄东赞就由你主持布达拉宫。 禄东赞:臣这就去办。 文成公主:亲爱的赞普,此次来吐蕃,臣妾带来了各种谷物,蔬菜种子,药材,茶叶和各种书籍。 一批工匠、乐师、农技人员也随同而来。 臣妾想为赞普分忧解难。 松赞干布:赞蒙知书达礼,见解独到。你就参与朝政,协助我来共同来治理好吐蕃。 文成公主:请喝茶。 松赞干布:好茶,好茶,喝起来别有一番风味。 文成公主:这是臣妾为了合吐蕃人的口味,特地泡制的奶茶。 下面请赞普来欣赏汉族乐舞。 (汉族宫女翩翩起舞,众汉族乐师演奏音乐) 松赞干布:好!好!(赞不绝口) 旁白:很快富丽堂皇的布达拉宫建成。文成公主和松赞干布搬了进去。 松赞干布:赞蒙,如有雅兴何不去布达拉宫参观一番。 (松赞干布带领文成公主参观,介绍绘画和雕刻) 旁白:文成公主在吐蕃和睦邦交,促进了汉藏友好,对吐蕃的经济和文化发展也作出了巨大的贡献。 吐蕃人民用诗歌形式来表达他们对文成公主的尊敬和喜爱。 (诗歌)从汉族地区来的文成公主, 带来了各种粮食三千八百种, 吐蕃粮库打下了坚实的基础; 从汉族地区来的文成公主, 各种手艺的工匠五千五百人, 土蕃工艺打开了发展的大门; 从汉族地区来的文成公主, 带来了各种牲畜共有五千五百种, 使西藏的乳酪酥油从此年年丰收。 西安事变人物:旁白、蒋介石、张学良、杨虎城、侍卫道具:椅子、桌子、书、侍卫的枪、作战地图镜头一,地点,西安,张学良和杨虎城在张学良的办公室,1936年12月11日,旁白:九一八事变以后,东北军被蒋介石调到西北去攻打红军。 12月4日,蒋介石亲自到西安,逼迫张学良和杨虎城率部队到陕北前线“剿共”。 张、杨连续几天力劝蒋介石停止内战、一致抗日,都遭到蒋的严厉训斥。张学良:虎城兄,今天你到老蒋那里去了,老蒋怎么说啊?杨虎城:唉,还不是老样子,他说,要让他联合共产党抗日,除非太阳从西边出来。 他说我们不要上了共产党的当。连你都劝不了老蒋,我去也是白去啊。看来老蒋的心真是铁做的。 张学良:虎城兄,你我都是中国人,从九一八事变开始,日寇占领我东北已经五年了,我哪天不是盼望着打回东北老家啊。 可是如今老蒋却硬是要我们在这里打共产党,不知要打到何年何月啊,我实在是忍受不了了。12月9日那天西安的学生游行要去向老蒋情愿,宁愿被打死也要前进。唉,幸亏当时我们东北军和你西北军都没有开枪,否则真是民族的罪人啊。 我们身为军人,还不如这些学生勇敢,真是羞愧啊。真是对不起东北的三千万父老兄弟。明天我最后一次去劝老蒋联共抗日。如果老蒋再次拒绝,那我们只好“兵谏”了。杨虎城:好吧,如果真的到了行动的时候,我们西北军密切配合东北军,两军共同行动,活捉老蒋,逼他抗日。 镜头二:(旁白:第二天张学良来到蒋介石住所华清池,蒋介石正在阅读文件)侍卫:委员长,张学良将军求见。 蒋:让他进来。(侍下)张:委员长,你好!蒋:好呀,我正要找你!张:委员长,我还是来请求抗日的。 蒋:看,你又来了!张:你看看,日本占领华北后,现在又企图灭亡华北,如再妥协,不加以制止和反击,整个中国将轮于敌手,到是我们就成为千古罪人了。蒋:没那么严重。我们现在的任务是“剿共”。 张:共产党一再表示愿意团结一致,共同抗日。 而且也拥护你为最高领袖,到是你不但是最高领袖,还将成为全民族的伟大英雄。蒋:汉卿,你还年轻,你这是受了共产党的欺骗!张:委员长,内战无论谁赢,都会使中国力量削弱,使日本坐收渔人之利呀!蒋:好啦,不要再讲啦!我决心已下,不会动摇。 张:委员长,我个人和东北军始终是站在你这一边的。过去,无论风风雨雨,我们都支持你,甚至代你受过。九一八的不抵抗政策,完全是由你决定的,而我却遭到全国人民的功绩和唾骂。我之所以这样忍让,完全是为了维护你的威信,以利于今后领导全民族的抗战。 今天我们的态度依然如故。(声泪俱下)蒋:(一拍桌子)张学良,我告诉你,即使你用手枪把我打死,我“剿共”的政策也不会改变!张:(悲愤)那还有什么可说的,我走了!蒋:(恼怒):太不像话拉,教训起我来了!旁白: 张学良最后一次劝蒋联共抗日的努力失败了。 当天晚上,张学良、杨虎城在西安临潼华清池实行“兵谏”扣押蒋介石,并向全国发表通电,提出停止内战、一致抗日的主张,这就是震惊中外的“西安事变。”。
A:Good afternoon, Jack. B:Good morning, Tony. Long time no see. A:Yes. Where are you going? B:I'm going to the People's Sports hall. There's a basketball match at 2 o'clock this afternoon. A:Really? I like playing basketball game, too. B:Would you like to go with me? A:Good idea. By the way, what's
小玲趴在桌上睡觉。 小艾丢了本书在旁边,出去。 小伍进来,坐在小艾的位置上。 小艾(进来):唉,哥们儿,真是莫名其妙,是不是在搞笑,难道你没看到,这个座我已经占了! 小伍:丁是丁,卯是卯,其实我占的比你早! 小艾:我一大早就来了,咋没看见你呢? 小伍:我昨天晚上占的。 小艾:最后一排是我的专利!为了它,我每天早早地起了床,抢破了头,血直流,这个位置不能丢! 小伍:最后一排是我的骄傲,风水宝地这边独好。要想把我从这赶跑(小艾:——咋地?)劝你趁早拉倒! 小玲醒来:吵什么吵什么吵? 一大早就在这么神圣的教室里吵架,浪费大好青春! 知道你们犯了什么错误吗?啊? 小艾:知道。 小伍:我们不吵了。 小玲
