“... a fascinating collection of 121 stories...that will shock,thrill,enlighten of make us laugh.”“... a moving and hilarious cross section of life's problems,misunderstandings and everyday tragedies.”“... a valuable introduction to a great civilization still largely alien to Westerners who will find it at once exotic,enchanting,and a little threatening.”——Dr.Robert Price,Professor of English“... a rich tapestry of the lives,the hopes,the folklore.and the inner experience of a people cut off from the rest of the world by language.”“Each of these 121 stories is a aurprise and a delight.”“As in Chekhov's stories,they leave atmosphere as distinct as odour.”——Patria C.Rivera,Editor“Here,the tact and skill of the translator Harry Huang deserve our gratitude.”——Lynn Holmes,Professor of EnglishAS one of the most unique omnibuses in the world, An Anthology of Chinese Short Short Stories, a stunning compilation of 121 stories written by the best Chinese writers of China's mainland£?Hong Kong and Taiwan and translated