Gustave Dore
古斯塔夫·多雷(法语:Gustave Doré,1832—1883),19世纪法国著名版画家、雕刻家和插图作家。自幼喜爱绘画,此后潜心练习。他以幽默画成名。 1853年为拉伯雷的小说作插图大获成功。此后被出版商邀请为多部世界名著作画,成为欧洲闻名的插画家。他为拉伯雷、巴尔扎克《圣经》以及但丁、弥尔顿、塞万提斯等伟大作家所做的插图便使他一举成名。
Don Quixote
Shepherd wolf
Dispersion of the Syrian Army by a Sand Storm
St. Peter And St John At Beautiful Gate
They Plunged Their Swords Through His Body
Satan Shown as the Fallen Angel after Having Been Smitten
The Cruelties of Bibars
The True Cross
Jesus And The Woman Taken In Adultery
The Walls of Jericho Fall Down
Help! The Marquis Of Carabas Is Drowning!
The Arrival At Calvary
Crusade against the moors of Granada
Idylls of the King
Ugolino and Gaddo
Abdiel and Satan
Isaiah's Vision of the Destruction of Babylon
A Souvenir from Scotland
Cain and Abel Offering their Sacrifices
Paradise Lost
The Inferno, Canto 33
The Death of Absalom
Apparition of St. George on the Mount of Olives_GustaveDore_sqs__crusades_george_mt_olives__xyz32728.gif
The Moon
Hagar and Ishmael in the Wilderness
Orlando Furioso
Entry Of Jesus Into Jerusalem
An Angel Appears to the Israelites
The Firstborn of the Egyptians Are Slain
St. Paul Preaching To The Thessalonians
The Inferno, Canto 12
The Creation of Light
The Inferno, Canto 30
The Buyers And Sellers Driven Out Of Temple
Red Riding Hood meets old Father Wolf
In with the river sunk, and with it rose Satan
The wrestle of Jacob
The Oceanides
The Angel Raphael and the Family of Tobit
The Prophet Amos
The Serpent
Adam and Eve Are Driven out of Eden
Young Beggar
Geri Del Bello
The Children's Crusade in 1212
The Sun--Glorifies Souls
The Departure
The Last Judgment
The Good Samaritan
Heliodorus Is Cast Down
Death of Frederick I of Germany
You Will All Be Chopped Into Little Bits Like Mincemeat
Samson Slays a Lion
The Clash of the Titans
The hoarders and wasters
The Captives
Semiramide, spidocchiatrice di straccioni
All dwellings else Flood overwhelmed, and them, with all their pomp Deep under water rolled
David and Jonathan
Brunetto Latini
Arrival at Cairo of Prisoners of Minich
The childhood of Pantagruel
The Queen of Heaven
The Ogre Received Him As Civilly As An Ogre Can
And now expecting Each hour their great adventurer, from the search Of foreign worlds
The Baptism of Infidels
The Inferno, Canto 8
The Cross
Abraham Journeying Into the Land of Canaan
The Portals of Purgatory
Cyrus Restores the Vessels of the Temple
The Emperor Alexius IV Poisoned and Strangled by Mourzoufle
The Vessel
Satan in Council
The Crucifixion
The Flight Into Egypt
Christ And The Tribute Money
Buonconte Da Montefeltro
Battle of Antioch
The Sinews of War
The Innocent Souls
Adam and Eve
Daniel in the Den of Lions
The Return
The Hare and the Frogs
The Inferno, Canto 32
The Enigma
Paradiso Canto 2
Jesus Blessing the Children
The Emir's Head Shown in the Seraglio
The Judas Kiss
The Darkness At The Crucifixion
The Ark Is Returned to Beth shemesh
Dandolo, Doge of Venice, Preaching the Crusade
An Enemy of the Crusaders
Conversion Of Saul
The Christian Martyrs
The Wandering Jew
St.Peter In The House Of Cornelius
Ezra Kneels in Prayer
The Prodigal Son In The Arms Of His Father
The Inferno, Canto 34
The Inferno, Canto 31
The Gleaners
The Death of Saul
Tircis and amaranth
Portrait of Dante Alighieri
Devils and Virgil
Back to the thicket slunk The guilty serpent
The Hapies' Wood
The Dove Sent Forth From The Ark
The Temptation Of Jesus
The Mountain's Foot
Little Red Riding Hood
Sanuti Showing Maps of the East to Pope John XXII
Moses and Aaron Before Pharaoh
Abishai Saves David's Life
The Nativity
Peter the Hermit Preaching the Crusade
Began to build a vessel of huge bulk
Devils and Barrators
Paradiso Canto 1
The Death of Agag
Forthwith upright he rears from off the pool His mighty stature
The Army of the Amorites Is Destroyed
The Punishment of the Simonists
Sordello and Virgil
The Justification of Susanna
The Inferno, Canto 15
The Late Repenters II
A Friendly Tournament
St. Louis a Prisoner in Egypt
The Inferno, Canto 7
