












She was like her mother, as the image in a pool on a still summer's day is like the vivid flushed face that hangs over it.

The rush and embrace of the rockets as they soared up into the air seemed like the fiery way in which lovers suddenly rose and united, leaving the crowd gazing up at them with strained white faces.

Indeed it was made quite obvious to him that the two or three hours between dinner and bed contained an amount of unhappiness, which was really pitiable, so many people had not succeeded in making friends.

Unfortunately, as age puts one barrier between human beings, and learning another, and sex a third, Mr. Ambrose in his study was some thousand miles distant from the nearest human being, who in this household was inevitably a woman.

But what's the use of reading if you don't read Greek? After all, if you read Greek, you need never read anything else, pure waste of time—pure waste of time.

The northern countries of Europe scarcely deserved the expense and labour of conquest. The forests and morasses of Germany were filled with a hardy race of barbarians, who despised life when it was separated from freedom.

He lived the perfect life, according to St. John, very lonely, very simple, caring only for the truth of things, always ready to talk, and extraordinarily modest, though his mind was of the greatest.

"I worship you, but I loathe marriage, I hate its smugness, its safety, its compromise, and the thought of you interfering in my work, hindering me; what would you answer?"

When one gave up seeing the beauty that clothed things, this was the skeleton beneath.

October was well advanced, but steadily burning with a warmth that made the early months of the summer appear very young and capricious.

Reality dwelling in what one saw and felt, but did not talk about, one could accept a system in which things went round and round quite satisfactorily to other people, without often troubling to think about it, except as something superficially strange.

The people who really care about an art are always the least affected.

What one wants in the person one lives with is that they should keep one at one's best. If on the one hand I have not accomplished what I set out to accomplish—which of us does!—on the other I can fairly say this: I have not lowered my ideal.

The vision of her own personality, of herself as a real everlasting thing, different from anything else, unmergeable, like the sea or the wind, flashed into Rachel's mind, and she became profoundly excited at the thought of living.

It was dusk in the room, which, large and empty at all times, now appeared larger and emptier than usual.

He observed how strangely the people standing in a row with their figures bent slightly forward and their clothes plastered by the wind to the shape of their bodies resembled naked statues.

The forests and morasses of Germany were filled with a hardy race of barbarians, who despised life when it was separated from freedom.

she only thought that the world was full or people in torment.

The darkness poured down profusely, and left them with scarcely any feeling of life, except that they were standing there together in the darkness.

but she had always found that the ordinary person had so little emotion in his own life that the scent of it in the lives of others was like the scent of blood in the nostrils of a bloodhound.

As the evening drew on and the red light of the sunset glittered far away on the sea, the same sense of desperation attacked both Terence and St. John at the thought that the day was nearly over, and that another night was at hand.

"Poor creature! " she muttered to the sallow Spanish servant-girl who came out with the pigs and hens to receive them, ‘ no wonder you hardly look like a human being!’ Maria accepted the compliment with an exquisite Spanish grace.











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