Marc Chagall
马克·夏加尔(Marc Chagall,1887-1985)生于俄国,早年的犹太人习俗是他根深蒂固的想象之源。马克·夏加尔是现代绘画史上的伟人,游离于印象派、立体派、抽象表现主义等一切流派的牧歌作者。巴黎派画家之一。“超现实主义派”一词据说是阿波利奈尔为形容夏卡尔的作品而创造出来的。 代表作品《我和村庄》、《生日》、《七个手指头的自画像》。
Moses and his brother come to Pharaoh and claim the freedom for the people of Israel (Exodus, V, 1-4)
Artist and His Wife
Lovers for Berggruen (The offering)
The Lion Grown Old
The Blue Face
From the terrace of his palace David sees bathing Bathsheba (II Samuel, XI, 2-3)
So I came forth of the Sea...
Peace and the further reign of Jerusalem in Prophecy of Isaiah (Isaiah, II, 1 5)
The Lion go hunting and the Donkey
The Story of the Rooster. The little goat
Moses is saved from the water by Pharaoh's daughter
Parade in circus
David killed a lion that threatened his flock (I Samuel, XVII, 34, 36)
Illustration for Louis Aragon's work "One who says things without saying anything"
Angel in Paradise
Manoah and his wife, offering a sacrifice, saw the angel of the Lord flying in the flame (Judges, XIII, 17-23)
Still Life with Lamp
The tree of life
Lovers with bouquet under the trees
Song of Songs V
Daphnis and Chloe
Over the town
The heart of the circus
Striking the Rock
Madame Sobakevitch
Newlywedds with Eiffel Towel in the Background
Finale of the Ballet "Aleko"
The Noah's sacrifice
Ten Commandements
Hagar in the desert
Midsummer Night's Dream
Rooster Man Above Vitebsk
Cain and Abel
The Descent towards Sodom
Illustration for literary review "Shtrom heftn"
Moses received the Tablets of Law
Red Nude Sitting Up
Elijah met at the gate of Zarephath a widow trying to collect firewood, which, on the order of the Lord nourish it during the famine (I Kings XVII, 1-10)
Peasant Life
By beating the Philistines, Saul killed himself by his own sword (I Samuel, XXXI, 2 6))
Vitrage at Art Institute of Chicago
Self Portrait with a Clock In front of Crucifixion
The soul of Circus
Green Lovers
Fisherman's Family
Blessing of Ephraim and Manasseh
Rainbow in the sky, a sign of Covenant between God and Earth
Surging Magic
Joseph and Potiphar's wife
Bercy Embankment
Title page, Angel
The Tablets of Law
Illustration to Nikolai Gogol's "Dead Souls"
Homage to Apollinaire
Old Man and Old Woman
Bathing of a Baby
Joshua prostrates himself before the angel sword-bearer, chief of the armies of the Lord (Joshua, V, 13-15)
The cowshed
Two banks
Tchitchikov's father educates him
The Pheasant
The Wedding Candles
The 'Antilopa' Passengers
Tree of life (sketch to vitrage in Chapelle des Cordeliers in Sarrebourg)
Horsewoman on Red Horse
Red Jew
Prophet and angel
Morning tea
Pliushkin's village
Prophet Isaiah
Jeremiah received Gift of the prophecy (Jeremiah, I, 4 10)
Couple with a bird
Selifan interrupts Petrouchka cleaning
A blue cow
Moses meets in the desert his brother Aaron, who came towards him at the behest of God (Exodus, IV, 27-28)
The Vision of Moses
A jew
Coachman feeds a horses
David and Bathsheba
Jacob Wrestling with the Angel
In the sky over Opera
Sketch for "Meeting of Isaac and Rebecca"
The Blue House
In the night
Biblical subject
Moses and Aaron with Pharaoh
Angel over Vitebsk
Peasants by the well
The Promenade
Three Acrobates
King David
Jacob, having recognized the tunic of Joseph that his son reported to him tinged with blood, think that he is dead and abandons himself in his grief (Genesis XXXVII, 31-35)
Wandering Musicians
Song of Songs I
The Smolensk Newspaper
The Sun of Poros
Elijah, on the top of Mount Carmel, announced the impending rain before any single cloud in the sky appear (I Kings XVIII, 41-46)
Prisoner of the Philistines who gouged out his eyes, Samson, whose strength came back with his hair pushed back, knocks down the pillars of the house and will die with his enemies when the roof will fall (Judges XVI, 28-30)
Holy Family
Naomi and her daughters-in-law
Burlesque and circus
The Revolution
The accordionist
An artist
Man with a Cat and Woman with a Child
An angel painter
Jacob sees in a dream a ladder touching the sky, in which the angels of God ascending and descending (Genesis, XXVIII, 14)
Joseph being seventeen years old, goes with his brothers and the flocks (Genesis XXXVII, 2)
Scene in studio
Ceiling of Paris Opera House
Drawing by Marc Chagall for Vladimir Mayakovsky's 70th birthday
Nude Lying Down
Song of Songs III
The calling of Ezekiel (Ezekiel, II, 8X, III, 3)
The Creation of Man
Abraham is going to sacrifice his son