我把学校疯云改了一下: 人物:小艾,小伍,小玲,老师 场景:教室 【小玲趴在桌上睡觉,小艾出去了,小伍进来,坐在小艾的位置上。】 小艾(进来):唉,真是莫名其妙,难道你没看到,这个座我已经占了! 小伍:丁是丁,卯是卯,其实我占的比你早! 小艾:我一大早就来了,咋没看见你呢? 小伍:我昨天晚上占的。 小艾:最后一排是我的专利!为了它,我每天早早地起了床,这个位置不能丢! 小伍:最后一排是我的骄傲,风水宝地这边最好。要想把我从这赶跑) 小艾:咋地? 小伍:本小姐劝你趁早拉倒! 小玲醒来:吵什么吵?一大早就在教室里吵架!知道你们犯了什么错误吗? 小伍、小艾:啥? 小玲:你们把我吵醒了! 小艾(坐在小
(I Am Hungry)
Act 1
雄狮:(怒吼)Roar, roar!
I am the lion,
the king of the forest。
No one is stronger than me。
Roar, roar!
小狮:Daddy! I’m hungry。
雄狮:You are big now。
Be brave!
Go and find your own food。
小狮:But, I don’t know how。
雄狮:Do it like me。
Roar, roar! (怒吼)
小狮:(小声地)Roar, roar!
雄狮:Rush to the animals and bite them with your sharp teeth。 (露出尖利的牙齿)
Go and do it now。
小狮:Yes, daddy。
Act 2
小白兔:(唱“Rabbit, Rabbit, Carrot Eater。 Rabbit, Rabbit, Carrot Eater”)
He says there is nothing sweeter,
Than a carrot everyday,
Munch and crunch and run away。
小狮:Hi, rabbit! I am hungry。
Roar, roar!(小声地)
小白兔:Do you want some carrots?
小狮:Yes, please。
小狮:Thank you。
小白兔:Carrots are the best food。
小狮:(吃了一口)Yuck! I don’t like it。
Anyway, thank you, rabbit。
小白兔:You are welcome。
(边跳边唱”Rabbit, Rabbit, Carrot Eater”
Act 3
三只小熊:(各拿着一碗粥,并唱着”Pease Porridge Hot
Pease porridge hot,
Pease porridge cold,
Pease porridge in the pot,
Nine days old。
Some like it hot,
Some like it cold,
Some like it in the pot,
Nine days old。”)
小狮:Hi, bears! I am hungry。
Roar, roar! (小声地)
小熊们:Do you want some porridge?
小狮:Yes, please。
小狮:Thank you。
小熊们:Porridge is the best food。
小狮:(吃了一口)Yuck! It’s too hot。
I don’t like it。
Anyway, thank you, bears。
小熊:You are welcome。
(小熊们边走边唱”Pease Porridge Hot”离开)
Act 4
小松鼠:(唱着”Found a Peanut”)
Found a peanut。
Found a peanut。
Found a peanut just now。
Just now I found a peanut。
Found a peanut just now。
小狮:Hi, squirrel! I am hungry。
Roar, roar! (小声地)
小松鼠:Do you want some peanuts?
小狮:Yes, please。
小狮:Thank you。
小松鼠:Peanut is the best food。
小狮:(吃了一颗)Yuck! It’s too hard。
I don’t like it。
Anyway, thank you, squirrel。
小松鼠:You are welcome。
(边走边唱”Found a Peanut”离开)
Act 5
(小女孩边走边唱”Apple Round”)
小女孩:Apple round。
Apple red。
Apple juicy。
Apple sweet。
Apple apple I love you。
Apple sweet I love to eat。
小狮:Hi, little girl! I am hungry。
Roar, roar!
小女孩:Oh, a lion! Help! Help!
小狮:What is it?
Mmm…, delicious!
I like it。
(小狮很高兴地边走边唱”Apple Round”回家)
The Fox and the Tiger(狐假虎威)
Tiger:I’magreattiger。 I’mverystrong。I’mverybrave。I’mthekingoftheforest。 ButnowI’ eatatonce,orI’lldieimmediately。 Oh,there’snothinghere。Andhereisnothing,either。Oh,Iwanttohavearest。(Sleepsoundly)
Fox: I’m a fox。 You can see, I’m pretty and lovely。 I’m good at cheating 0and telling lies。 Just now I cheated a crew out of a piece of meat。 Mm, Mm, Mm。 How delicious it is!
