Salvador Dali
萨尔瓦多·达利(Salvador Dalí,1904年-1989年),是著名的西班牙加泰罗尼亚画家,因为其超现实主义作品而闻名,他与毕加索和米罗一同被认为是西班牙20世纪最有代表性的3个画家。代表作品《记忆的永恒》《一条安达鲁狗》《内战的预兆》。
"Geodesic" Portrait of Gala
Young Women
Geological evolution
Santiago El Grande
The Basket of Bread
Design for the set of 'Romeo and Juliet'
Invention of the Monsters
Port Alguer
Portrait of Colonel Jack Warner
The Infant Jesus
Woman Nursing Her Son
The Three Pines
Still Life. Pomegranates
The Great Masturbator
Design for the Film 'Spellbound' (2)
Portrait of a Woman, (unfinished)
Allegory of Spring
Portrait of Mr. Emilio Terry (unfinished)
Wounded Soft Watch
The Maximum Speed of Raphael's Madonna
Saint George and the Dragon
Assuerus Falls in Love with Esther - Assueres adamavit Esther (Esther 2:17)
Portrait of Josephine Hartford Bryce (1950}
Arabs. Study for 'The Battle of Tetuan'
Symbiosis Between the Head and Shell
The Three Ages
Untitled - Nude Figures after Michelangelo
Lada Atomica
In principiodeus creavit...
Set design for the ballet 'Los Sacos Del Molinero'
The Path of Enigmas (second version)
Figure in the Water - After a Drawing by Michelangelo for the 'Resurrection of Christ'
Galatea of the Spheres
Soft Monster (Monstruo blando adormercido)
To Meli
Female Seated Nud
The Railway Station at Perpignan
Twist in the Studio of Velazquez
A Chemist Lifting with Extreme Precaution the Cuticle of a Grand Piano
The Moon
Festival at San Sebastian
Double Image for 'Destino'
Port Lligat at Sunset
Portrait Of Jaume Miravidles
Ionas in ventre piscis
Landscape with Hidden Image of Michelangelo's 'David'
Combinations (or The Combined Dalinian Phantasms; Ants, Keys, Nails)
IMG 5636
Study for Self-Portrait
Portrait of Mrs. Fagen
Untitled - Head of a Spanish Nobleman, Fashioned by the Catastrophe Model from a Swallow's Tail and Two Halves of a Cello
Nude and Horse with Metamorphosis (unfinished)
Face of Mae West Which May Be Used as an Apartment
Cubist Composition - Portrait of a Seated Person Holding a Letter
Landscape - Cadaques
Invisible Sleeping Woman, Horse, Lion
The Angel
Soft Construction with Boiled Beans: Premonition of Civil War
Don Quixote and the Windmills
Philosopher Illuminated by the Light of the Moon and the Setting Sun
The Three Glorious Enigmas of Gala(second version)
Design for 'Destino'
A Couple with Their Heads Full of Clouds
The Trinity
Landscape Near Ampurdan
Apparatus and Hand
Overture in Trompe l'Oeil
Butterfly Landscape (The Great Masturbator in a Surrealist Landscape with D.N.A.)
Portrait of Gala
Painting for the backdrop of 'Cafe De Chinitas'
Puristic Still Life
Dali Combat
Rocks of Liane (first version)
Portrait of Mrs Jack Warner
The Angel of Port Lligat
Invisible Afghan with the Apparition on the Beach of the Face of Garcia Lorca in the Form of a Fruit Dish with Three Figs
Honey Is Sweeter Than Blood
Roma from Figueres
Licet tributum dare Caesari?
