Edouard Manet
爱德华·马奈(Édouard Manet,1832.01.23 - 1883.04.30)是19世纪印象主义的奠基人之一,1832年出生于法国巴黎。 他从未参加过印象派的展览,但他深具革新精神的艺术创作态度,却深深影响了莫奈、塞尚、梵高等新兴画家,进而将绘画带入现代主义的道路上。 代表作品《吹短笛的男孩》《草地上的午餐》《福利·贝热尔的吧台》《奥林匹亚》。
Seascape at Berck, Fishing Boats and Fishermen
Young woman in the garden
Spring (Study of Jeanne Demarsy)
Effect of Snow at Petit-Montrouge
A young girl
Still Life with Brioche
Study for "The Execution of Emperor Maximilian"
Woman with umbrella
Rochefort's Escape
Moss Roses in a Vase
The Grand Canal
Portrait of Berthe Morisot
A boy with a pitcher
The grand canal of Venice (Blue Venice)
Marguerite de Conflans Wearing Hood
Berthe Morisot with a bouquet of violets
Eva Gonzales
Boy with a sword
Women at the Races
Still Life: Fruits on a Table
In the bar "Le Bouchon"
Embarkation after Folkestone
Pertuiset, Lion Hunter
The philosopher
Lilac in a glass
The head of Christ
Stephane Mallarme
Brunette with bare breasts
The Monet family in their garden at Argenteuil
A young man peeling a pear (Portrait Of Leon Leenhoff)
At the races
Study for "Bar at the Folies-Bergere"
Lady in a fur
Woman writing
Lilac and roses
Portrait of Irma Brunner
Flowers in a Crystal Vase
Madame Manet in conservatory
Study to "Dead Christ with Angels"
The Luncheon on the Grass
A boy with a dog
Isabelle Lemonnier with a muff
Woman Reading
View of Holland
Theodore Duret
Roses in a Champagne Glass
Still life with melon and peaches
The barque of Dante (Copy after Delacroix)
The Milliner
The Journalist Henri Rochefort
Portrait of Monsieur Brun
Young woman with a pink shoe (Portrait of Berthe Morisot)
The Races in the Bois de Boulogne
Madame Jeanne Martin in a bonnet
Portrait of Mademoiselle Isabelle Lemonnier
Jetty at Boulogne
On the Bench
The Artist (Portrait of Gilbert Marcellin Desboutin)
Portrait of Henry Bernstein as a Child
The Horsewoman
Portrait of Mademoiselle Claus
On the Beach
Madame Manet at the Piano
Bathers on Seine
The Rest, portrait of Berthe Morisot
A King Charles Spanie
The Execution of the Emperor Maximilian of Mexico
The reading
Lola de Valence
Self Portrait with a Palette
Peonies in a vase
Bundle of aspargus
Madame Brunet
Portrait of Antonin Proust (Study)
The painter of animals
The stroll
The Bullfight
Head of Jean-Baptiste Faure
The Barricade (Civil War)
The garden around Manet's house
René Maizeroy
Man in a Round Hat (Alphonse Maureau)
In the garden
The old musician
The spanish ballet
Music in the Tuileries Garden
Boy Blowing Bubbles
Woman with a Cat
The road-menders, Rue de Berne
At the Cafe-Concert
Portrait of Suzanne Manet
Madame Auguste Manet
Woman in a tub
Young woman among the flowers
The Guitar Player
Fishing boat coming in before the wind (The Kearsarge in Boulogne)
Portrait of Ernest Cabaner
The Bock Drinkers
The Races
Madame Manet at Bellevue
The Tragedian Actor
Bouquet of violets
Woman with a gold pin
Artist's atelier
Portrait of Zacharie Astruc
A matador
The Suicide
Pinks and Clematis in a Crystal Vase
Rose and tulip
Portrait of Emile Zola
Bouquet of flowers
Basket of Fruits
Two women drinking bocks
Two roses on a tablecloth
A woman pouring water (Study of Suzanne Leenhoff)
The Port of Bordeaux
Portrait of Monsieur and Madame Auguste Manet
Young woman with a book
Woman with a Parrot
Interior at Arcachon
The Banks of the Seine at Argenteuil