Tiger: Ah, a fox。 A good meal。 Ah, a good meal。
Fox: Oh, my God! What should I do? Yes, I have a good idea。 Yes, a good idea。 Hello! Tiger sister! How are you?
Tiger: Not so good。 I’m very hungry now。 I want to eat you。
Fox: Oh, my dear! How dare you say that! I’m the king of the forest! I’m the king of the forest! If you want to eat me, I will let you die right now。
Tiger: She is the king。 She is cheating me。 I can’t belive her。 I’m the king of the forest here。
Fox: If you don’t believe me, just follow me and see who is the king of the forest。
Tiger: Ok。 Let’s go。
Rabbit: I’m a rabbit。 I like to eat a turnip。 Ah, a big turnip。 Oh! It’s too hard。 I can’t pull it out。
Bird: I’m a bird。
Rabbit: Hi!
Bird: Hi! What are doing here, Miss Rabbit? Can I help you?
Rabbit: Yes, please。
Frog: I’m a frog。 Hello! What are you doing here? What can I do for you?
R&B: Yes, come on!
Frog : Ok! I’m coming!
Bear: I’m a big brown bear。 Hello, everyone! What are you doing here?
R,B&F: Come on! Come on! Mr。 Bear! You are so strong。 Please come here。 There is a big turnip。 We are all puling it out。 Please come and help us。
Bear: Ok! I’m coming。
Fox: Hello, Bear!
Bear: Hi, Fox。 Oh, a tiger! (run away)
Fox: Hello, Frog!
Frog: Hi, Fox。 Oh, a tiger! (run away)
Fox: Hello, Bird!
Bird: Hi, Fox。 Oh, a tiger! (run away)
Fox: Hello, Rabbit!
Rabbit: Hi, Fox。 Oh, a tiger! (run away)
Fox: Tiger, Now, you see。 They are so frightened! They all run away!
Tiger: Yes, you are right。 It’s true。 I’m very sorry。 You are the king of the forest。 That’s all right。 I will run away。 He is the king。 He is the king。
Fox: Wa! There is a big turnip。 Now, the turnip belongs to me。
旁白:话说梁山伯和祝英台三年前一同来到刚刚成立的武汉新东方书院学习英语。 梁山伯酷爱口语师从口语老师邓大付学习美国口语,尤其擅长模仿马丁路德金的演讲。 (旁白暂停,邓英文“I have a dream ”)。祝英台一心梦想出国,梦想有朝一日成为BBC主持人(旁白暂停,祝英文“this is BBC…。)最终祝英台以托福和GRE高分的成绩被哥伦比亚大学录取。 在祝英台临走的那一天,梁山伯十八里相送在天河机场与祝英台缠绵告别。
L: Yingtai ,I love you so much and I’ll miss you so much。 !
Z:I love you, too! Don’t worry。 Shanbo I only love you in this wild world。 I’ll marry you as soon as I’m back。 Wait for me just for two years。
L: I’ll kiss you across the Pacific Ocean。
Z: I’ll kiss you from the other side。 Wait for me。 BoBo
L:Oh, Sweetie, Yintai I miss you so much, miss you every minute every second。 Oh my dear。 Are you listening to me?
Z: Listen, Liang Shanbo。 I’m calling to tell you that I loved you。 But I think you’d better find a better girl。
L: What? Pardon?
Z: Because I’ll get married。
L: Married ? to who?
Z: To 英俊潇洒风流倜傥玉树临风的Ma Wencai。 。 He is so handsome。 So rich, even richer than Yu Minhong。 And he is good at 葵花宝典。I love his money and I love his body。
L: What are you talking about? You wait and see。 I’ll give you some color to see see。 I’ll kill you! I will kill you in America!
Z: America? You can come to America? Hahahaha
旁白:祝英台的无端背叛深深伤害了梁山伯脆弱的心灵,他发下毒誓:不杀祝英台誓不为人。 于是重新来到新东方书院学习托福和GRE。当然他没有忘记用老生证可以优惠20块钱。为了能飞越重洋去杀掉祝英台,他每天提醒自己有一个梦想。
I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream。 It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream。
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and lives out the true meaning of its creed:We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal。 I have a dream that one day I will kill Zhu Yingtai right in America。 It is a dream that deeply rooted in my heart。 In my heart。
旁白:一年之后,梁山伯也来到了美国,四处寻找祝英台的下落。 终于在纽约街头找到他当年的爱人祝英台,而她正和马文才卿卿我我。
L:Zhu Yingtai, long time no see, huh? Who am I ? I’m Liang Shanbo。 I’m here to kill you。
Z: Liang…。 shanbo。 Oh, Wencai。 He is crazy。 He will kill me。
M: You! Get out of here。
L: You! Get out of here!
M: 电话来了。Hello, I’m in wuhan。 Ok ok I’ll come right now
Z: Please don’t go。 Just stay, please。 He’ll kill me。
M: I know! But if I stay, he’ll kill me by the way。 。
Z: You told me you were good at 葵花宝典?