Dark Tapeworms
Turris Babel
The Phenomenon of Ecstasy
Velazquez Dying Behind the Window on the Left Side Out of Which a Spoon Projects
Double-sided Verso (Studio Scene)
Grandmother Ana Sewing
View of Portdogue (Port Aluger)
Spiritus promptus est, caro vero infirma
Ambivalent Image
Fountain of Milk Spreading Itself Uselessly on Three Shoes
Untitled (After 'The Night' by Michelangelo)
Geopolitical Child Watching the Birth of the New Man
Faciamus hominem (Genesis 1:26)
Religious Scene in Particles
Polyhedron. Basketball Players Being Transformed into Angels (Assembling a Hologram - the Central Element)
Portrait of Mrs. Ruth Daponte
Back the Girl
Palladio's Corridor of Dramatic Surprise
The Average Bureaucrat
Vanitas vanitatum (Ecclesiastes 1:12f)
Portrait of Mrs. Luther Greene
Portrait of Chester Dale (1958)
The Face of War
Still Life with Moonight
Flower in the Desert
Equestrian Fantasy Portrait of Lady Dunn
The Ants
Stultae et prudentes Filiae (Sirach 7:26)
Le Char d'Or
Venus and Sailor
The Rotting Donkey
Self-Portrait with Raphaelesque Neck
Four Armchairs in the Sky
Woman at the Window in Figueras
Juliet's Tomb
Babaouo - Publicity Announcement for the Publication of the Scenario of the Film
The Sacrament of the Last Supper
Mirror Women - Mirror Head
A Soft Watch Put in the Appropriate Place to Cause a Young Ephebe to Die and Be Resuscitated by Excess of Satisfaction (unfinished)
St. Peter's in Rome
Head of a Woman
The Pool of Tears
Portrait of Mrs. Ortiz-Linares
Topological Study for 'Exploded Head'
Hypnagogic Monument
Untitled - Scene with Marine Allegory
Et posuerunt eum in monumento (Mark 15:46)
Anatomical Studies - Transfer Series
portrait of Mrs Charles Swift
Family Portrait
Portrait of the Briggs Family (1964)
The Enchanted Beach
Llaner Beach in Cadaques
Madonna in Particles
Untitled (Female Bust with Draped Cloth)
Swans Reflecting Elephants
Melting Watch
Fishermen at Cadaques
Mysterious Mouth Appearing in the Back of My Nurse
The Picnic
Reclining girl in sheep
Two Religious Figures
The Palace of the Wind
The Sun of Dali
Head of a woman in the form of a battle
La Tour
Two Gypsy Lads
Feather Equilibrium (Interatomic Balance of a Swans Feather)
Still Life
Imperial Violets
Moment de Transition
Portrait of Maria Carbona
Et cognoverunt eum in fractione panis
Vilabertrin Church Tower
Apparition of Face and Fruit Dish on a Beach
Gala Contemplating the Mediterranean Sea Which at Eighteen Metres Becomes the Portrait of Abraham Lincoln
Portrait of Gala with Two Lamb Chops Balanced on Her Shoulder
Landscape After De Chirico (unfinished)
Untitled (Figures, Pieta, Catastrophic Signs)
Neo-Cubist Academy (Composition with Three Figures)
The Madonna and the Mystical Rose
Dali Lifting the Skin of the Mediterranean Sea to Show Gala the Birth of Venus
Moses and the Pharaoh
Woman with Drawers
Couple with Clouds in Their Heads (Man)
Portrait of Berthe David Weill (1952)
Design for the Death Scene in 'Don Juan Tenorio'
Car Clothing (Clothed Automobile)
Premature Ossification of a Railroad Station
Atavistic Vestiges After the Rain
Portrait of My Father
Eggs on Plate without the Flat
Easter Angel
Untitled - Landscape Near, Madrid
Portrait of Grandmother Ana Sewing
Corpuscular Madonna
David et Philistaeus (1 Samuel 17:43)
The First Study for the Madonna of Port Lligat
The Tree
White Calm
Rubus incombustus (Exodus 3:2)
Portrait of De Madame Winston Frederick Churchill Guest(1958)
Crystalline Still Life
The Knight of Death
Bed and Two Bedside Tables Ferociously Attacking a Cello
