Leading at a Higher Level
Leading at a Higher Level内容简介
《更高层面的领导》中,肯·布兰佳携同肯一布兰加公司的合作缔造者和顾问合伙人倾力奉献了他们在世界级领导力方面的研究成果。作为一个领导者,你将在《更高层面的领导》中发现创立目标和洞悉"三底线"策略,同时确保让人们了解你是谁、你要带领大家到哪里去以及指导你领导旅途的价值观。从《一分钟经理人》到《顾客也疯狂》,肯·布兰佳的著作帮助上百万的人释放出自己的能量和他们周围人的潜能。肯一布兰佳公司帮助成千上万的组织转变为更以人为本、更以客户为中心的绩效驱动的组织。在《更高层面的领导》中,布兰佳进一步展现了他在提供惊人的客户服务和培养忠诚的客户方面的突破性成果。你会发现对著名的“情境领导Ⅱ”的诠释指导你去领导自己、其他个体、团队和整个组织。最重要的是。《更高层面的领导》可以帮助你深度挖掘和发现所有卓越领导者个人的领导愿景。帮助你把这些知识运用到你整个生活的实践中去。“ Leading at a Higher Level translates decades of research and 25 years of global experience into simple, practical, and powerful strategies to equip leaders at every level to build organizations that produce bottom-line results. At Nissan, we have made these principles a core part of our leadership philosophy, better equipping our managers to bring out the great energies and talents of our employees.” Jim Irvine , Vice President of Human Resources, Nissan North America “At Southwest Airlines, we have always strived to lead at a higher level. We truly believe that profit is the applause you get for taking care of your internal an
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