M: Sorry, I’m not good at 葵花宝典。 I’m just good at 新华字典。
Z: Oh,you liar。 Just get out of here!! (to Liang Shanbo) Oh,darling, you must kill me?
L: Yes, I have to。 Because I hate you more than I can say。
Z: (sing)When we were young, we listened to the MP三, you said you’d love me forever。 Don’t kill me,ok? Shanbo。 I qiu qiu ni。。
L: No door! (sing) Where you go, whatever you say, I’ll be right here killing you。 I only know I was born to love you or to kill you。 Now I can’t love you, the only choice is to kill you
L: The only woman I want to kill is on-ly you!!
Z: Please, you know I love you。 I love you just like laoshu ai dami。 I want to marry you。
L: hehehe Really?
Z: Oh, of course。 Please don’t kill me!!!!
L: To kill or not to kill is a question。 I don’t know。 Who can tell me? I put her life in your hands。 Everybody here, please tell me kill or not kill?
(to kill)
L: You hear this。 I ‘m sorry。 But don’t worry , I’ ll go to heaven together with you。
Z: All right kill me, then we’ll become two butterflies in the beautiful garden(sing)
Z: 亲爱的你别杀我…
L: 亲爱的我也不想杀
(I Am Hungry)
Act 1
雄狮:(怒吼)Roar, roar!
I am the lion,
the king of the forest。
No one is stronger than me。
Roar, roar!
小狮:Daddy! I’m hungry。
雄狮:You are big now。
Be brave!
Go and find your own food。
小狮:But, I don’t know how。
雄狮:Do it like me。
Roar, roar! (怒吼)
小狮:(小声地)Roar, roar!
雄狮:Rush to the animals and bite them with your sharp teeth。 (露出尖利的牙齿)
Go and do it now。
小狮:Yes, daddy。
Act 2
小白兔:(唱“Rabbit, Rabbit, Carrot Eater。 Rabbit, Rabbit, Carrot Eater”)
He says there is nothing sweeter,
Than a carrot everyday,
Munch and crunch and run away。
小狮:Hi, rabbit! I am hungry。
Roar, roar!(小声地)
小白兔:Do you want some carrots?
小狮:Yes, please。
小狮:Thank you。
小白兔:Carrots are the best food。
小狮:(吃了一口)Yuck! I don’t like it。
Anyway, thank you, rabbit。
小白兔:You are welcome。
(边跳边唱”Rabbit, Rabbit, Carrot Eater”
Act 3
三只小熊:(各拿着一碗粥,并唱着”Pease Porridge Hot
Pease porridge hot,
Pease porridge cold,
Pease porridge in the pot,
Nine days old。
Some like it hot,
Some like it cold,
Some like it in the pot,
Nine days old。”)
小狮:Hi, bears! I am hungry。
Roar, roar! (小声地)
小熊们:Do you want some porridge?
小狮:Yes, please。
小狮:Thank you。
小熊们:Porridge is the best food。
小狮:(吃了一口)Yuck! It’s too hot。
I don’t like it。
Anyway, thank you, bears。
小熊:You are welcome。
(小熊们边走边唱”Pease Porridge Hot”离开)
Act 4
小松鼠:(唱着”Found a Peanut”)
Found a peanut。
Found a peanut。
Found a peanut just now。
Just now I found a peanut。
Found a peanut just now。
小狮:Hi, squirrel! I am hungry。
Roar, roar! (小声地)
小松鼠:Do you want some peanuts?
小狮:Yes, please。
小狮:Thank you。
小松鼠:Peanut is the best food。
小狮:(吃了一颗)Yuck! It’s too hard。
I don’t like it。
Anyway, thank you, squirrel。
小松鼠:You are welcome。
(边走边唱”Found a Peanut”离开)
Act 5
(小女孩边走边唱”Apple Round”)
小女孩:Apple round。
Apple red。
Apple juicy。
Apple sweet。
Apple apple I love you。
Apple sweet I love to eat。
小狮:Hi, little girl! I am hungry。
Roar, roar!
小女孩:Oh, a lion! Help! Help!
小狮:What is it?
Mmm…, delicious!
I like it。
(小狮很高兴地边走边唱”Apple Round”回家)
The Fox and the Tiger(狐假虎威)
Tiger:I’magreattiger。 I’mverystrong。I’mverybrave。I’mthekingoftheforest。 ButnowI’ eatatonce,orI’lldieimmediately。 Oh,there’snothinghere。Andhereisnothing,either。Oh,Iwanttohavearest。(Sleepsoundly)
Fox: I’m a fox。 You can see, I’m pretty and lovely。 I’m good at cheating 0and telling lies。 Just now I cheated a crew out of a piece of meat。 Mm, Mm, Mm。 How delicious it is!
Tiger: Ah, a fox。 A good meal。 Ah, a good meal。
Fox: Oh, my God! What should I do? Yes, I have a good idea。 Yes, a good idea。 Hello! Tiger sister! How are you?
