The Stillborn God
The Stillborn God内容简介
Religious passions are again driving world politics. The quest to bring political life under God’s authority has been revived, confounding expectations of a secular future. In this major book, Mark Lilla reveals the sources of this age-old quest—and its surprising role in shaping Western thought.The story could not be more timely. Most civilizations in history have been organized on the basis of a political theology – a myth or revelation about the correct ordering of society. Yet due to a crisis in Western Christendom nearly five hundred years ago, a novel intellectual challenge to political theology arose in Europe. By portraying religion as an expression of human nature, not a divine gift, modern Western thinkers found a way to free politics from God’s authority and build barriers against destructive religious passions.But the temptations of political theology are always present, even in the West. As Lilla vividly shows, the urge to reconnect politics to religion remained strong and took novel forms in mo
所以我们得问自己:当人谈到上帝时,人其实在谈什么? 霍布斯的回答是:人在谈论自己,谈论他自身的经验。“由于只有在人类中才有宗教的迹象和产物,“他宣布,”没有理由怀疑,宗教的种子也只存在于人类之中。“这恐怕是整部《利维坦》中最重要的声明了。
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