《中国维和警察纪实》内容简介:Li Xiaofeng's story: "Rocks and sticks roared over our heads and past our shoulders. I knew it was time to resort to weapons. One of the windows had been broken open, and a young man brandishing a meter-long iron bar was leaping onto the windowsill. I grabbed the bar and easily threw him down. Then I lifted the bar and pretended to hit him. The young man scrambled away. With this initial success, I turned to other people with the iron bar. My parmer had also put down an attacker. The crowd saw how quick and determined we were. They knew it was impossible to get into the flat without defeating us. For a moment, nobody moved." During a meeting with high-ranking officers, Lian Changgang issued four orders related to the security situation in East Timor. One officer named Pick said the second order was inappropriate and asked Lian to rescind it. Lian smashed his palm.on the desk and stood up:"Nonsense!" A newly appointed Deputy Commissioher barged into Lian's office. He said that Pick was his good