Funke, Cornelia

Funke, Cornelia

Funke, Cornelia的小说列表


Meggie's father, a book restorer, reveals a secret: when he reads a book aloud, the characters some ...

Funke, Cornelia


Although a year has passed, not a day goes by without Meggie thinking of Inkheart, the book whose ch...

Funke, Cornelia


他試著控制顫抖的雙手,要搶在一切都被毀滅前,在書的空白紙頁上,寫下那三個字…… 書中書的世界徹底失控,變成了問號組成的世界! 髒手指真有可能死而復生? 莫將與死神訂下了何種秘密協議? 耍弄《墨水心》文...

Funke, Cornelia

[作品]Ghosthunters and the Muddy Monster of Doom!

For use in schools and libraries only. With the fate of the world resting on the outcome of his batt...

Funke, Cornelia

[作品]Ghosthunters and the Totally Moldy Baroness!

Strange and stinky things are happening at Gloomsburg Castle. To begin with, the creepy place is cra...

Funke, Cornelia

[作品]Ghosthunters and the Gruesome Invincible Lightning Ghost!

After banishing the Incredibly Revolting Ghost of book 1, Tom, former klutz, Hugo, still an Averagel...

Funke, Cornelia


全球銷售超過300萬冊! 電影「魔戒」製作群即將開拍《墨水心》! 名作家楊照專文推薦 全球暢銷300萬冊,與英國J.K.Rowling同樣享有盛名的德國兒童文學作家Cornelia Funke以《In...

Funke, Cornelia


Meggie's father, a book restorer, reveals a secret: when he reads a book aloud, the characters some ...

Funke, Cornelia

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