Tiger: Not so good。 I’m very hungry now。 I want to eat you。
Fox: Oh, my dear! How dare you say that! I’m the king of the forest! I’m the king of the forest! If you want to eat me, I will let you die right now。
Tiger: She is the king。 She is cheating me。 I can’t belive her。 I’m the king of the forest here。
Fox: If you don’t believe me, just follow me and see who is the king of the forest。
Tiger: Ok。 Let’s go。
Rabbit: I’m a rabbit。 I like to eat a turnip。 Ah, a big turnip。 Oh! It’s too hard。 I can’t pull it out。
Bird: I’m a bird。
Rabbit: Hi!
Bird: Hi! What are doing here, Miss Rabbit? Can I help you?
Rabbit: Yes, please。
Frog: I’m a frog。 Hello! What are you doing here? What can I do for you?
R&B: Yes, come on!
Frog : Ok! I’m coming!
Bear: I’m a big brown bear。 Hello, everyone! What are you doing here?
R,B&F: Come on! Come on! Mr。 Bear! You are so strong。 Please come here。 There is a big turnip。 We are all puling it out。 Please come and help us。
Bear: Ok! I’m coming。
Fox: Hello, Bear!
Bear: Hi, Fox。 Oh, a tiger! (run away)
Fox: Hello, Frog!
Frog: Hi, Fox。 Oh, a tiger! (run away)
Fox: Hello, Bird!
Bird: Hi, Fox。 Oh, a tiger! (run away)
Fox: Hello, Rabbit!
Rabbit: Hi, Fox。 Oh, a tiger! (run away)
Fox: Tiger, Now, you see。 They are so frightened! They all run away!
Tiger: Yes, you are right。 It’s true。 I’m very sorry。 You are the king of the forest。 That’s all right。 I will run away。 He is the king。 He is the king。
Fox: Wa! There is a big turnip。 Now, the turnip belongs to me。
旁白:话说梁山伯和祝英台三年前一同来到刚刚成立的武汉新东方书院学习英语。 梁山伯酷爱口语师从口语老师邓大付学习美国口语,尤其擅长模仿马丁路德金的演讲。 (旁白暂停,邓英文“I have a dream ”)。祝英台一心梦想出国,梦想有朝一日成为BBC主持人(旁白暂停,祝英文“this is BBC…。)最终祝英台以托福和GRE高分的成绩被哥伦比亚大学录取。 在祝英台临走的那一天,梁山伯十八里相送在天河机场与祝英台缠绵告别。
L: Yingtai ,I love you so much and I’ll miss you so much。 !
Z:I love you, too! Don’t worry。 Shanbo I only love you in this wild world。 I’ll marry you as soon as I’m back。 Wait for me just for two years。
L: I’ll kiss you across the Pacific Ocean。
Z: I’ll kiss you from the other side。 Wait for me。 BoBo
L:Oh, Sweetie, Yintai I miss you so much, miss you every minute every second。 Oh my dear。 Are you listening to me?
Z: Listen, Liang Shanbo。 I’m calling to tell you that I loved you。 But I think you’d better find a better girl。
L: What? Pardon?
Z: Because I’ll get married。
L: Married ? to who?
Z: To 英俊潇洒风流倜傥玉树临风的Ma Wencai。 。 He is so handsome。 So rich, even richer than Yu Minhong。 And he is good at 葵花宝典。I love his money and I love his body。
L: What are you talking about? You wait and see。 I’ll give you some color to see see。 I’ll kill you! I will kill you in America!
Z: America? You can come to America? Hahahaha
旁白:祝英台的无端背叛深深伤害了梁山伯脆弱的心灵,他发下毒誓:不杀祝英台誓不为人。 于是重新来到新东方书院学习托福和GRE。当然他没有忘记用老生证可以优惠20块钱。为了能飞越重洋去杀掉祝英台,他每天提醒自己有一个梦想。
I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream。 It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream。
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and lives out the true meaning of its creed:We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal。 I have a dream that one day I will kill Zhu Yingtai right in America。 It is a dream that deeply rooted in my heart。 In my heart。
旁白:一年之后,梁山伯也来到了美国,四处寻找祝英台的下落。 终于在纽约街头找到他当年的爱人祝英台,而她正和马文才卿卿我我。
L:Zhu Yingtai, long time no see, huh? Who am I ? I’m Liang Shanbo。 I’m here to kill you。
Z: Liang…。 shanbo。 Oh, Wencai。 He is crazy。 He will kill me。
M: You! Get out of here。
L: You! Get out of here!
M: 电话来了。Hello, I’m in wuhan。 Ok ok I’ll come right now
Z: Please don’t go。 Just stay, please。 He’ll kill me。
M: I know! But if I stay, he’ll kill me by the way。 。
Z: You told me you were good at 葵花宝典?
M: Sorry, I’m not good at 葵花宝典。 I’m just good at 新华字典。
Z: Oh,you liar。 Just get out of here!! (to Liang Shanbo) Oh,darling, you must kill me?
L: Yes, I have to。 Because I hate you more than I can say。
Z: (sing)When we were young, we listened to the MP三, you said you’d love me forever。 Don’t kill me,ok? Shanbo。 I qiu qiu ni。。
L: No door! (sing) Where you go, whatever you say, I’ll be right here killing you。 I only know I was born to love you or to kill you。 Now I can’t love you, the only choice is to kill you
L: The only woman I want to kill is on-ly you!!
Z: Please, you know I love you。 I love you just like laoshu ai dami。 I want to marry you。
L: hehehe Really?
