Rene Magritte
勒内·马格里特(Rene Magritte,1898 -1967),是比利时超现实主义画家,并且因为其超现实主义作品中带有些许诙谐以及许多引人审思的符号语言而闻名。他的作品对于许多观察家对于事先设想现实状况的情况提出挑战,并且影响今日许多插画风格。他对波普艺术的影响十分重大。代表作品有《戴圆顶硬礼帽的男子》、《夜的意味》、《袭击》、《白纸委任状》等。
The conqueror
Poster of International festival of cinema and fine arts in Brussels (1947)
Untitled collage
The flood
The happy donor
The mark
The Acrobat's Exercises
The psychologist
Prince charming
Black Magic
The revealing of the present
The age of enlightenment
Three nudes in an interior
The art of conversation
The evening gown
Advertisment for "Norine"
The false mirror
Project of poster "The center of textile workers in Belgium (to reduce working hours)"
The break in the clouds (The calm)
The silver gap
Where Euclide walked
Popular panorama
The voice of space
Pom'po pom'po pon po pon pon
The survivor
The wasted footsteps
The pictorial content
The golden legend
The treachery of images (This is not a pipe)
Fine realities
The double secret
Depths of pleasure
Pink Belles, Tattered Skies
The voice of blood
The connivance
Song of violet
The hunters at the edge of night
The endearing truth
The domain of Arnheim
The glass key
Invisible world
Island of Treasures
Portrait of Pierre Bourgeois
The difficult crossing
A storm
The hesitation waltz
Mental complacency
The Labours of Alexander
The meaning of night
The invention of life
After the Water, the Clouds
The king's museum
Homage to Mack Sennett
Memory of a Voyage
Call of peaks
The cut-glass bath
The discovery of fire
Project for a mural, Norine House, Brussels
Applied dialectics
The staging post
The finery of the storm
Souvenir from travels
Alice in Wonderland
The marches of summer
Forest of Paimpont
The anger of gods
The model
The tree of knowledge
Philosophy in the bedroom
The philosophy in the bedroom
The comic spirit
A stroke of luck
The great century
Threshold of forest
Secret Life IV
The face of genius
Perpetual motion
Perspective: Madame Récamier de David
The present
God's Salon
The maimed
The glass house
Self portrait
The blank signature
The spot on the map
Forbidden literature (The use of the Word)
The giantess
Project of poster "The center of textile workers in Belgium"
The natural graces
Harry Torczyner (Justice has been done)
A panic in the Middle Ages
The drop of water
Man in a Bowler Hat
Beautiful world
High Society
The fair captive
The masterpiece or the mysteries of the horizon
The month of the grape harvest
The famine
Threatening Weather
The magician (Self-portrait with four arms)
Every day
The spirit of adventure
The titanic days
The Ladder Of Fire
The schoolmaster
The reckless sleeper
The fine idea
The amorous perpective
The muscles of the sky
Souvenirs from travel
Composition on a seashore
When the hour strikes
The Great War
The forest
The Castle of the Pyrenees
The birth of idol
The seducer
The Prepared Bouquet
Prince Charming
Deep waters
Youth Illustrated
The fire
Faraway looks
The song of love
Clear ideas
Hegel's Holiday
The fanatics
The empire of lights
Midnight marriage
The imaginative faculty
Homage to Alphonse Allais
Soir d'orage, strange perfume by mem
Georgette at the Piano
The lost jockey
The female thief
The great table
The catapult of desert
The looking glass
The disguised symbol
Lola de Valence
The legend of the centuries
A famous man
The ignorant fairy
Copper handcuffs
The harvest
The cultivation of Ideas
The poet recompensed
The Return of the Flame
Collective Invention
Project of poster "The center of textile workers in Belgium (celebration on 18th september)"
The Battle of the Argonne
The taste of tears
Courtesan's palace
The musings of the solitary walker
Favorable omens
The liberator
Flowers of Evil
The good season
Polar light
The tomb of the wrestlers
The red model
The blank page