Adoration of the Magi, central panel from the Altarpiece
Andrea Mantegna
Four Muses
The Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome a
Virgin and Child
The Descent into Hell
The Martyrdom and transporting the body of Saint Christopher
Trumpet players
Portrait of Cardinal Carlo de' Medici
Virgin and Child (Madonna of Humility)
The Triumph and Vespasian de Titus
The Infant Redeemer
Madonna with saints St. John theBaptist, St. Gregory I the Great, St. Benedict
A sibyl and a prophet
The Martyrdom of St. Jacques
The Parnassus: Mars and Venus
Christ Carrying the Cross
St. Bernardine of Siena with the Angels
Madonna and child
Molorchos making a sacrifice to Hercules
Bacchanal in Silene
Calvary, central predella panel from the St. Zeno of Verona altarpiece
Portrait of Cardinal Lodovico Mezzarota
Portrait of a Man
The Virgin and Child with Saint Jerome and Louis of Toulouse
The martyrdom of Saint Christopher
Children playing with masks
Scenes from the Life of St.Christopher
Polyptych of St. Luke
Descent into Limbo
Adoration of the Shepherds
Madonna of the Cave
Samson and Delilah
The Entombment
The Ascension, left hand panel from the Altarpiece
The Resurrection of Christ
Vase with Orange
Altarpiece of San Zeno in Verona, central panel Madonna and Angels
Bacchanalia with a Wine
St. Sebastian
Scene waitingservant with dogs(fragment)
The Battle of Sea Gods
Ceiling of the Camera Picta or Camera degli Sposi
St. Euphemia
Christ of Pity supported by a cherub and a seraph
The Agony in the Garden
Captured statues and siege equipment, a representation of a captured City and inscriptions (Triumph of Caesar)
The Circumcision of Christ
The Judgment of Solomon
Minerva Chasing the Vices from the Garden of Virtue
St. Jerome in the Wilderness
Scenes from the Life of St.James
Christ the Redeemer
The Dead Christ (Lamentation of Christ)
Horse and groom with hunting dogs, from the Camera degli Sposi or Camera Picta(detail)
The Adoration of the Magi (detail)
The Resurrection, right hand predella panel from the Altarpiece of St. Zeno of Verona
Trumpeters, carrying flags and banners
The Senators
Maria with the sleeping child
The Combat of Love and Chastity
Adoration of the Magi
The court of the Gonzaga