Elliot Aronson

Elliot Aronson

埃利奥特·阿伦森Elliot Aronson●当代最杰出的社会心理学家,美国艺术与科学学院院士。●美国心理协会120年历史上唯一一位获得所有三项大奖的心理学家:杰出研究奖、杰出教学奖和杰出著作奖。●师从马斯洛、麦克莱兰和费斯廷格三位大师级导师,在认知失调、个人吸引力等多个领域取得影响整个心理学界的重大研究成果。●他所著的《社会性动物》被誉为“美国社会心理学的《圣经》”,已更新至第11版,被翻译成14种语言。●晚年双目失明,依然坚持心理学写作和教学工作,将毕生奉献给社会心理学事业。

Elliot Aronson的小说列表

[作品]Study Guide

The Student Study Guide for this revised edition elevates the notion of study guidance to a new leve...

Elliot Aronson

[作品]Social Psychology

When Elliot Aronson, Timothy Wilson, and Robin Akert started with the first edition of Social Psycho...

Elliot Aronson

[作品]The Social Animal

Newly revised and up-to-date, this edition of The Social Animal is a brief, compelling introduction ...

Elliot Aronson

[作品]Nobody Left to Hate

On April 20, 1999, the halls of Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, reverberated with the ...

Elliot Aronson

[作品]The Adventures of Ruthie and a Little Boy Named Grandpa

Then the old woman said, “Ruthie, I have a cake and some cookies baking in the oven. They may b...

Elliot Aronson

[作品]Social Psychology (5th Edition)

Updated with the latest research findings and revised chapter-opening vignettes, this renowne...

Elliot Aronson

[作品]The Social Animal

"Social Animal" is an accessible, brief introduction to social psychology. This new edition contains...

Elliot Aronson



Elliot Aronson

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