英文原版引进 廊桥遗梦
英文原版引进 廊桥遗梦内容简介
What is it in a story that takes it to the New York Times Best Seller List for three years or 156 weeks? When I read this book, that was what I wanted to know. I look at the book on the shelf and think, "What was there that I just did not get?"The love story set in the 1960s is about Robert Kincaid, a renowned photographer, and a Francesca Johnson, a farm wife. The story is based on her diaries and the personal effects he had sent to her after he died.She is secluded and alone much of the time. When Robert comes to photograph the bridges, her family is away at the state fair. They are, like Romeo and Juliet, star-crossed lovers who will only remain in each other's hearts and minds for all of their life, though they only shared four days. Her diaries indicate that for about thirty years Francesca maintained the emotional contact she committed to Kincaid by seeing his photography in National Geography, news clippings, and reading the articles written about him.It is easy to be in love for four days. Anyone can.
英文原版引进 廊桥遗梦书评