Z: Oh, of course。 Please don’t kill me!!!!
L: To kill or not to kill is a question。 I don’t know。 Who can tell me? I put her life in your hands。 Everybody here, please tell me kill or not kill?
(to kill)
L: You hear this。 I ‘m sorry。 But don’t worry , I’ ll go to heaven together with you。
Z: All right kill me, then we’ll become two butterflies in the beautiful garden(sing)
Z: 亲爱的你别杀我…
L: 亲爱的我也不想杀
在歌剧《Hannibal》的排练中,两位新来的剧团经理,来到剧院观看。剧团的台柱,女高音Carlotta正在唱歌的时候,突然一个沙袋从舞台顶上落下,只差一点点就可能砸死她。 在演员们的惊呼之中,伴唱的姑娘们尖叫起来"是Phantom干的"。Carlotta又惊又气,拂袖下场,拒绝再唱。 剧团芭蕾舞教练Giry太太站出来…
G: Oh,It must be the phantom,
MA: Phantom? I used to think it's only a legend。 What shall we do?
G: Every time there is a performance the No 5 balcony should be empty。 For it's phantom's。 And the 2 million franc that is given to the phantom should be continued。 Or the accidents happened today won't stop。
MA: That's a bad news。 But even worse Carlotta our leading actress also a bad temper woman refuse to play the role。
G: Not very difficult。 Christine can take the place of her。
MA: Christine?
G: Yes。 Though she is 16 in our troupe but I learn from my daughter that she is learning singing from a secret teacher。 And she sings a wonderful voice。
MA: Ok…ok since I have no idea now。 Christine could have a try。
《Hannibal》的公演时,包箱里坐的子爵Raoul,也是歌剧院新的股东,发现剧里的女主角就是Christine,他年幼时的好朋友。 演出结束以后,Raoul到后台见Christine并邀请她同进晚餐。 Christine见到久别的好友虽然很高兴,但是她拒绝了Raoul的邀请,因为她的音乐教师,"音乐天使",对她十分严格。Raoul离开后,Christine对镜卸妆的时候赫然发现Phantom从镜子里面显现出来。 Christine被他牵引着,穿过镜子,仿佛走进了另一个世界。他们走下一层又一层的楼梯,坐船穿过歌剧院地下水池,最后来到Phantom所住的秘室。秘室的四周布满高大的烛台,里面的布置精制而高贵,但是既陈旧又破烂。 在Phantom的钢琴声里,Christine的音乐课开始了。
P: I find the one I'm looking for eventually。 A person who can understand my music has appeared。 Christine for the first time I see her I know she is the one I'm looking for。 Now I'm making effort to practice her to be the best singers。 One day she will be able to sing my song in the stage。
CH: What a man he is。 He always wears a mask。 And I know nothing about him。 His name, his backdrop, where he came from, only I know that he is a good person and help me lot。 Maybe he is ugly。 How he looks like?
… …
P: No, I can be sure that you won't be interesting in it。 And you never have chance to see my real appearance。 Oh it's already daybreak。 You should go to the ground。
Ch: Bye
P: I think we would meet soon。
Some days later
G: what is the matter manager? You look so worried。
Ma: A serious problem。 The phantom had sent me a letter。
G: what's the content。
MA: It reads that he order us to let Christine be the leading actress of the new opera。
G: it doesn't seem so bad as I think。
MA: But Carlotta won't agree。
G: What are you going to do now。
MA: I choose Carlotta for she is more famous now。 And she will of course make the opera successful。
G: Will the phantom take action to do sth?
MA: I hope he'd better not。 Now strengthen the guard。 It's all I can do。
吊灯事件后整整六个月,歌剧院都没有Phantom的消息。 ,歌剧院举行的盛大舞会。Christine和Raoul已经订婚了,但是他们的订婚消息并没有公开,Christine的订婚戒指也一直被她偷偷挂在项链上面。 舞会中间,Phantom突然再次出现了,这一次,他打扮成红色死神,并且交个剧院经理他呕心沥血所编写的剧本,唐徨。 一开始,经理们不同意演出这个离奇而且怪异的剧本。但是Raoul提议他们可以先排练,再设计下圈套捕捉Phantom。 几经商量,他们的计策逐渐成型,但是要用Christine做诱饵。
MA: who are you?
P: there is no need for you to know who I am。 Take it。
MA: what's this。
P: a playbook。
MA: a playbook
P: yes you ought to perform it as I tell you。 Listen to me or you will regret。
After the party
R: what are you looking at manager。
MA: oh my venerable viscount。 It is just a playbook。
R: who wrote it? What a fantastic story it is。
MA: it is…
R: the phantom isn't he。 Only he can do it。
MA: yes viscount。
R: so what are you going to deal with it。
MA: as you say the story is so strange I don't think it should be performed。
R: I think it should。 For phantom always make my fiancée Christine worried。 And he had killed Carlotta。
MA: you mean that…
R: try to perform the play。 And the phantom would appear the police would catch him。
MA: a good plan。 But…
R: take it easy。 I think it will succeed。
唐徨的首场演出时,整个巴黎歌剧院布满了警察和看守,都满心期待着抓到Phantom。 在最后一段压轴歌曲里,Phantom扮成男主角。 后,他甩脱了警察的包围,再一次挟带着Christine来到歌剧院底下,穿过水池,来到他藏身的地方。Raoul追到Christine的化妆室,找不到暗门。Giry太太是Phantom的传信人,但是她觉得Raoul和Christine是真心相爱,于是她指Raoul打开镜子后面的暗门,Raoul一路追到了秘室。
R: where are they had gone。 It seems that they had disappear。
G: What's wrong。 Why are you here, viscount?
