If you're doing something you have to concentrate on you can't also be thinking about doing it, and if you're thinking about doing it then you can't actually be doing it.
Germany is more complex than it may perhaps appear from outside. The different organs of state have quite different traditions, in spite of all attempts at reform.
How difficult it is to see even what's in front of one's eyes. All we possess is the present, and the present endlessly dissolves into the past.
从爱因斯坦开始。他指出,测量---整个科学存在所依赖的测量---并非是不偏不倚非人格化的举动,它是一项人类行为,受特定的时空观念及观测者个人观念的影响。因而, 在20 世纪中叶的这3 年中,我们在哥本哈根发现了宇宙中并无绝对准确的客观世界。世间万物只是一系列的近似存在,仅仅由我们同它相对关系的限度来决定,仅仅由人类的思维与理解来决定。 玛格瑞特: 那你说的将人又置于宇宙的中心---是你? 还是海森堡?
Margrethe: Some questions remian long after their owners have died. Lignering like ghosts. Looking for the answers they never found in life.
[Margrethe] Physics, yes? Physics. [Bohr] This is physics. [Margrethe] It's also politics. [Heisenberg] The two are sometimes painfully difficult to keep apart.
[Margrethe] So, they re walking again. He's done it. And if they're walking they're talkig. Talking in a rather different way, no doubt -- I've typed out so much in my time about how differenly particles behave when they're unobserved…
[Margrethe] The Pope. That's what you used to call Niels behind his back. And now you want him to give you absolution.