The Bloody Chamber
The Bloody Chamber内容简介
A reissue of a collection of short stories first published ten years ago. They include "The Company of Wolves", on which the prize-winning film of the same name was based. Angela Carter is the author of "Nights at the Circus" and "The Magic Toyshop". --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
…my burning cheek pressed against the impeccable linen of the pillow and the pounding of my heart mimicking that of the great pistons ceaselessly thrusting the train that bore me through the night, away from Paris, away from girlhood…
But his strange, heavy, almost waxen face was not lined by experience. Rather, experience seemed to have washed it perfectly smooth, like a stone on a beach whose fissures have been eroded by successive tides.
His wedding gift, clasped round my throat. A choker of rubies, two inches wide, like an extraordinarily slit throat.
Enough! No; more!
‘My little nun has found the prayerbooks, has she?' he demanded, with a curious mixture of mockery and relish; then, seeing my painful, furious bewilderment, he laughed at me aloud, snatched the book from my hands and put it down on the sofa.
I lay in bed alone. And I longed for him. And he disgusted me.
I had the brief notion that his heart, pressed flat as a flower, crimson and thin as tissue paper, lay in this file. It was a very thin one.
The key slid into the new lock as easily as a hot knife into butter.
Time was his servant, too; it would trap me, here, in a night that would last until he came back to me, like a black sun on a hopeless morning. And yet the time might still be my friend; at that hour, that very hour, he set sail for New York.
A little green moss, growing in the crevices of the mounting block, would be the last thing I should see in all the world.
No paint nor powder, no matter how thick or white, can mask that red mark on my forehead; I am glad he cannot see it – not for fear of his revulsion, since I know he sees me clearly with his heart – but, because it spares my shame.
我们的笑容像画在脸上,永远得带着那微微、淡淡、静静的蒙娜丽莎微笑,不管情况是否令人愉快。因此猫都有点政客味道,我们微笑再微笑,人们看了就觉得我们是坏蛋。 爱这种欲望全维系于得不到满足。
然后他吻我。这次不再收敛。他吻我,一手不容抗拒地按在我乳房上,隔着那层古董蕾丝。我跌跌撞撞走上螺旋梯进入卧室,来到雕刻镀金的、他在此受孕成胎的那张床。我傻乎乎、结结巴巴地说:我们还没吃午餐呢,而且,现在是大白天呀…… 这样才好把你看得更清楚。
我向来非常爱马,他们是最高贵的动物,明智的眼中充满受伤敏感的神色,高度紧绷的臀腿充满理智克制的精力。 我是个年轻女孩,是处女,因此男人否认我有理性,就像他们也否认那些不与他们完全相同的生物有理性,这是多么没理性的态度。
她的美是她的病症,显示她没有灵魂。 他具有童贞的特殊气质,那是最为也最不暧昧模糊的一种状态:既是无知,同时却也是潜在的力量,再加上不同于无知的不知。他的所是超过自己所知…… 正是缺乏想象力,使英雄具有英雄性格。 我会消失在早晨的阳光中,我只是黑夜的发明。
一如野兽,她活在没有未来的状态,她的生活只有现在式,是持续的赋格曲,是一个充满立即感官知觉的世界,没有希望也没有绝望。 掌管变形并统御梦游者的月亮
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