Robin Williams的小说列表
这本书出自一位世界级设计师之手。复杂的设计原理在书中凝炼为亲密性、对齐、重复和对比4 个基本原则。作者以其简洁明快的风格,将优秀设计所必须遵循的这4 个基本原则及其背后的原理通俗易懂地展现在读者面前。...
适用于初学者的设计和排版原则 有关Web和版式设计的深度见解 总印量超过了70万册 你手里拿的是最伟大的计算机图书作者之一几十年来的经验智慧结晶。Robin Williams将她的经典之作《写给大家的...
[作品]The Non-Designer's Design Book
Robin Williams provides a practical introduction to the classical principles of design in this pamph...
[作品]The Pc is Not a Typewriter
Ever wonder why some type looks more professional, more sophisticated than other type? The answer li...
[作品]Podcasting and Blogging with GarageBand and iWeb
If you've got something to say and want to join the podcasting revolution but don't know how to star...
[作品]The Non-Designer's Type Book
This latest addition to Robin Williams' Non-Designers line of books not only defines the principles....
[作品]The Non-Designer's Design and Type Books, Deluxe Edition
Design and typographic insights from the author of The Non-Designer's book series (over 700,000 copi...
[作品]The Little Mac Book, Leopard Edition
In this book-now in full color for the first time-Robin returns to one of her favorite things: teach...
[作品]Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
Learn how to get the most out of Mac OS X version 10.5 Leopard with legendary teacher and author Rob...
[作品]Garden design
The essential sourcebook for creating your own dream garden. From planning to planting, a comprehens...
[作品]The Little Mac Book, Tiger Edition (Little Book)
Adopting a back-to-the-basics approach, this best-selling little Mac classic has been revised and o...
[作品]The Non-Designer's Type Book, 2nd Edition
Seven years is a long time in any industry, but when it comes to the worlds of design and technology...
[作品]Mac is not a typewriter, The
One of the most popular Macintosh books ever written, The Mac is not a typewriter has been called th...
[作品]Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger
If you want to tame Mac OS X Tiger, but you want to do so in the comfort of your own home, this guid...
[作品]Robin Williams Web Design Workshop
With Robin Williams' guiding hand, non-professionals, artists, and designers alike have learned the ...
[作品]Robin Williams Design Workshop, 2nd Edition
Learn design theory and practical know-how from the award-winning author/design team, Robin Williams...
[作品]The Non-Designer's Web Book, 3rd Edition
If you think web design is beyond your reach, or if you want your existing web site to look more pro...
★ 年度設計類暢銷書《寫給大家的平面設計書》同系列力作 ★ 最受歡迎的WEB設計入門書,所有人都能看得懂、即學即用的WEB設計方法! ★ 榮獲AMAZON書店WEB網頁設計書類最暢銷紀錄 ★ 從網路知...
[作品]The Non-Designer's Design Book, Second Edition
So you have a great concept and all the fancy digital tools you could possibly require—what's stoppi...
畅销设计入门书最新版,让每个人都能成为设计师 在这个创意无处不在的时代,越来越多的人成为设计师。简历、论文、PPT、个人主页、博客、活动海报、给客人的邮件、名片……,处处都在考验你的设计能力。 美术功...
《写给大家看的PPT设计书》,本书作者围绕PPT 等电子演示文稿的创建与制作,向大家传授了大量的方法原则及经验心得。其中涵盖PPT 准备、内容创建、外观设计的各个流程,同时兼顾配套辅助环节,并创新性地...