Thomas Eakins
汤姆·艾金斯(Thomas Eakins,1844年-1916年),美国现实主义画家、摄影家、雕塑家及艺术教育家,被誉为美国绘画之父。艾金斯画了不少裸体的作品,他曾说:“裸体女子是最美丽的东西——除了裸体男子。”
Signora Gomez d Arza
Studens wrestling in the nude
Male Nudes in a Seated Tug of War
Taking the Count
Two nude boys boxing in atelier
Portrait of Alfred Reynolds in the Taubman Museum of Art
The Writing Master (Benjamin Eakins)
Shad Fishing at Gloucester on the Delaware River
Professionals at Rehearsal
Portrait of Dr. Albert C Getchell
Standing Nude (Samuel Murray)
Margaret in Skating Costume
Painting Cowboys in the Bad Lands
Portrait of Sebastiano Cardinal Martinelli
The Dean's Roll Call
Portrait of Frank Hamilton Cushing
Clara (Clara J. Mather
Portrait of Dr. William Thompson
Cowboy Singing
Illustration for Neelus Peeler's conditions
Columbus in Prison
Clinker, G509
Portrait of Francesco Romano
Nude Woman Standing
Masked nude woman, seated
Baby at Play
Dr John H Brinton
Portrait of Henry Ossawa Tanner
Portrait of Mary Adeline Williams
Thomas Eakins and John Laurie Wallace on a Beach
The map
A Negress
Between Rounds Study for the Timer
Compositional Study for William Rush Carving His Allegorical Figure of the Schuylkill River
Baseball Players Practicing
Amelia Van Buren with Cat
Portrait of Walt Whitman
The Dancing Lesson
Portrait of Henry Augustus Rowland
Portrait of Jennie Dean Kershaw
A May Morning in the Park ( The Fairman Robers Four in Hand)
Portrait of Mrs. W.H. Bowden
Boy Reclining
Portrait of Susan MacDowell Eakins
John Biglin in a Single Scull
Taking up the Net
Wallace Posing
Portrait of William H. MacDowell
William Rush Carving His Allegorical Figure of the Schuykill River
Mrs Richard Day
Portrait of Charles Percival Buck
Starting Out after Rail
Portrait of Mrs. Kern Dodge (Helen Peterson Greene)
Amelia Van Buren with a Cat
Portrait of Harrison S. Morris
Seventy Years Ago
The Biglin Brothers Racing
Sailboats Racing' study of the Delaware River
The Meadows, Gloucester, New Jersey
Portrait of a Woman
J. Laurie Wallace and unidentified model
Portrait of Frank Lindsay Greenwalt
Portrait of Robert C. Ogden
Mother (Portrait of Annie Williams Gandy)
Mending the Net
Portrait of Benjamin Sharp
Sailboats Racing on the Delaware
Max Schmitt in a Single Scull
Portrait of Alfred Bryan Wall
Study for The bathhole
Portrait of Letitia Wilson Jordan
Billy Smith
General George Cadwalader
Home scene
Captain Joseph Lapsley Wilson
Weda Cook
Portrait of Amelia Van Buren
Boy laying in Atelier
The Thinker
Portrait of Frances Eakins
Hauling the Seine
Portrait of Miss Helen Parker
Negro boy on a bay horse
Standing Nude
The Cello Player
Ernest Lee Parker
Thomas Eakins and J. Laurie Wallace
Portrait of Professor William D. Marks
Portrait of Lucy Langdon Williams Wilson
Portrait of Harriet Husson Carville
The Artist's Wife and His Setter Dog
Drawing of a Camel and Rider
Talcott Williams
Photograph study for The Wrestlers
Ships and Sailboats on the Delaware
The Wrestlers
Portrait of General E. Burd Grubb
Young Girl Meditating (study)
Portrait of Charles Linford, the Artist
Portrait of Mrs. Leigo
Delaware Riverscape from Gloucester
The Pathetic
Maud Cook
In Grandmothers Time
Portrait of Sarah Sagehorn Frishmuth
Portrait of James Wright
The Oarsmen ( The Schreiber Brothers)
Portrait of Charles Edmund Dana
The Swimming Hole