The Venetian Ladys Morning
Pietro Longhi
The Sacrament Of Marriage
The Awakening for hunting
Fall of the Giants
The hairdresser
The Duck Hunt
The Alchemists
A Patrician Family
The Family Concert
The Ridotto
The Perfume Seller
The furlana (Venetian dance)
The Painter in his Studio
The Spinner
The Tooth Extractor
A Visit to a Lady
Hunters Shooting at Ducks
The Concert
The Charlatan
A Fortune Teller at Venice
Early Morning Chocolate
The Temptation
The Geography Lesson
The hunters and the farmers
The Letter
Portrait of Bishop Benedetto Ganassoni
The Little Concert
Rhinoceros in Venice
Friars in Venice
A Shepherd Boy
Masked Party in a Courtyard
In The Vegetable Garden At The River Mouth
The Washerwomen
A nobleman kissing lady's hand
The Tailor
The Venetian Family
A Visit to a Lord