Study Guide
Study Guide内容简介
The Student Study Guide for this revised edition elevates the notion of study guidance to a new level. Beginning with the Study Guide author's personal message to students, the outlining of the 'guided review' sections provides students with a new degree of insight into their own learning practices. By the end of the semester, students should not only have a firm grasp of material, but also the process by which they reached that point of understanding. The Student Study Guide's features include chapter highlights, key terms and concepts, comprehensive guided progress tests with multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, matching, short answer, and essay questions, and a fun study activity for each chapter. Each chapter also contains two 'exit tests' drawing on the main topics of the 'guided review' sections, enabling students to self-assess once all review activities have been completed. The Student Study Guide was expertly prepared by Cynthia K. Shinabarger Reed of Tarrant County College.
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