Moses with the Tablets of the Law
Burning House
Circumcision prescribed by God to Abraham (Genesis, XVII, 10)
Prophet Jeremiah
The trap
The Birthday
Moses receiving the Tablets of Law
The Jacob's Dream
Noah and the Rainbow
Wandering Jew
The monument on the tomb of Rachel, on the path Ephra (Genesis XXXV, 19 20)
Flowers in front of window
An angel
Great Circus
Sun over Saint-Paul de Vence
Flayed ox
In the Garden
The man guided by the Lord the right way (Isaiah, LVIII, 8 11)
Song of Songs II
The Green Violinist
Moses and Aaron
The circus
Vitrage at Chichester Cathedral (David, Psalm 150)
Angel with a sword
Moses and angel
The rest
The Circus with the Yellow Clown
Two Heads
The painter's dream
Delilah cut Samson's hair and, had thus deprived him his superhuman strength, he has fallen asleep on her lap and she is going to deliver him to Philistines who watch (Judges XVI, 15-18)
Self portrait with palette
Bouquet with hand
Portrait of artist's sister (Aniuta)
King Solomon with harp
The painter to the moon
God appears to Solomon in a dream and he asked Him for wisdom (I Kings, III, 5 9)
The Myth of Orpheus
Abraham and three Angels
Consecration of Aaron and his son
God appears to Moses in the burning bush (Exodus, III, 1 6)
Happy future of Jerusalem have found favor with God (Isaiah, LXII, 1 5)
Visit to grandparents
A red horse
The deposit
The bouquet of Queen
Lovers' sky
Creation of World (study to vitrage at Musée national Message Biblique Marc Chagall in Nice)
Korobotchka's poultry house
Solomon on the throne (I Kings, X, 18 20)
Bathsheba reminds David of his promise to appoint their son Solomon as king of Israel after him (I Kings, I, 15-20)
Moses spreads the darkness over Egypt
A Group of People
A Big Peasant
Man at table
Tchitchikov at the customs
Before the death, blind Isaac bless his second son Jacob, Rebecca, told him to make it for his elder son, Esau (Genesis, XXVII, 26-29)
Illustration for review "Troyer/Courant"
Nude over Vitebsk
Moses breaks Tablets of Law
Josue and the stone of Sichem
The Ark of the Covenant transported to Jerusalem, preceded by David dancing and playing the harp (II Samuel, VI, 1-5)
The street performers in the night
Moses called the elders and presents Tablets of Law
Window in the Country
The Sky inflames
To Russia, with Asses and Others
Hour between Wolf and Dog (Betwenn Darkness and Light)
Bushes and birds (sketch to vitrage in Chapelle des Cordeliers in Sarrebourg)
Moses sees the sufferings of his people
In Front of the Picture
Song of Songs IV
Lisa with a Mandolin
Lovers with Flowers
A tree in blossom
The clown musician
Jeremiah thrown into a prison by the people of King Zedekiah (Jeremiah, XXXVIII, 4 6)
Disputation of Pliushkin and Mavra
Boaz wakes up and see Ruth at his feet
Bride with a Fan
Untitled (The cover of Bible)
Banquet at the Police Chief's House
Now the King loved science and geometry...
Wounded Soldier
Listening to the Cock
Disrobing her with his own hand...
The House in Grey
Red Roofs
Lovers in the Lilacs
Self Portrait with Bouquet
Moses died looking to the Promised Land, where he should not enter (Deuteronomy XXXIV, 1 5)
A painer with chandelier
Still Life with Vase of Flowers
Jacob blessed two sons of Joseph. Despite Joseph, he raises his right hand on the head of the younger, Ephraim, to whom he predicted a more glorious posterity than his older brother Manasseh (Genesis, xlviii, 14-21)
The Carnival, scene II of the Ballet "Aleko"
Old Vitebsk
Reconciliation of all creatures under the reign of the justice promised by Isaiah (Isaiah XI, 5-9))
Moses (Poster for the exhibition "Stained Glass for the cathedral of Metz")
Near Saint Jeannet
Ahasuerus sends Vasthi away
The Vision of Ezekiel (Ezekiel, I, 4-14)
The Dance
David sings accompanying himself in the harp before Saul, and relieves his suffering (I Samuel, XVI, 19-23)
Elijah is taken to heaven in a chariot of fire, to his disciple Elisha (II Kings, II 0.9-12)
The yellow rooster
Creation of World
Painter`s dream
The House with the Green Eye
Street in Vitebsk
Banquet degenerates into brawl
Rebellious prophet was killed by a lion (I Kings, XIII, 24 28)
Vitebsk from mount Zadunov
A village in winter
Tchitchikov and Sobakevich after dinner
Self Portrait with a Palette
God sends Aaron to meet Moses in the desert
The dream (The rabbit)
The red gateway
Cow with Parasol
They were in forty pairs...
