新灰姑娘 New Cinderella 角色:灰姑娘(戴着深度近视眼镜,满脸雀斑),后母,两个姐姐,王子,小仙女,女孩甲,女孩乙,参加宴会者数人。 道具:深度近视眼镜两副,高跟鞋,拖把,鸡毛掸子,梳子,橡皮筋,西瓜车,SKI化妆品,音乐带,镜子,围巾,流星。 ACT 1 (灰姑娘背对着观众,拿着拖把拖地,身体夸张地跟着音乐律动,再拿起鸡毛掸子清理,后母走出来,刚好清理到她的身边。) Stepmother: Cinderella, what are you doing? (生气地) Cinderella: Mum, your dress is a little bit dirty. Let me
当初高中的时候大家都是找到中文剧本或课本自己翻译,那才显得有意思!没有太多复杂的词语,基本都能听明白,然后有些时候翻译 的有意思的 大家就哄堂大笑。 推荐剧本:愚公移山等中文课本的(大家都知道的才好)。
http://www.jiaguwen163.com/Article/xiaopinxiangsheng/yingyujuben/Index.htm 甲骨文剧本网 英语剧本剧本列表 [英语剧本]英文小品剧本 羊肉串和纳税人 张凯 11-16 [英语剧本]孙悟空vs猪八戒 未知 11-14 [英语剧本]《孔雀东南飞》(英文搞笑话剧) 未知 11-14 [英语剧本]英语剧本买药 未知 11-14 [英语剧本]The Pocket Money 未知 11-14 [英语剧本]英语小剧本-----小红帽 未知 11-14 [英语剧本]貂禅 未知 11-14 [英语剧本]英语表演剧本--小狮子找食物 未知
>男孩和他的树a long ago,there was a huge apple tree。 a little boy love to come and play around it everyday。 he climbed to the tree top,ate the apples,took a nap under the shadow…he loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him。 time went by…the little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree everyday。 one day,the boy came back to the tree and he looked。 "come and play with me ,"the tree asked the boy 。 "i am no longer a kid, i don't play around trees anymore。"the boy replied, "i want toys。 i need money to buy them。 " "sorry,but i don't have money…but you can pick all my apples and sell them。 so,you will have money。 "the boy was so excited 。 he grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily。the boy never came back after he picked the apples。 the tree was sad。 one day,the boy returned and the tree was so excited。 "come and play with me ,"the tree said。 "i don't have time to play。i have to work for my family。we need a house for shelter。can you help me?" "sorry,but i don't have a house 。 but you can chop off my branches to build your house。"so the boy cut all the branches of the tree and left happily。 the tree was glad to see him happy but the boy never came back since then。 the tree was again lonely and sad。 one hot summer day,the boy returned and the tree was delighted。 "come and play with me !"the tree said。 "i am sad and getting old。iwant to go sailing to relax myself。can you give a boat?" "use my truck to build your boat。 you can sail faraway and be happy。 " so the boy cut the tree truck to make a boat 。he went sailing and never showed up for a long time。 finally, the boy returned after he left for so many years。 "sorry,my boy。but i don't have anything for you anymore。 no more apples for for you…“the tree said。 "i don't have teeth to bite。"the boy replied。 "no more truck foe you to climb on。 " "i am too old for that now。"the boy said。 "i really can give you anything…the only thing left is my dying roots。 "the tree said with tears。 "i don't need much now,just a place to rest。i am tired after all these year" the boy replied。 "good!old tree roots is the best place to lean on and rest。 come,come sit down with me and rest。 "the boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears…… this is a story of everyone。 the tree is our parent。 when we were young, we loved to play with mom and dad…… when we grown up, we left them…only came to them when we need something or when we are in trouble。 no matter what,parents will alway be there and give everything they could to make you happy。 you may think the boy is cruel to the tree but that how all of us are treating our parent。 tme is too slow for those who wait,too swift for those who fear,too long for those who grieve,too short for those who rejoice,but for those who love,time is eternity。 。
求童话剧剧本、(白雪公主之类的就不要了)要有哲理性的、5~10分钟左右的、中学生的话剧那种、跪求啊、 :试试从《伊索寓言》中找些灵感吧,儿童时期我们就读过,都是些为人处世的哲理。场景就按原著描述就行,剧本对话部分可根据表演的实际情况酌情增减,角色也不难,表演起来应该很简单。曾经有过这方面的经验,希望能对你有所帮助!