The Inferno, Canto 18
Jesus And The Woman Of Samaria
Two Owls
The Portals of Dis
Portrait d'homme
The Gluttons
This said, they both betook them several ways
Devils and Seducers
Ezra Reads the Law to the People
Foreign Nations Are Slain by Lions in Samaria
Beatrice & Virgil
Combat between Soldiers of Ish-bosheth and David
The Late Repenters
Paradiso Canto 14
A Message from the East
Purgatorio Canto 8
Amateur From Garden
Tobias and the Angel
The Inferno, Canto 21
St. Louis leaving Aigues-Mortes
For the Defense of Christ
The Christian Army in the Mountains of Judea
St. Francis of Assisi
The grasshopper and the ant
Crucified man
Pluto and Virgil
The Return Of The Prodigal Son
Paolo and Francesca II
The Inferno, Canto 10
The Descent on The Monster
Godfrey Imposes Tributes Upon Emirs_GustaveDore_sqs__crusades_godfrey_imposes_tributes__xyz32732.gif
The Holy Sepulcher
Jacob Goeth Into Egypt
Elijah Raises the Son of the Widow of Zarephath
Hop O My Thumb Climbs to the Top of a Tall Tree to See What He Can See
The Dishonorable Truce
The Eunoe
The Lustful
The Eagle II
The Fifth Plague. Livestock Disease
Eliezer and Rebekah
The Death of Eleazar
Constantine Palaeologus Haranguing the Defenders of Constantinople
Saul and the Witch of Endor
The Children Destroyed by Bears
Alichino & Calcabrina
Arrival Of The Good Samaritan At The Inn
Crusaders surrounded by Saladin's army
Christ Presented To The People
Gerard of Avesnes exposed on the walls of Arsuf
The Angel
Babylon Fallen
Destruction at Damascus of the Army of Conrad III of Germany
The Triumph of Mordecai
The Celestial Pilot
The Seventh Circle--The Lustful
Venus - Charles Martel
David Slays Goliath
Tumult and Escape
Gaining Converts
St. Paul At Ephesus
The Death of Ahab
Puss in Boots
Illustration for The Milkmaid and the Milk Can
The Rebuilding of the Temple Is Begun
World Destroyed by Water
Jacob and Esau Meet
Evil Counsellors
Jabesh-Gileadites Recover the Bodies of Saul and His Sons
And now on earth the seventh Evening arose in Eden
The Dell
The Tree
Priests Exhorting the Crusaders
Godfrey Meets the Remains of the Army of Peter the Hermit
Entry of the Crusaders in Constantinople in 1204
Death of Samson
Ottomans penetrate Hungary
The Crusaders Crossing Mount Taurus
Ancient Mariner
The Benjaminites Take the Virgins of Jabesh gilead
Daniel Confounds the Priests of Bel
The Egyptians Drown in the Sea
The Testing of Abraham's Faith
Heaven rung, With jubilee, and loud hosannas filled The eternal regions
The Levite Carries the Woman's Body Away
To whom the winged Hierarch replied O Adam, one Almighty is, from whom All things proceed
Samuel Blesses Saul
Hell at last, Yawning, received them whole
The Death of Jezebel
The Suicides II
Ugolino and Archbishop Ruggieri
The Siege of Ptolemais
Inferno Canto 3
The Finding of Moses
Christ Feeding The Multitude
Pierrot Grin
Resurrection Of Lazarus
The Israelites Slaughter the Syrians
Purgatorio Canto 33
The Annunciation
Jesus And The Disciples Going To Emmaus
A Celestial Light
The Agony In The Garden
The Battle of Dorylaeum
Spectrum appearance of Banquo
The Forest
Abraham, God and Two Angels
Expulsion of Ishmael and His Mother
The Courage of a Mother
The Ascent
The Army Appears in the Heavens
The Seventh Circle II
The Two Goats
Te Deum After Victory
THe Tomb of Anastasius
The Hypocrites
Jacob Keeping Laban's Flock
Geryon--Symbol of Deceit
Reclining Upon A Bed Was A Princess Of Radiant Beauty
Dante and Pope Adrian V
David Mourns the Death of Absalom
The Crusaders' War Machinery
Christ Mocked
Virgil and Dante
Transformation into Snakes
The Adventure with the Windmills
The Prophet Ezekiel
Samson Carries away the Gates of Gaza
Don Quixote's Moralising on Ingratitude
The Poets Emerge from Hell
Vivien and Merlin
The Heaven of the Fixed Stars II
The Lost Cow
A Mountainous Landscape with A Balloon
The Blasphemers--Capaneus
The Death of Gideon's Sons
Perched upon a bust of Pallas
The Egyptians Ask Moses to Depart
The Marriage In Cana
The Gate of Hell