Randomdot Correlogram - The Golden Fleece
Vision of Fatima
Chair with the Wings of a Vulture
Madrid. Drunk Man
Portrait of the Cellist Ricard Pichot
Morphological Echo
Jason Carrying the Golden Fleece (unfinished)
The Ghost of Vermeer Van Delft
Metamorphosis of Hitler's Face into a Moonlit Landscape with Accompaniment
Atmospheric Skull Sodomizing a Grand Piano
Portrait of Ambassador Cardenas
Paranoiac Visage
Landscape with Animals
My Wife, Nude, Contemplating Her Own Flesh Becoming Stairs, Three Vertebrae of a Column, Sky and Architecture
The Lighthouse at Alexandria
Equestrian Parade (possibly Set Design for 'Romeo and Juliet')
Searching for the Fourth Dimension
A Propos of the 'Treatise on Cubic Form' by Juan de Herrera
Portrait of My Sister (original State)
Sometimes I Spit with Pleasure on the Portrait of my Mother (The Sacred Heart)
The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Angelic Landscape
The Exterminating Angels
Landscape with Flies
Late Night Dreams
The Rotting Bird
Surrealist Essay
Landscape Near Cadaques
The Lake at Vilabertran
Blue Horns. Design for a Scarf
Night and Day Clothes of the Body
Nude on the Plain of Rosas
Jeune Femme Dans Un Paysage
Three Female Figures in Festive Gowns
Mystic Rose
Untitled - Scene in a Cabaret in Madrid
The Way to Pubol
Untitled (Still Life with Lilies)
Still Life by a Window
Labyrinth II
Er tu, puer, prophetia altissimi (Luke 1:76)
The Ghost of Vermeer van Delft which Can Be Used as a Table
Four Fishermen's Wives of Cadaqués
Cutlet and Match - The Chinese Crab
Gloria vultus Moysi (Exodus 34:29)
Portrait of El Sany Pancraci
Portrait of Mon Ling Yu Landegger, (1964)
Mural Painting for Helena Rubinstein (panel 3)
Cosmic Madonna
Elias per turbinem super currus igneus
Ready-to-wear Fashion for Next Spring; 'Garlands, Nests and Flowers'
Rock and Infuriated Horse Sleeping Under the Sea
Untitled (Surrealist Angel)
Mystical Carnation
Portrait of Rosemary Chisholm
Velázquez Painting the Infanta Margarita with the Lights and Shadows of His Own Glory
Exquisite Cadaver
Mme. Reese
Seated Figure Contemplating a 'Great Tapeworm Masturbator'
Madonna and Child
Fiesta in Figueres
Cannibalism of the Objects
Slave Market with the Disappearing Bust of Voltaire
The Sleeping Smoker
Autumn Sonata
Portrait of De Madame Ducas(1935)
Landscape (Cadaques)
The Daughter of the West Wind
Roger Freeing Angelica (St. George and the Damsel)
Microphysical Madonna
Metamorphosed Women
Melancholy - to Marcel Remy in Friendship
Abstract Composition
Pentagonal Sardana
Nu dans la plaine de Rosas
Antequam exhires de vulva sactificavite (Jeremiah 1:5)
Armchair with Landscape Painted for Gala's Chateau at Pubol
Inter filios die affuit etiam Satan (Job 2:6)
Untitled (St. John)
Arca foederis
Noe qui primus plantavit vineam… (Genesis 9:20f)
Stage Curtain for the Ballet 'Cafe De Chinitas'
The Grand Opera
Shirley Temple
The Chemist of Ampurden in Search of Absolutely Nothing, 1936 (oil on panel)
Allegory of Sunset Air (Allegory of the Everning)
Cherub super limen domus (Ezekiel 9:3)
Portrait of a Gipsy
Untitled (Apocalyptic Christ; Christ with Flames)
The Man with the Head of Blue Hortensias
Noli me tangere (John 20:1)
Raphaelesque Hallucination
A Seated Man and a Dancing Couple
Rocks on the Coast Lyane
Untitled (Bridge with Reflections; sketch for a dual image picture, unfinished)
The Virgin of Guadalupe
Autumnal Cannibalism
Ceiling of the Hall of Gala's Chateau at Pubol
Nostalgic Echo
Ruin with Head of Medusa and Landscape
Plange, virgo, accincta. Sacco.