灰姑娘 短剧剧本英汉对照版 Once there lived a kind and lovely girl. After her father's death, her stepmother became cruel to her.Her two step-sisters teased her, asking her to do all the housework.从前有一位可爱善良的姑娘,她父亲很早就去世了。她的继母经常虐待她,继母带来的两个孩子也经常欺负她,她们把灰姑娘当女拥一样使唤。 stepmother: Do the laundry and get on with your duti
(灰姑娘背对着观众,拿着拖把拖地,身体夸张地跟着音乐律动,再拿起鸡毛掸子清理,后母走出来,刚好清理到她的身边。) Stepmother: Cinderella, what are you doing? (生气地) Cinderella: Mum, your dress is a little bit dirty. Let me clean it for you. (用鸡毛掸子清理后母的裙子。) Stepmother: Stop it! You naughty girl. Look at my face. (拿出镜子给Cinderella看)You had better clean your f
5人英语短剧】阿拉丁传说 The Tale of Aladdin 【7人英语短剧】Cinderella 灰姑娘 7人 短剧 【The Gifts (礼物)】中英文短剧剧本 【4人英语短剧】阿拉丁传说 The Tale of Aladdin 灰姑娘的剧本 http://www.jjcdixon.btinternet.co.uk/cinderella.htm 【7人英文话剧】花木兰 Mulan
灰姑娘 第一部分:后妈和她的女儿坐在桌子旁上聊天 灰姑娘在厨房里去忙来忙去,她被迫去干艰苦的活儿。每天天不亮就起来担水、生火、做饭、洗衣,而且还要忍受她继母和妹妹对她的折磨。 到了晚上,她累得筋疲力尽时,连睡觉的床铺也没有,不得不睡在炉灶旁边的灰烬中,这一来她身上都沾满了灰烬,又脏,又难看,由于这个原因她们就叫她灰姑娘。 (继母和她女儿的臭美对话。 构思一下) 第二部分: 王子的出现(王子以一小段现代舞出场)王子说:我将准备举办一个为期两天的盛大宴会,邀请了不少年青漂亮的姑娘来参加。王子打算从这些参加舞会的姑娘中选一个作自己的新娘。灰姑娘的姐姐和继母也被邀请去参加。 她们把灰姑娘叫来说道:“现在来为我们梳好头发,擦亮鞋子,系好腰带,我们要去参加国王举办的舞会。 ”她按她们的要求给她们收拾打扮完毕后,禁不住哭了起来,因为她自己也想去参加舞会。 她苦苦哀求她的继母让她去,可继母说道:“哎哟!灰姑娘,你也想去?你穿什么去呀!你连礼服也没有,甚至连舞也不会跳,你想去参加什么舞会啊?”灰姑娘:你行行好让我去吧,我发誓以后会更加好好地侍候你们的。 继母:“算了!你别再白费劲了,死了这条心吧,你是不能去的。你没有礼服,不会跳舞,你只会给我们丢脸。”灰姑娘不停地哀求着,为了摆脱她的纠缠。继母最后说道:“我把这一满盆碗豆倒进灰堆里去,如果你在一小时内把它们都拣出来了,你就可以去参加宴会。 ” 说完,她(继母)将一盆碗豆倒进灰烬里,扬长而去。 灰姑娘低下头开始在灰堆里拣起来,一颗一颗地拣,不停地拣!她再也忍不住了这样的苦楚和待遇了,跑去(冲出去)她妈妈的坟墓前跪下哭了此时其他人(继母和他女儿)开始出发参加宴会去了。 现在,家里的人都走了,只留下灰姑娘孤伶伶地一个人悲伤地跪在她妈妈墓前哭泣巫婆的出现巫婆:(巫婆和灰姑娘之间的对话,构思下)为她带来了一套金银制成的礼服和一双光亮的丝制舞鞋。 收拾打扮、穿上礼服之后,灰姑娘在她两个姐妹之后来到了舞厅。 (旁白):穿上豪华的礼服之后,她看起来是如此高雅、漂亮、美丽动人极了。当她来到舞会大厅时,她的美丽使所有的人惊讶不已。她们都认不出她,以为她一定是一位陌生的公主,根本就没有想到她就是灰姑娘,她们以为灰姑娘仍老老实实地待在家中的灰堆里呢。 王子看到她,很快向她走来,伸出手挽着她,请她跳起舞来。他再也不和其他姑娘跳舞了,他的手始终不肯放开她。每当有人来请她跳舞时,王子:“这位女士在与我跳舞。”(演出来,跳舞情节)他们一起跳到很晚,她才想起要回家去了。 王子想知道这位美丽的姑娘到底住在哪里王子:“我送你回家去吧。 ”灰姑娘:有些犹豫的答应了(灰姑娘表面上同意了,但却趁他不注意时,悄悄地溜走,拔腿向家里跑去。)(王子演出来)王子在后面紧追不舍,她只好跳进鸽子房并把门关上。 王子等在外面不肯离去,王子没有看到她,他不知道她去了哪儿,只好又一直等到她继母回来,王子才走上前对她说:“那个与我跳舞的不知姓名的姑娘溜走了,我认为她肯定是跑进花园去了。 ” 继母暗想:“难道是灰姑娘吗?”