Angela Carter

Angela Carter

安潔拉.卡特(Angela Carter,1940-1992).英國最具獨創性的作家之一,書寫風格混雜魔幻寫實、歌德式、女性主義。曾獲得切特南文學節獎、詹姆斯.泰特.布雷克紀念等獎項。安潔拉•卡特於1940年在英國伊斯特本(Eastbourne)出生。二十歲結婚,在克羅伊登廣告(Croydon Advertise)工作,並在布里斯托爾(Bristol)大學英國文學系進修。1969年離婚,遷居日本兩年。.1976 至78年,她成為大不列顛藝術協會研究員,在雪菲爾大學開設寫作課程,1980至81年則是布朗大學寫作計畫的客座教授,並曾在美國及澳洲四處旅行、教學,但定居倫敦,於東安格里亞大學(University of East Anglia)任教,作家石黑一雄當時受教於她。.1992年二月因癌症病逝。..譯者簡介嚴韻.嚴韻是據說很像筆名的本名,綠火是花名。著有詩集《日光夜景》(2010)、《日重光行》(2011)。曾專職翻譯若干年,譯作四十餘,包括「朝完工,夕死可矣」的《焚舟紀》——但當時沒有「夕死」真是太好了,現在才可以看到這套書再版呀!.個人部落格

Angela Carter的小说列表

[作品]Wise Children

Wise Children follows the fortunes of the Chance twins, Dora and Nora, taking in the story of their...

Angela Carter

[作品]Old Wives' Fairy Tale Book, The

There was a time when fairy tales weren't meant just for children - they were part of an oral folklo...

Angela Carter

[作品]Nights at the Circus

The novel focuses on the life and exploits of Fevvers, a woman who is – or so she would have people ...

Angela Carter

[作品]American Ghosts and Old World Wonders

A collection of short stories which tear through the archives of cinema, of art and of the subconsci...

Angela Carter

[作品]Black Venus

A collection of short stories: 'BLACK VENUS' displays the superbly witchy Angela Carter at her best....

Angela Carter


In the short fiction of Angela Carter, the landmarks of reality disappear and give way to a landscap...

Angela Carter

[作品]Several Perceptions

Centre stage in Angela Carter's unruly tale of the Flower Power Generation is Joseph - a decadent, d...

Angela Carter

[作品]Shadow Dance

'The scar drew her whole face sideways and even in profile, with the hideous thing turned away, her...

Angela Carter

[作品]The Sadeian Woman

'Sexuality is power' - so says the Marquis de Sade, philosopher and pornographer extraordinaire. His...

Angela Carter

[作品]Wise Children

On their 75th birthday, we meet Dora and Nora Chance, former dancers and illegitimate twin daughters...

Angela Carter


First published in 1971, Love is Angela Carter’s fifth novel. With surgical precision it charts th...

Angela Carter

[作品]Nights at the Circus

'Angela Carter has influenced a whole generation of fellow writers towards dream worlds of baroque s...

Angela Carter

[作品]The Passion of New Eve

This story follows Evelyn, a young Englishman, along a journey through mythology and sexuality. It i...

Angela Carter


「唱歌跳舞是多開心的事!」 經常以女性情慾作為小說主題的英國小說家安潔拉.卡特,在《明智的孩子》裡轉而關注女性於家族關係中的位置,在曖昧不明無法追認的父系從出之外,另行創建了一個繽紛璀璨的母系家族,不...

Angela Carter

[作品]The Sadeian Woman

Sexuality is power. So says the Marquis de Sade, philosopher and pornographer. His virtuous Justine,...

Angela Carter

[作品]Angela Carter's Book of Fairy Tales

Once upon a time fairy tales weren't meant just for children, and neither is Angela Carter's Book of...

Angela Carter

[作品]The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman

The transformation of Desiderio's city into a mysterious kingdom is instantaneous: Hallucination flo...

Angela Carter

[作品]Burning Your Boats

From reflections on jazz and Japan through vigorous refashionings of classic fairy tales to stunning...

Angela Carter

[作品]The Magic Toyshop

One night, Melanie walks through the garden in her mother's wedding dress. The next morning the worl...

Angela Carter

[作品]The Bloody Chamber

A reissue of a collection of short stories first published ten years ago. They include "The Company ...

Angela Carter

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