Programming Microsoft Windows with C#

作者:Charles Petzold






Programming Microsoft Windows with C#内容简介

"Look it up in Petzold" remains the last word on Windows development. In this .NET-ready Windows programming guide, the best-selling author shows you how to get the most out of Windows Forms--the next-generation Windows programming class library. You'll discover how to use C# to create dynamic user interfaces and graphical outputs for Windows applications. With dozens of examples of client applications to illustrate common techniques and plenty of no-nonsense advice on best programming practices, you'll be C# sharp in no time. Topics covered in this guide include: A tour of C#Windows FormsEssential structuresAn exercise in text outputLines, curves, and area fillsTapping into the keyboardPages and transformsTaming the mouseText and fontsThe timer and time Images and bitmapsButtons, labels, and scrollsBeziers and other splinesMenusPaths, regions, and clippingDialog boxesBrushes and pensEdit, list, and spin controlsFont funToolbars and status barsPrintingTree view and List viewMetafilesClip, drag, and drop INCLU



The Windows Documentation recommends that whenever you override a On method you call the base class On method.

Dont do this,however:Size.Width*=2.That's setting a property of a property.For reasons beyond the comprehension of people who don't write compilers, It's not allowed.

To Write ideally generalized code, the brush in your DrawString calls is New SolidBrush(ForeColor) .

The world of graphics is roughly divided into two areas:1.Vector Graphics 2.Raster Graphics.With the ascendance of outline fonts,text is often treated as part of vector graphics. 1.Graphics isn't public! 2Graphics class is sealed.

the off-by-1 error

Programming Microsoft Windows with C#书评


关于Charles Petzold

Charles Petzold

Charles Petzold 是 Windows 编程界大师、世界顶级技术作家。1994年5月,Petzold 作为仅有的七个人之一(并且是唯一的作家)被 Window Magazine 和 Microsoft 公司授予 Windows Pioneer 奖,以表彰他对 Microsoft Windows 的成功做出的贡献。Petzold 从1984年开始编写个人计算机程序,从1985年开始编写 Microsoft Windows 程序。他在 Microsoft Systems Joumal 1986年12月号上发表了第一篇关于 Windows 程序设计的杂志论文。从1986年到1995年,他为 PC Magazine 撰写 Environments 专栏,给读者介绍了 Windows 和 OS/2 程序设计的许多方面。 直到今天他依然维持 Windows GDI 程序设计首席技术作家的地位。其著作《Windows程序设计》是尽人皆知的 Win32 API 编程经典。

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