Medicare Handbook 2011e
Medicare Handbook 2011e内容简介
The 2011 Medicare Handbook is the indispensable resource you need to clearly understand - and be able to advise on - Medicare's confusing rules and regulations. It has been prepared by an outstanding team of experts from the Center for Medicare Advocacy, Inc., a private, non-profit organization devoted to helping elders and people with disabilities obtain necessary healthcare. These experienced attorneys and healthcare professionals address - from the beneficiary's perspective - issues you need to master to provide effective planning advice or advocacy services, including: Medicare eligibility rules and enrollment requirements Medicare covered services, deductibles, and co-payments Co-insurance, premiums, penalties Coverage criteria for each of the programs Problem areas of concern for the advocate Grievance and appeals procedures For each topic, you'll find an extensive selection of case citations, checklists, worksheets, and other prac
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