Francisco Goya
弗朗西斯科·戈雅(Francisco Goya,1746年-1828年),西班牙浪漫主义画派画家。戈雅画风奇异多变,从早期巴洛克式画风到后期类似表现主义的作品,他一生总在改变,虽然他从没有建立自己的门派,但对后世的现实主义画派、浪漫主义画派和印象派都有很大的影响,是一位承前启后的人物。 他的画风启发了后来的爱德华·马奈、巴勃罗·毕加索及弗兰西斯·培根等画家。代表作有《裸体的玛哈》、《着衣的玛哈》、《阳伞》、《巨人》等。
Equestrian portrait of Maria Luisa of Parma
Time of the Old Women
The Fall or The Accident
They say 'yes' and give their hand to the first comer
They already go plucked
War scene
The ill matched Couple
Girl Listening to a Guitar
Young Woman with a Letter
The Arrest of Christ
Poor little girls!
Water Carrier
Wife of Juan Agustín Ceán Bermúdez
The Duke of Wellington
Are you … Well, as I was telling you. Eh! Be careful or...
And It Cannot Be Changed
Picador Caught by the Bull
Out hunting for teeth
She is well pulled down
Plague Hospital
Self Portrait
Nobody knows anybody
Look how solemn they are
What more can one do?
Duke of San Carlos
Queen María Luisa Wearing a Mantilla
Accuse the Time
Sketch for Truth Rescued by Time, Witnessed by History
The Madness of Fear
Portrait of Pedro Mocarte, a Singer of the Cathedral of Toledo
A Village Bullfight
Still life of Sheep's Ribs and Head - The Butcher's conter
Playing at Giants
Majas on a Balcony
The Burial of the Sardine (Corpus Christi Festival on Ash Wednesday)
Pilgrimage to the Church of San Isidro
And they still won't go
Duchess of Alba, The White Duchess
Little goblins
Rise and Fall
Francisco de Cabarrus
Sharing the Old Woman
Be quick, they are waking up
The Quail Shoot
María Luisa of Parma wearing panniers
Vagabonds Resting in a Cave
Marquesa Mariana de Pontejos
Why hide them?
Pedro Romero
General Jose de Palafox
Here comes the bogey-man
Woman with a Fan
Should God forgive her She was her mother
The Second of May, 1808: The Charge of the Mamelukes
Witches in the Air
Neither more nor less
Chained Prisoner
Here neither
The school scene
Juan Martin Diaz, Determined to
The Sacrifice to Priapus
Brigand Murdering a Woman
The Miracle of St. Anthony
The military and senora
Will the student be wiser?
Saint Ambrose
The Injured Mason
Asensio Juliá
The Devout Profession
Nothing. The event will tell
Don't scream, silly
Village Procession
I am Still Learning
Absurdity Flying
Two Old Men / Two Monks / An Old Man and a Monk
Portrait of the Joaquina, nee Tellez Giron y Alfonso Pimental, 10th Marquesa de Santa Cruz as the Muse, Euterpe
Portrait of José Antonio, Marqués de Caballero
Martín Zapater
Jose Pio de Molina
Diligent Blind Man
Truth Has Died
Portrait of the Countess of Carpio, Marquesa de la Solana
Self-portrait in the Studio
They Sing for the Composer
The Clothed Maja
Infante Don Sebastián Gabriel de Borbón y Braganza
The Rape of Europa
Portrait of Victor Guye
They spin finely
Where is mother going?
They Carried her Off
Witches Ready to Fly
The Speed and Daring of Juanito Apiñani in the Ring of Madrid
Lads getting on with the job
The Forge
Powder Factory in the Sierra
Love and Death
Self portrait with spectacles
Dona Teresa Sureda
Pilgrimage to the Fountain of San Isidro / The Holy Office
Sad forebodings of what is to come
A way of flying
Birth of the Virgin
Don Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zuniga
Now they are sitting well
Don Andres del Peral
Boys playing soldiers
La Tirana
One to anothers
Nude Maja
Don Pedro, Duke of Osuna
Can't anyone untie us?
A circus queen timely Absurdity
Portrait of Ferdinand VII
Three Men Digging
The same
Portrait of Mariano Goya
Dona Isabel de Porcel
Don Ramon Satue
Young Witch Flying with a Rope
Birds of a Feather
Portrait of the Countess of Chincon
Maunel Silvela
The Duchess of Alba and Her Duenna
The Fight at the Venta Nueva
There it goes
The Captivity is as Barbarous as the Crime
May the rope break
Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos
They Pare
Bazan Grande! With Dead
The sleep of reason produces monsters
What a golden beak!
Couple with Parasol on the Paseo
The Blind Guitar Player
Against the common good
Blind Man's Buff
A Prison Scene
Saturn Devouring His Son
Crucified Christ
A Gift for the Master
Portrait of Senora Berm sezne Kepmesa
Procession of Flagellants
It is better to be idle
Ferdinand VII
Scene of a bullfight
The Repentant Saint Peter
Portrait of Charle IV of Spain
When day breaks we will be off
The Duchess of Alba Arranging her Hair
Old swinging
Hanibal vencedor contempla Italia desde los Alpes
Disparate furioso
Blind singer
Naked girl looking in the mirror
The Junta of the Philippines
The Madhouse
Self portrait
The Annunciation
Asmodea / Fantastic Vision
You will not escape
Absurdity of Carnival
The Esquilache Riots
The Morisco Gazul is the First to Fight Bulls with a Lance
Young People Laughing
Portait of Maria Teresa de Borbón y Vallabriga
The Fair at Madrid
Ravages of war
The Meadow of San Isidro on his Feast Day
There was no help
Count Fernand Nunez VII
Duchess Countess of Benavente
Francisco Bayeu
The Adoration of the Name of The Lord
Fight with a young bull
The Bravery of Martincho in the Ring of Saragassa
Bad night
Procession of Monks
Actress Antonia Zarate
Foolishness of the Fools
The Parasol
Summer, or The Harvest
Allegory: War or Evil