R: you should know I lost my way。 I must find my fiancée as soon as I can。 You Mrs。 Giry know a lot of phantom should know where he had gone。 Tell me。
G: (should I tell him what I know, I'm the passenger of phantom but。 ) now tell me young one you love Christine and she loves you don't you。
R: yes I can swear。 I would take care of her for the whole life。
G: Ok I feel for Christine so much。 Ok you go down through the door of the mirror。 This is all I can help
R: Thank you so much。
G: be careful young man。
R: I will dear madam。 My thanks to you again。
Phantom看到Raoul走近,他放下铁条闸门,把Raoul锁在门外,他告诉Christine,如果她肯他走,他就会放Raoul一命,如果Christine不同意,那么他就杀了Raoul。 这时警察们追着Raoul也来到密室外面。Phantom忽然转念,决定放这一对年轻的恋人离开,因为他明白Christine永远不会爱他,他的一番苦心也永远不会有结果。他打开秘室的闸门,警察一拥而进,可是一阵烟雾过后,Phantom所坐的椅子上只留下一只面具,人却消失得无影无踪了。
R: Free her! Do what you like, only free her!
P: now dear Christine you have to make a Choose。 GO with me and I will release this gentleman。 If you don't this young man will certainly die。
R: don't listen to him Christine。 Phantom let Christine go you can kill me。 Why don't。 I'm prey for you lust for blood。 You are a demon。
CH: I have never been recognizing that you are such a cruel one。 You have taught me, and you have changed now。
P: Cruel。 You say cruel。 Who is cruel? It's me who give you the chance to be the famous actress。 And you have betrayed me。
Ch: how can you say so! I respect you so much。 But I loved Raoul。 I will follow him not you。
R: I love her! Show some compassion。
P: shut up。 The world shows no compassion to me。
Police: viscount。 Are you in? Track down this murderer - he must be found!
We will burst in。
P: too late to turn back。 You must pay for what you have down to me
CH: not too late my friend。 What you need is others care。
R: either way you choose, my love, he wins。 Forgive me, I can't do as I promise to be with you。
CH: why torment yourself my friend。 End it。
P: either way you choose, I lose。 Maybe you are right Christine。 Oh see what I have down to you。
P: young man you are free now。 Forget all this and all you have seen。 Take her away。
R: Why。 You set us free。
P: no reason, perhaps。 Christine, listen。 Only you can take my song flight。
CH: I will。 But what are you going to do。
P: It is over now。 The play has concluded。 There is no phantom in the world from now and forever。
G: Oh,It must be the phantom,
MA: Phantom? I used to think it's only a legend。 What shall we do?
G: Every time there is a performance the No 5 balcony should be empty。 For it's phantom's。 And the 2 million franc that is given to the phantom should be continued。 Or the accidents happened today won't stop。
MA: That's a bad news。 But even worse Carlotta our leading actress also a bad temper woman refuse to play the role。
G: Not very difficult。 Christine can take the place of her。
MA: Christine?
G: Yes。 Though she is 16 in our troupe but I learn from my daughter that she is learning singing from a secret teacher。 And she sings a wonderful voice。
MA: Ok…ok since I have no idea now。 Christine could have a try。
《Hannibal》的公演时,包箱里坐的子爵Raoul,也是歌剧院新的股东,发现剧里的女主角就是Christine,他年幼时的好朋友。 演出结束以后,Raoul到后台见Christine并邀请她同进晚餐。 Christine见到久别的好友虽然很高兴,但是她拒绝了Raoul的邀请,因为她的音乐教师,"音乐天使",对她十分严格。Raoul离开后,Christine对镜卸妆的时候赫然发现Phantom从镜子里面显现出来。 Christine被他牵引着,穿过镜子,仿佛走进了另一个世界。他们走下一层又一层的楼梯,坐船穿过歌剧院地下水池,最后来到Phantom所住的秘室。秘室的四周布满高大的烛台,里面的布置精制而高贵,但是既陈旧又破烂。 在Phantom的钢琴声里,Christine的音乐课开始了。
P: I find the one I'm looking for eventually。 A person who can understand my music has appeared。 Christine for the first time I see her I know she is the one I'm looking for。 Now I'm making effort to practice her to be the best singers。 One day she will be able to sing my song in the stage。
CH: What a man he is。 He always wears a mask。 And I know nothing about him。 His name, his backdrop, where he came from, only I know that he is a good person and help me lot。 Maybe he is ugly。 How he looks like?
… …
P: No, I can be sure that you won't be interesting in it。 And you never have chance to see my real appearance。 Oh it's already daybreak。 You should go to the ground。
Ch: Bye
P: I think we would meet soon。
Some days later
G: what is the matter manager? You look so worried。
Ma: A serious problem。 The phantom had sent me a letter。
G: what's the content。
MA: It reads that he order us to let Christine be the leading actress of the new opera。
G: it doesn't seem so bad as I think。
MA: But Carlotta won't agree。
G: What are you going to do now。
MA: I choose Carlotta for she is more famous now。 And she will of course make the opera successful。
G: Will the phantom take action to do sth?
