Noah s Ark! One of the most fabledartifacts of Western civilization; worth in-calculable fortunes in power and prestige tothe nation that owned it should it stillexist, and-could it ever be found. There arerumors of its existence, hints that havecome into a U.S. Government agencyknown as "the firm" that one of its opera-tors, the archeologist Bruce Hansman, wason its track before he mysteriously disap-peared. So the firm hires Vietnam veteranJeff Rivers to look for Hansman in Turkey,and for Hansman s daughter, Eve, who isalso journeying toward Mount Ararat,accompanied by a mysterious Englishmannamed Symmes, to find her father. Andthus begins one of the most fascinatingadventure stories in recent years, alive withsurprise, betrayal, danger and love; filledwith a feeling for place and atmosphere;delivering characters of extraordinary com-plexity and appeal. Ark is a novel oforiginality and power, a thriller with globalimplications. It represents an astonishingdebut for a young and gifted writer.