……这是一只真正意义上的芝诺生灵。“现在我只是一半死了。现在我只是四分之三四了。现在我只是八分之五死了。在你的手指拨弄下,我的生命正在无限地回归……现在,我只是十六分之十五死了。” …… 只有一个无限小的自我幸存下来,一个小小的“我”的回声轻轻回荡在空旷的永恒之中。
Once upon a time a creative person himself,he is now a failed creative person who lives vicariously off true creative people.
I must pull myself together. I believe in my work. I am my work.
... Everyone praised me. It is only recently that I have begun to falter. It has been a bewildering experience, though, being possessed of a high degree of consciousness, I have never been unprepared for it. ... Disobedience does not come easily to me.
... nobody is ever missing. Not, if I were to commit myself body and soul to some fiction or other, would I choose any fiction but my own. I am still the captain of my soul.
We are all more or less guilty; the offense is less significant than the sin; and I know my wide well, having contributed much to her making.
I am the warm, industrious genius of the household weaving my protective fabrications.
Print-reading is a slave habit. I discovered this truth, as I discovered all the truths in my Vietnam repoprt, by introspection.
Szell reports that a camp authority which randomly and at random times selects subjects for punishment, while maintaining the *appearance* of selectivity, is consistently successful in breaking down group morale.
Until we reveal to ourselves and revel in the true meaning of out acts we will go on suffering the double penalty of guilt and ineffectualness.
I speak in troubled times and tell you how to be as children again. I speak to the broken halves of all out selves and tell them to embrace, loving the worst in us equally with the best.
There was an abstract pleasure in eating into the finite number of miles that would take me home, so I pursues my straddle-legged hobble in good spirit.
I was disappointed to see no faith in his eyes. If he had believed in me, or indeed in anything, he would have recovered. But he had the constitution of a slave, resilient under the everyday blows of life, frail under disaster.
Would I be able to translate myself soberly across the told tale, getting back to a dual, decent farmer's life in the shortest possible time, or would I weaken and in a fit of boredom set out down a new path, implicate myself in a new life, ...
(... We hunt in vain for a British exporter of virtues of humility, respect, and diligence. In the things of this life, said Zwingli, it is the labourer who stands nearest to God.)
He could not see that the course of the river was plagued with falls and rapids, or that it debouched on a particularly desolate strip of coast. He dreamed a father-dream of rafts laden with produce sailing down to the sea and the waiting schooners.