http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5e9fa0040100dco1.html 是《喜羊羊与灰太狼》的。已经大获成功,视频:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5e9fa0040100dgzd.html~type=v5_one&label=rela_nextarticle
Narration: Carrie, Cici and Wing are co-worker of a company。 This day they are talking in the office。 Ca: Bingo! I finally finish this case。 It is really tough! I have not slept well for almost a week。 Wing: Me too 。I always get so busy in this season。 I have drunk three cups of coffee in order to keep awake。 Ci: Our boss must be enjoying his holiday in Fiji very much。 What do you think he will feel when he comes back to see our case?Ca:Of course he will feel surprised and give each of us a promotion。 Wing: Come on, he is a devil, how could he do this to us? Anyway, we should award ourselves for these days hard work!Ca: You are right。 Let’s pig out on junk food!Wing: I have stayed in China for a whole year and I miss my hometown。 I miss German food!Ca: so do I 。how much I love French food!Ci: I have not eaten German or French food before。 Do you have any recommendation?Ca: If you visit France or go to a French restaurant, snails, cheese, and goose liver and red wine are the best choices。 Wing: You also can’t miss the famous German sausage, ham and blue checseCi: They all sound yummy。 But do you know what Chinese eat when they miss their families?Wing&Ca: NoCi: The answer is dumplings!Ca:Well ,I heard that before though I haven’t tasted 。 Wing: Can you make dumplings, CiCi? Would you make some for us? I have been longing for dumplings for a long time。 Ci: Aha, it is as easy as a pie for me 。 what about coming to my house tonight? We can make dumplings together。 I will teach you how to cook it。Ca: Great! That is fantastic。 Then it will be the first time to make and eat dumplingsWing: Very good idea! We could busy some basic ingredient at the supper market after work。 Ci: Sure。We need flour, yeast, pork, cabbages, vinegar, sauce and ginger。(The three colleagues had their shopping and now they are in CiCi’s house)CiCiours some pour on the table and said:”Carrie, can you fetch some water here?”Ca: sure, here you are 。 what s next?Ci:Ci:we have to mix the flour yeast and water together 。be careful ,don’t add too much water。 Ca: Okay, I’m kneeing the dough repentedly。 it is becoming and softerWing: Yeah, I am cutting the pork into many small pieces, and then I will add several spoons of oil in it 。 shall I blend them?CiCi: Yes, make sure they blend well。 A bit salt and a spoon of vinegar are needed, too。 (an hour later)Ca: Yes, the dumplings are prepared 。 lets start!CiCi: Wait! I remember well that you all miss the food from your hometown。 Look, what are these?Ca: Wow! Cheese! Where did you get it? And my favorite red wine。 Wing: God。 Those are sausage and ham, I can’t believe it!CiCi: Haha, it is a big surprise, isn’t it? Now ,we are got all three countries’ food ready。 Ca: So it is a complete big meal。Wing: An unforgettable banquet in my life。 Let’s cheers!Ca, Ci, Wing: Cheers!。
阿甘正传的片断 FORREST (voice-over) That Momma, she sure was right. It's funny how things work out. EXT. BAYOU LA BATRE/BUBBA'S MOM'S HOUSE - DAY Forrest walks up to a shack on the edge of the Bayou. A group of black kids play in the front yard. FORREST (voice-over) I didn't stay home for long, because I'd
我叫 阿立
A Play: Buying Medicine By Liu Qinglin Characters: X ------ Xiao Fei S ------- Shopkeeper D- ---- Doctor Li O- -----Others ( O1, O2 O3 -----) Ws ------ Wounded soldiers ( W1, W2,W3 -----) H -----He zhenwu, a Japanese spy W- ---- Woman J ------ Japanese Scene1 ( At an old temple lie some wounded sold
《孔雀东南飞》(英文搞笑话剧) 本文来自:恒星英语学习网(www.Hxen.com)详细出处参考: http://www.hxen.com/yingyujuben/2007-03-30/4960.htmlWanderseveryfivemiles 焦仲卿Johnny(Jforshort)刘兰芝Lunch(Lforshort) 焦母Johnny’smother(JMforshort)刘母Lunch’smother(LMforshort) 太守之子Mayor’sson(MSforshort)强盗Burglars(ABandC) Prologue (J作被打状跑上台,内砸出一卷纸筒,J被打中,狼狈不
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Aside: You can't see your hand in front of you in one at night, pitch-dark forest have one one black little girl running alarmed of clothing. (princess appears on the stage , the black clothing runs and encloses ) she is in rags, the complexion is wan and sallow , turn one's head and look around fre
(At Salesman’s home) N: In a dark dirty house, there lived a small, dirty salesman。 He always makes unhealthy candies and sells them to the students。 He has a lot of money now。 But how does he make the candies? Oh, xu …… He is coming! S: Hello, do you know me? No? Oh, let me tell you 。 I’m the famous candy salesman at the school gate。 My candies are very popular,(展示),I don’t know why。 The foolish students always come here。 I’ll be a boss soon! Candy, money, candy, money…… Oops! It’s time to make candies now。 (看表) First, put the flour on the table。 Then, water, sugar, flour。 (边说边做) Now press, press…… Oh, my dirty hands! Never mind! Just do it!(满不在意的神情) Press, press…… Oh, my god!Never mind! Just do it! Press, press, the children will not know it , it’s OK,hehehe…… Now let me cut it into pieces!。 。