当继母到厨房来看时,灰姑娘和平时一样已经身穿邋遢的衣服躺在灰堆边上了,就像她一直躺在那儿似地,昏暗的小油灯在烟囱柱上的墙洞里摇晃着。 第二天,当舞会又要开始时,继母和两个姐妹都去了。灰姑娘来到妈妈的墓前说: “巫婆巫婆,请你帮帮我,给我金银礼服一整套。 ”(善良的巫婆又给她一套比第二天那套更加漂亮的礼服和一双纯金编制的舞鞋。 当她赶到舞会现场时,大家都被她那无法用语言表达的美给惊呆了。)一直在等待她到来的王子立即上前挽着她的手,请她跳起舞来。王子只与她一个人跳舞,每当有其他人请她跳舞时,他(王子)总是说:“这位女士是我的舞伴。 ”当午夜快要来临时,她要回家了,王子又要送她回去,王子并暗暗说道:“这次我可不能让她跑掉了。”然而,灰姑娘还是设法从他身边溜走了。由于走得过于匆忙,她竟把左脚的水晶鞋失落在楼梯上了。 王子将舞鞋拾起,揣在怀里。 第三部分: 王子寻找灰姑娘王子说:“我要娶正好能穿上这只水晶鞋的姑娘作我的妻子。 ”(灰姑娘的姐姐和继母听到这个消息后非常高兴)因为她们都有一双很漂亮的脚,她们认为自己穿上那只舞鞋是毫无疑问的。 姐姐由她妈妈陪着先到房子里去试穿那只舞鞋,可她的大脚趾却穿不进去,那只鞋对她来说太小了。于是她妈妈(继母)拿给她一把刀说:“没关系,把大脚趾切掉!只要你当上了王后,还在乎这脚趾头干嘛,你想到哪儿去根本就不需要用脚了。 ”姐姐:听了,觉得有道理,(that sounds reasonable, mom,maybe you are right )这傻姑娘忍着痛苦切掉了自己的大脚趾,勉强穿在脚上来到王子面。 王子看她穿好了鞋子,就把她当成了新娘,与她并排骑在马上,把她带走了。但在他们出门回王宫的路上,经过后花园灰姑娘栽的那棵榛树时,停在树枝上的一只小鸽子唱道: “再回去!再回去!快看那只鞋! 鞋太小,不是为她做的! 王子!王子! 再找你的新娘吧, 坐在你身边的不是你的新娘!” 王子听见后,下马盯着她的脚看,发现鲜血正从鞋子里流出来,他知道自己被欺骗了,马上掉转马头王子低头一看,转头把她送了回去,王子对她的继母说:”这不是真新娘,你还有女儿吗?“继母回答说:“没有了,只有前妻生的一个叫灰姑娘的小邋遢女儿,她不可能是新娘的。 ”然而,王子一定要他把她带来试一试。灰姑娘先把脸和手洗干净,然后走进来很有教养地向王子屈膝行礼。王子把舞鞋拿给她穿,鞋子穿在她脚上就像是专门为她做的一样。他走上前仔细看清楚她的脸后,认出了她, 王子马上兴奋的说道:“这才是我真正的新娘。 ”继母和她的姐姐大吃一惊,当王子把灰姑娘扶上马时,她们气得脸都发白了,眼睁睁地看着王子把她带走了。 他们一起向王宫走去。在灰姑娘与王子的结婚晚会上,灰姑娘的两个姐姐也去罗勒,鸽子在门口,看见她们,于是啄瞎了她们的眼睛各一只,说:"这是你们应有的惩罚"。 (后面改一下) 都看下,然后再把情节补充完整,改成简单的对话形式,再讨论。
小熊请客 第一幕: (旁白):在美丽的大森林里,住着一群可爱的小动物,它们快乐的生活着。小熊要在新年这天邀请朋友们做客,一大清早,小熊们就开始忙里忙外了。 (音乐起,房子,树,小熊上场) house: happy new year. we are house. trees: we are trees. happy new year. tree: i’m tree. tree: i’m green. tree: i’m tree. trees: we’re the forest. (树后退至背景处) bear1: happy new year. my name’s pat. i’m big br
Little Red Riding Hood 第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家 Mum: (妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里) Little Red Riding Hood唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing? Mum: (一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma. Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok! Mum: (亲切地看
5人英语短剧】阿拉丁传说 The Tale of Aladdin 【7人英语短剧】Cinderella 灰姑娘 7人 短剧 【The Gifts (礼物)】中英文短剧剧本 【4人英语短剧】阿拉丁传说 The Tale of Aladdin 灰姑娘的剧本 【7人英文话剧】花木兰 Mulan
