












Yet Farmer Boldwood, whether by nature kind, or the reverse to kind, did not exercise kindness here. The rarest offerings of the purest loves are but a self-indulgence, and no generosity at all.

It appears that ordinary men take wives because possession is not possible without marriage, and that ordinary women accept husbands because marriage is not possible without possession; whth totally different aims the method is the same on both sides.

His dog waited for his meals in a way so like in which Oak waited for the girl’s presence that the farmer was quite struck with the resemblance.

Love is a possible strength in an actual weakness.

Boundless love; I shouldn’t have supposed it in the universe!

Hesitation on so high a matter is honorable in any woman.

Half the pleasure of a feeling lies is being able to express it on the spur of the moment.

How long is it since you have been so afflicted with strong feeling, then? Oh, ever since I was big enough to know loveliness from deformity.

Well perhaps generosity is not a woman’s most marked characteristic.

Love yields to circumstance.

The hill opposite Bathsheba's dwelling extended, a mile off, into anuncultivated tract of land, dotted at this season with tall thickets of brake fern, plump and diaphanous from recent rapid growth, and radiant in hues of clear and untainted green.

Weakness is doubly weak by being new.

It would be untrue, and painful to both of us. You overrate my capacity for love. I don't possess half the warmth of nature you believe me to have. An unprotected childhood in a cold world has beaten gentleness out of me.

Don't take on about her, Gabriel. What difference does it make whose sweetheart she is, since she can't be yours? That's the very thing I say to myself, said Gabriel.

Creation and preservation don’t do well together.

The clash of discord between mood and matter here was forced painfully home to the heart and, as in laughter there are more dreadful phases than in tears, so was there in the steadiness of this agonized man an expression deeper than a cry.

They will soon glide by, and it will seem an astonishingly short time to look back upon when they are part - much less than to look forward to now.

Ephraim is joined to idols.

On a day which had a summer face and a winter constitution—a fine January morning, when there was just enough blue sky visible to make cheerfully disposed people wish for more, and an occasional gleam of silver sunshine…

"I can make you happy," said he to the back of her head, across the bush. “You shall have a piano in a year or two—farmers' wives are getting to have piano now—and I'll practise up the flute right well to play with you in the evenings.”

Being a man who had read all the drama of life seriously,if he failed to please when they were comedies, there was no frivolous treatment to reproach him for when they changed to end tragically.





BIOGRAPHYThomas Hardy (1840-1928) is one ofEngland's greatest andbest-loved writers. His novels are all set in a region ofsouthem England that he called Wessex. They are famous forhis descriptions of the countryside and the lives of poorcountry people in the nineteenth century.Jude the Obscure is the last of Hardy's major novels, whichalso. include Tess of the d'Urbervilles, The Mayor of Casterbridgeand Far From the Madding Crowd (Simply Stories, Level 3).AfterJude the Obscure, he concentrated on writing poetry.

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