View of Pubol
Playa Port Alguer from Riba d'en Pitxo
Costume for a Nude with a Codfish Tail
Leo quasi bos comedens paleas (Isaiah 11:7)
Landscape of Cadaques
Dali at the Age of Six When He Thought He Was a Girl Lifting the Skin of the Water to See the Dog Sleeping in the Shade of the Sea
The Eye of the Angelus
Girl from the Ampurdan
Mad Mad Mad Minerva - Illustration for 'Memories of Surrealism'
Atavism at Twilight
Portrait of a Child (unfinished)
Eclipse and Vegetable Osmosis
Figure Inspired by the Adam of the Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
Double Victory of Gaudi
Man with His Head Full of Clouds
Sick Boy (Self-portrait in Cadaqués)
Oblatio munda
Portrait of Mrs. George Tait, II
Jesus carrying the cross
Bay of Cadaques
The Maids-in-Waiting (Las Meninas)
The Lacemaker (after Vermeer)
Untided (William Tell and Gradiva)
Debris of an Automobile Giving Birth to a Blind Horse Biting a Telephone
Self Portrait
Locusta et bruchus
Gala's Christ
Portrait of Lammot du Pont Copeland
Untitled (Landscape with Celestial Beings)
Anthropomorphic Bread
Day of the Virgin
Bread on the Head of the Prodigal Son
Othello Dreaming Venice
The Burning Giraffe
Portrait of Jose M. Torres
Paranoiac Woman-Horse (Invisible Sleeping Woman, Lion, Horse)
Surrealist Knights for a Four-part Screen, Centre Right,
Woman Undressing
Portrait of Hortensia
The God of the Bay of Roses
Ana Maria, Sewing
Queen Salome
Inaugural Gooseflesh
Sea View
The Garden at Lyane
Portrait of Dr. Brian Mercer
Sad Barber of Good Times Cruelty
Venus and Sailor (Homage to Salvat-Papasseit)
The Chair
The Bleeding Roses
Surrealist Poster
Mohammed's Dream (Homage to Fortuny)
Portrait of My First Cousin
Da mihi bibere (Ecclesiastes 12:1)
Still Life with Aubergines
The Transparent Simulacrum of the Feigned Image
The Ram (The Spectral Cow)
The First Days of Spring
Villa Pepita
Sybyle Agripa
The Unicorn (unfinished)
The Gold Chalice
Arithmosophic Cross
Design for a poster for 'The Secret Life of Salvador Dali'
Portrait of Arthur Clarke Herrington
Illustration to the 'Songs of Maldoror' Isidore Ducasse, Count Lautréamont
Gala as Madonna of Port Lligat
Rock 'n Roll
Design for the set of 'Romeo and Juliet' (backdrops and wing flats)
Composition - Portrait of Mrs. Eva Kolsman
Trajan on Horseback
Surrealist Architecture
The Enigma of Hitler
The Wheelbarrow (Pantheon Formed by Twisted Wheelbarrows)
The Lugubrious Game
The Towers
Figure at a Table (Portrait of My Sister)
Imperial Monument of Woma-Child. Gala (Utopian Fantasy)
Portrait of Monsieur John Perona(1949)
Untitled - Design for the ball in the dream sequence in 'Spellbound'
Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee around a Pomegranate a Second before Awakening
Head, after Michelangelo's, 'Giuliano di Medici'
Portrait of Mrs. Ann Woodward
Night Spectre on the Beach
Portrait of Lucia
Knights of Death
Filiae Herodiadis saltatio (Matthew 14:6)
Gala's Castle at Pubol
The Enigma of My Desire or My Mother, My Mother, My Mother
Portrait of Ruth Lachman
Still Life by Moonlight
The Christian Knight (Dali's Horses)
Psychoanalysis and Morphology Meet
Big Thumb. Beach. Moon and Decaying Bird
Gala in a Patio Watching the Sky, Where the Equestrian Figure of Prince Baltasar Carlos and Several Constellations (All) Appear, after Velazquez
Giant Flying Mocca Cup with an Inexplicable Five Metre Appendage
Cardinal, Cardinal
Bed and Two Bedside Tables Ferociously Attacking a Cello (Final Stage)
Dionysus Spitting the Complete Image of Cadaques on the Tip of the Tongue of a Three-Storied Gaudinian Woman
Rhinocerotic Figure of Phidias' Illisos
Remorse, or Sphinx Embedded in the Sand
Drawing For "Bacchanale": Ludwig II Of Bavaria
Hircus caprarum super faciem terrae
Clown for 'The Amazing Adventure of the Lacemaker and the Rhinoceros'
Ocell. Peix
Dawn, Noon, Sunset and Dusk
Portrait of Mrs Ann Green and Son Jonathan (1963)
Raphaelesque Head Exploding
Portrait of Anna Maria
Cala Nans
The Vertebrate Grotto - Transfer Series
Iosias sepultus in mausoleum patrum (2 Chronicles 35:24)
The Ship
Triomphe De L'Amour
