我一直都太专注与自身,对周围的一切太苛刻,又太过自负。像我这样的人,不管表面上有多少同伴,都将寂寞地生,孤独的死。 I have always been much too self-absorbed;too critical of all about me;too unreasonably proud.Such men as I live and die alone,however much in appearance accompanied.
Beginning with my house, every stick and stone of it is dear to me as my heart's blood; I find myself laying an affectionate hand on the door-post, giving a pat, as I go by, to the garden gate.
I might regard the bat with disgust, and the owl either with vague superstition or not heed it at all. But these have their place in the poet's world, and carry me above this idle present.
Contentment so often means resignation, abandonment of the hope seen to be forbidden.
I cannot close my eyes upon this day without setting down some record of it; yet the foolish insufficiency of words!
Better to see the truth now, and accept it, than to fall into dread surprise on some day of weakness, and foolishly to cry against fate
For the man sound in body and serene of mind there is no such thing as bad weather; every sky has its beauty, and storms which whip the blood do but make it pulse more vigorously.
I could imagine that, as in a fairy tale, the books do but await my departure to begin talking among themselves.
It is a pleasant thing enough to be able to spend a little money without fear when the desire for some indulgence is strong upon one; now much pleasanter the ability to give money away.
There can be no home without the sense of permanence, and without home there is no civilization
My life has been merely tentative, a broken series of false starts and hopeless new beginnings.
Verbal delicacy itself will not prove an advanced civilization, but civilization, as it advances, assuredly tends that way.
Time is money—says the vulgarest known to any age or people.
When every day is a step in the unknown, as for children, the days are long with gathering of experience; the week gone by is already far in retrospect of things learnt, and that to come, especially if it foretells some joy, lingers in remoteness.
Enjoy the day, and, behold, it shrinks to a moment. Now, my life is rounded; it began with the natural or reflective happiness of childhood, it will close in the reasoned tranquility of the mature mind