MA: I hope he'd better not。 Now strengthen the guard。 It's all I can do。
吊灯事件后整整六个月,歌剧院都没有Phantom的消息。 ,歌剧院举行的盛大舞会。Christine和Raoul已经订婚了,但是他们的订婚消息并没有公开,Christine的订婚戒指也一直被她偷偷挂在项链上面。 舞会中间,Phantom突然再次出现了,这一次,他打扮成红色死神,并且交个剧院经理他呕心沥血所编写的剧本,唐徨。 一开始,经理们不同意演出这个离奇而且怪异的剧本。但是Raoul提议他们可以先排练,再设计下圈套捕捉Phantom。 几经商量,他们的计策逐渐成型,但是要用Christine做诱饵。
MA: who are you?
P: there is no need for you to know who I am。 Take it。
MA: what's this。
P: a playbook。
MA: a playbook
P: yes you ought to perform it as I tell you。 Listen to me or you will regret。
After the party
R: what are you looking at manager。
MA: oh my venerable viscount。 It is just a playbook。
R: who wrote it? What a fantastic story it is。
MA: it is…
R: the phantom isn't he。 Only he can do it。
MA: yes viscount。
R: so what are you going to deal with it。
MA: as you say the story is so strange I don't think it should be performed。
R: I think it should。 For phantom always make my fiancée Christine worried。 And he had killed Carlotta。
MA: you mean that…
R: try to perform the play。 And the phantom would appear the police would catch him。
MA: a good plan。 But…
R: take it easy。 I think it will succeed。
唐徨的首场演出时,整个巴黎歌剧院布满了警察和看守,都满心期待着抓到Phantom。 在最后一段压轴歌曲里,Phantom扮成男主角。 后,他甩脱了警察的包围,再一次挟带着Christine来到歌剧院底下,穿过水池,来到他藏身的地方。Raoul追到Christine的化妆室,找不到暗门。Giry太太是Phantom的传信人,但是她觉得Raoul和Christine是真心相爱,于是她指Raoul打开镜子后面的暗门,Raoul一路追到了秘室。
R: where are they had gone。 It seems that they had disappear。
G: What's wrong。 Why are you here, viscount?
R: you should know I lost my way。 I must find my fiancée as soon as I can。 You Mrs。 Giry know a lot of phantom should know where he had gone。 Tell me。
G: (should I tell him what I know, I'm the passenger of phantom but。 ) now tell me young one you love Christine and she loves you don't you。
R: yes I can swear。 I would take care of her for the whole life。
G: Ok I feel for Christine so much。 Ok you go down through the door of the mirror。 This is all I can help
R: Thank you so much。
G: be careful young man。
R: I will dear madam。 My thanks to you again。
Phantom看到Raoul走近,他放下铁条闸门,把Raoul锁在门外,他告诉Christine,如果她肯他走,他就会放Raoul一命,如果Christine不同意,那么他就杀了Raoul。 这时警察们追着Raoul也来到密室外面。Phantom忽然转念,决定放这一对年轻的恋人离开,因为他明白Christine永远不会爱他,他的一番苦心也永远不会有结果。他打开秘室的闸门,警察一拥而进,可是一阵烟雾过后,Phantom所坐的椅子上只留下一只面具,人却消失得无影无踪了。
R: Free her! Do what you like, only free her!
P: now dear Christine you have to make a Choose。 GO with me and I will release this gentleman。 If you don't this young man will certainly die。
R: don't listen to him Christine。 Phantom let Christine go you can kill me。 Why don't。 I'm prey for you lust for blood。 You are a demon。
CH: I have never been recognizing that you are such a cruel one。 You have taught me, and you have changed now。
P: Cruel。 You say cruel。 Who is cruel? It's me who give you the chance to be the famous actress。 And you have betrayed me。
Ch: how can you say so! I respect you so much。 But I loved Raoul。 I will follow him not you。
R: I love her! Show some compassion。
P: shut up。 The world shows no compassion to me。
Police: viscount。 Are you in? Track down this murderer - he must be found!
We will burst in。
P: too late to turn back。 You must pay for what you have down to me
CH: not too late my friend。 What you need is others care。
R: either way you choose, my love, he wins。 Forgive me, I can't do as I promise to be with you。
CH: why torment yourself my friend。 End it。
P: either way you choose, I lose。 Maybe you are right Christine。 Oh see what I have down to you。
P: young man you are free now。 Forget all this and all you have seen。 Take her away。
R: Why。 You set us free。
P: no reason, perhaps。 Christine, listen。 Only you can take my song flight。
CH: I will。 But what are you going to do。
P: It is over now。 The play has concluded。 There is no phantom in the world from now and forever。
Soldiers: Yes, your highnesss! 第四场: (士兵敲门) Stepmother: What’s the matter, soldiers? Soldier1: Are there any young girls in your family, madam? Soldier2: The pretty princess lost her shoe in the palace. Soldier3: The prince wants to find her and marry her. Helen: Let me try.The shoe is mine. Soldier1