Board of Demented Associations (Fireworks)
Still Life with Two Lemons
Untitled - Female Figure with Catalonian Bread
Untitled - Series on Catastrophes
Festival of St. Lucia At, Villamalla
Untitled (Stereoscopic Painting)
Vinea electa (Isaiah 5:6)
Puzzle of Autumn
Satirical Composition ('The Dance' by Matisse)
The Infanta Margarita of Velazquez Appearing in the Silhouette of Horsemen in the Courtyard of the Escorial
Fishermen in Cadaques
Woman on a Ram
The Sistine Madonna
St. George and the Dragon
Music - The Red Orchestra
Still Life (Pulpo y scorpa)
Santa with Drawers
Woman with Flower Head
Emissa voce magna expiravit (Mark 15:37)
Portrait of Mrs. Reeves
Unsatisfied Desires
View of Cadaques from Playa Poal
Portrait of St. Jerome
Angelus excussit flammamignis (Daniel 3:23)
Modern Rhapsody
Necrophiliac Springtime
The Triangular Hour
Abraham, pater multarem gentium (Genesis 12:1f)
Trulla caementarii in manu Domini (Amos 7:7)
Symbiotic Woman-Animal
Portrait of My Cousin Ana, Maria Domenech
Landscape with Girl Skipping Rope
Fifty Abstract Paintings Which as Seen from Two Yards Change into Three Lenins Masquerading as Chinese and as Seen from Six Yards Appear as the Head of a Royal Bengal Tiger
Illumined Pleasures
West Side of the Isle of the Dead
Battle in the Clouds
Allegory of an American Christmas
The Metamorphosis of Narcissus
Portrait of Nada Pachevich
Geological justice
Iesu transfigurato (Mark 9:4f)
St. Helena of Port Lligat
El Escorial and Catastrophe-Form Calligraphy
Ego sum Dominus Deus tuus... (Exodus 34:28)
Seated Girl Seen from the Back
Landscape with Rock in the Shape of a Triumphal Arch
The Veiled Heart
Siphon and Small Bottle of Rum
Plant transformation
Rock Figure after the Head of Christ in the 'Pieta' of Palestrina by Michelangelo
Untitled (Dreams on the Beach)
Soft Self-Portrait with Fried Bacon
Untitled (Michelangelo Head with Drawers)
Hannibal crossing the Aps
More Beautiful than Canova
Diurnal Fantasies
Woman with Egg and Arrows
Nummularii de templo eiecti (John 2:16)
The Truck (We'll be arriving later, about five o'clock)
Omnes gentes in valle Iosaphat (Joel 3:2)
Medea or Jason Taking Possession of the Golden Fleece
Mediumnistic-Paranoiac Image
Calanque Jonculs (Cadaques)
The Broken Bridge and the Dream
Lazarus, come forth - Lazare, veni foras (John 11:44)
The Architectonic Angelus of Millet
Portrait of John Theodoracopoulos
Set for 'Bacchanale'
Aerodynamic Chair
Fried Egg on the Plate without the Plate
Tauromachia I - The Torero, the Kill (third and final round of the bullfight)
Portrait of Mrs. Harrison Williams
Young Virgin Auto-Sodomized by the Horns of Her Own Chastity
Man with Porron
Three Graces of Canova (unfinished)
Topological Contortion of a Female Figure Becoming a Violoncello
The Vase of Cornflowers
Book Transforming Itself into a Nude Woman
The Simoniacs
Two Harlequins
The Poetry of America (unfinished)
The Old Age of William Tell
The Tartan 'El Son'
The First Day of Spring
Design for Set Curtain for Labyrinth I
Female Nude
Surrealist Angel
Portrait of Abel E. Fagen
Iosephet fratres in Aegypto
Cavallo Metafisco
Dali's Moustache
Ampurdanese Landscape,
Portrait of Mrs. Mary Sigall
Portrait of Dolores Suero Falla (1955)
Figure from the Back
The Invisible Harp
The Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory
Homage to Erik Satie
Figure Climbing a Stair
The Persistence of Memory
After the Head of 'Giuliano di Medici
Woman with a Head of Roses
Two Figures
Portrait of Sir James Dunn
The Sign of Anguish
The Horseman of Death
Glow of Laport
Three Apparitions of the Visage of Gala
Women forming a skull
Cannibalism of the Praying Mantis of Lautreamont
The Station at Figueras
Transparent Horse
The Font
Punta es Baluard de la Riba d'en Pitxot
The Ecumenical Council
A Fate of the Parthenon
Portrait of Gala (Gala Against the Light)
The Royal Heart
Three Sphinxes of Bikini
Tuna Fishing
Mannequin (Barcelona Mannequin)
Velazquez and a Figure
Portrait of the Marquis De Cuevas
Don Salvador and Ana Maria Dali
Figure with Flag. Illustration for 'Memories of Surrealism'
Domestic Scen