The Hebrews adore the golden calf (Exodus XXXII, 7, 10)
The Concert
Noah's Ark
Statuary and the Statue of Jupiter
David with Bathsheba
Moses with the Burning Bush
Lot's Daughters
Newspaper Seller
Peace and Glory were brought to Jerusalem with the forgiveness of God (Isaiah LII, 1 7)
Sarah and Abimelech
Clock with Blue Wing
David's victory over Goliath (I Samuel, XVII, 48, 51)
Sobakevich's house
Tchitchikov's arrival to town N
Fiddler with ruster
Abraham and Sarah
The Rooster
The large gray circus
Bella in Mourillon
The Woman and the Roses
Miriam, sister of Moses, dances with her friends to celebrate the deliverance of Israel (Exodus, XV,19-21)
The Israelites go over Jordan following of the Ark of the Covenant that is brought to them at the behest of Joshua (Joshua, III, 3-6)
The blue bird
Portrait of Brother David with Mandolin
Having heard about the death of Jonathan, his closest friend, which had been killed in battle against the Philistines, David cries and sings a mournful song (II Samuel, I, 17-27)
Field of Mars
Study for the painting Rain
Moses spreads the darkness over Egypt (Exodus, IX, 21 23)
Vence: night
Soldiers with Bread
The Blue Nymph
Sobakevich near armchair
Black moon
Mounting the ebony horse...
Cemetery Gates
In rage which he felt to the idolatry of the chosen people of God, Moses broken the Tablets of the Law (Exodus, XXXII, 15-19)
Blue Village
Moses, on the order of the Lord has struck the rock in Horeb and sparked a source (Exodus, xvii, 4-7)
Over Vitebesk
Portrait of Sister Maryasinka
Abraham is going to sacrifice his son according to the order of God (Genesis, XXII, 9 14)
The Holy Coachman
Joseph explains the dreams of Pharaoh (Genesis XLI, 25 28 32)
The emaciated officials
The Wandering Jew
Portrait of Vava
Sobakevich at table
The bouquet of roses
Miriam dances
The house on the forest edge
David and Absalom
Mother and child
Reclining on the bed
Gogol and Chagall
Itinerant players
Joshua receives the blessing of Moses (Deuteronomy, XXXIV, 9)
Tree of Jesse
David freed from all of his enemies, sings a hymn of victory to the Lord (II Samuel XXII)
The Israelites, which have gone from Egypt with Angel of death, are eating the Easter lamb (Exodus, XII, 11-14)
Eve is cursed by God
King David's Tower
Already been old, Joshua brings together the Israelites and recalls of the favor which the Lord has blessed (Judges, XXIII, 14-16)
Clown in Love
The Praying Jew (Rabbi of Vitebsk)
A blue painter
Mother by the oven
A green tree
Window Vitebsk
The message of Ulysse
The rooster in love
Tchitchikov triumphant
David with the Head of Goliath, comes to Saul (I Samuel, XVII, 55 58)
Russian Village Under the Moon
Barber's Shop (Uncle Zusman)
Circus Woman
Hannah prays to the Lord for a son who will be Samuel (I Samuel, I, 9 11)
Nude with flowers
A rooster
The tree of Jesse
The Drunkard
Weeping of Jeremiah
Table of lovers
Abdullah discovered before him...
Branch and flute-player
Tamar, beautiful daughter of Judah
Couple and Fish
Then said the King in himself...
The lion become old
The Cattle Dealer
The winged painter
Absalom riding on a mule is caught by the hair on the branch of a great oak. (Second Samuel 18:9)
Jew in Green
Eliezer and Rebecca
Paris through the Window
A seraph purify the lips of Isaiah with a hot coal (Isaiah VI, 1 7)
Rebecca gives drink to the servant of Abraham, which recognizes the bride destined by God to Isaac, the son of his master (Genesis, XXIV, 12-15)
Study to vitrage at Tudeley All Saints' church
Joshua is delivering the five kings of Canaan to Israel's hands and preparing them to death (Judges, X, 22-26)
The green branch
Under the walls of Jericho, Joshua listens God's orders which requiring him to sound trumpets around the city (Joshua, VI, 3-5)
The old Jew
God directs Moses to make vestments for use in the sanctuary
A Wheatfield on a Summer's Afternoon
Abraham approaching Sodom with Three Angels (Genesis , XVIII, 16)
Moses spreads death among the Egyptians
The Juggler
Adam and Eve with the forbidden fruit
The sacrifice of Isaac
The Farmyard
The Israelites are eating the Passover Lamb
A green tree with lovers
Tchitchikov's dreams
Flower Bouquet
Bella with White Collar
Marketplace in Vitebsk
A jew with Torah
The house painters
The flying clown
Isaiah's oracle on the ruins of Babylon (Isaiah XIII)
Self-Portrait with Seven Digits
Still life