英语幽默短剧剧本The Pocket Money Scene1(At Salesman’s home) N: In a dark dirty house, there lived a small, dirty salesman。 He always makes unhealthy candies and sells them to the students。 He has a lot of money now。 But how does he make the candies? Oh, xu …… He is coming! S: Hello, do you know me? No? Oh, let me tell you 。 I’m the famous candy salesman at the school gate。 My candies are very popular,(展示),I don’t know why。 The foolish students always come here。 I’ll be a boss soon! Candy, money, candy, money…… Oops! It’s time to make candies now。 (看表) First, put the flour on the table。 Then, water, sugar, flour。 (边说边做) Now press, press…… Oh, my dirty hands! Never mind! Just do it!(满不在意的神情) Press, press…… Oh, my god!Never mind! Just do it! Press, press, the children will not know it , it’s OK,hehehe…… Now let me cut it into pieces! 另一个 白雪公主与七个小矮人 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 英文短剧本 旁白:Once upon a time, there was a queen。 She had a pretty daughter named Snow White。 Soon after the child was born, the queen died。 The queen married another queen。 The stepmother was very jealous。 She dressed Snow White in rags and forced her to do the housework all day and all night, such as sweep and mop the floor, do some cleaning, carry water and so on。 白雪:( Sweep and mop the floor, do some cleaning, carry water and so on。) 皇后:I’m the new queen。 I’m very beautiful。 you see。 If anyone is more beautiful than me, I’ll kill her。 I have a magic mirror。 If I want to know something, It will tell me surely。Now, mirror, mirror, come here! 魔镜:Yes, I’m coming。 Your Majesty! What do you want to know? 皇后:Mirror, mirror, on the wall。 Who is the fairest of the all? 魔镜:Yes。 Your Majesty! You are the fairest of all, I think。But there is a young lady。 She is as white as snow, as red as rose and as black as ebony。 She is much more beautiful than you。 皇后:She is much more beautiful than me?Who is she? Tell me quickly。 你看看哪个合适,也可以做一些修改。
哈里波特原书(语音+pdf) 窈窕淑女剧本/My Fair Lady 毕业生剧本The Graduate 第五元素剧本The 5th Element 8毫米剧本8 mm 英国病人剧本English Patient 人鬼情末了剧本Ghost 侏罗纪公剧本Jurassic Park 壮志凌云剧本Top Gun 电子情书剧本You"ve Got Mail Friends(老友记)剧本(1-9季)。